these happen in the US too bro
Tyriac wrote:
Only in Britain .... Do supermarkets make sick people walk all the way to the back of the shop to get their prescriptions While healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.
Most def, the cigs are always up by the counters
when the pharmacies are all the way in the back, even at like Walgreens, which their main focus is a pharamcy
Only in Britain ... Do People order double cheeseburgers, large fries and a DIET coke.
lol, they joke about this in commercials, and tv shows, it happens... a lot.
Only in Britain ... Do we leave cars worth thousands of pounds on the drive and lock our junk and cheap lawn mower in the garage.
Most people park their cars outside where I live
and throw all their useless shit in their garrage
I do that, they can steal my car, and when their found because I report it, they'll go to jail for a few years for grand theft.
They can steal my lawnmower, thats 15 years old, and I wont even report it.
Only in Britain .... Do we use answering machines to screen calls and then have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to talk to in the first place.
I use to do this, but now I just have a cell phone, and when I dont wanna talk to someone, I just hit the ignore button
Only in Britain .... Are there disabled parking places in front of a skating rink.
Andddd! Everywhere in the US with parking spots has to have Disabled parking spots, by law. Even skating rinks.
I must admit
I did laugh
especially at the stupid things you brits did
i'm sure if you saw what americans did
you'd piss yourself, were a retarded nation =/