Items, most regarding new NMs in TOA
Balrahn's Eyepatch An eyepatch worn by the celebrated hero of legend, Balrahn. It is regarded as a sacred relic throughout the empire of Aht Urhgan.
Pandemonium Key An elaborately fashioned and ornate key used to gain passage through the Pandemonium Gate.
Monkey Wine A known favorite of the notorious hydra, Tinnin. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the three-headed beast out of hiding.
Ferrite A known favorite of the notorious Armed Gears. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the robotic monstrosity out of hiding.
Sheep Botfly A known favorite of the notorious Mamool Ja, Gotoh Zha the Redolent. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the fiend out of hiding.
Olzhiryan Cactus A known favorite of the notorious wivre, Dea. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the hulking beast out of hiding.
Senorita Pamama A known favorite of the notorious marid, Iriz Ima. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the pugnacious pachyderm out of hiding.
Oily Blood A known favorite of the notorious Lividroot Amooshah. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the dreaded malboro matron out of hiding.
Samariri Corpsehair A known favorite of the notorious poroggo, Iriri Samariri. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the nefarious amphibian out of hiding.
Hellcage Butterfly A known favorite of the notorious puk, Vulpangue. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the plague-ridden pest out of hiding.
Floral Nectar A known favorite of the notorious colibri, Chamrosh. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the winged menace out of hiding.
Rodent Cheese A known favorite of the notorious Qiqirn, Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon. Allegedlyirresistible enough to draw the cheesy hedonist out of hiding.
Buffalo Corpse A known favorite of the notorious cerberus, Sarameya. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the cantankerous canine out of hiding.
Pure Blood A known favorite of the notorious vampyr, Nosferatu. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the perpetually bloodlusting undead out of hiding.
Vinegar Pie A known favorite of the notorious troll, Khromasoul Bhurborlor. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the gigantic oaf out of hiding.
Rock Juice A known favorite of the notorious wamoura, Achamoth. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the maneating moth out of hiding.
Raw Buffalo A known favorite of the notorious dragon, Anantaboga. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the ferocious reptilian out of hiding.
Bone Charcoal A known favorite of the notorious bomb, Reacton. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the enraged explosive out of hiding.
Granulated Sugar A known favorite of the notorious flan, Dextrose. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the gelatinous blob out of hiding.
Shadeleaf A known favorite of the notorious wamoura larva, Brass Borer. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the terrifying termite out of hiding.
Pectin A known favorite of the notorious slime, Claret. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the blubbery mass out of hiding.
Cog Lubricant A known favorite of the notorious automaton, Ob. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the mechanical terror out of hiding.
Singed Buffalo A known favorite of the notorious khimaira, Tyger. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the mythic monster out of hiding.
Exorcism Treatise A known favorite of the notorious soulflayer, Mahjlaef the Paintorn. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the merciless warlock out of hiding.
Myrrh A known favorite of the notorious Experimental Lamia. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the serpentine witch out of hiding.
Rose Scampi A known favorite of the notorious orobon, Nuhn. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the foul fish out of hiding.
Opalus Gem A known favorite of the notorious acrolith, Wulgaru. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the arcane atrocity out of hiding.
M. No. 11 Molting A known favorite of the notorious Qutrub, Zareehkl the Jubilant. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the grotesque horror out of hiding.
Mint Drop A known favorite of the notorious imp, Verdelet. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the evil sorcerer out of hiding.
Golden Teeth A known favorite of the notorious skeleton, Velionis. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the bony ghoul out of hiding.
Greenling A known favorite of the notorious Lil' Apkallu. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the murderous avian out of hiding.
Spoilt Blood A known favorite of the notorious chigoe, Chigre. Allegedly irresistible enough to draw the bounding bloodsucker out of hiding.
Tinnin's Fang The lethally toxic fang of the hydra, Tinnin. It continues to drip poison from the venom ducts within.
A. Gears' Fragment A mechanical fragment taken from the disassembled remains of the menacing Armed Gears. It appears to be a generator designed for providing large quantities of power.
G. Zha's Necklace Neckware of the Mamool Ja, Gotoh Zha the Redolent. Forever imbued with the indelible scent of its owner, it can be equipped by none other.
Dea's Horn Taken from the nasal protrusion of the massive wivre Dea, this imposing horn is perfectly adapted for impaling unwary targets.
Iriz Ima's Hide The thick, tough hide of Iriz Ima. Its durability is a testament to its capacity to protect the marid against most forms of predation.
Amoosh.'s Tendril A wreathing, vinelike tendril amputated from the malboro Lividroot Amooshah. The meandering of the vine makes it seem to continue to move, even in death.
Iriri Samariri's Hat The perfectly form-fit hat of poroggo Iriri Samariri. Tailor-made to an amphibious head, it cannot and will not adorn the typical adventurer noggin.
Vulpangue's Wing A wing clipping taken from the puk, Vulpangue. Its lightness and thinness belie both its strength and durability.
Chamrosh's Beak The razor-sharp beak of the colibri Chamrosh, capable of easily tearing apart the flesh of most any creature.
Gigiroon's Cape The cape and cowl of Qiqirn, Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon. Fit to the unique form of a Qiqirn body, it cannot be donned by people, and reeks of cheese.
Sarameya's Hide The tough, near-impenetrable hide of Sarameya, one of the few known extant members of the cerberus family.
Nosferatu's Claw Plunged into its victims and then licked clean of the dripping blood, this clawed appendage of the vampyr Nosferatu still possesses a tangible eeriness.
Bblr.'s Vambrace The solid and well-worn plate armguard once donned by the troll, Khromasoul Bhurborlor. As with all troll armor, it is far too cumbersome to be worn by even the strongest of people.
Acham.'s Antenna An antenna taken from the fallen wamoura, Achamoth. This tentacular appendage is adept at detecting even invisible and silent prey.
Anantaboga's Heart The enormous heart of the dragon, Anantaboga. It is still saturated through and through with foul reptilian blood.
Reacton's Ashes The smoldering remains of the bomb, Reacton. Despite the passage of time, the cinders retain their immense heat.
Dextrose's Blubber The blubberous flesh of the flan, Dextrose. It jiggles incessantly, even when at rest.
B. Borer's Cocoon A cutting taken from the elaborate cocoon spun by the larval wamoura, Brass Borer.
Claret Globule A tiny blob of gelatinous flesh hacked from the body of the slime, Claret.
Ob's Arm A technologically advanced automaton arm, salvaged from the dismantled remains of Ob.
Tyger's Tail Cleaved from the ferocious khimaira, Tyger, this once lethal tail is wielded in both whipping and stabbing motions.
Mahjlaef's Staff Too great in power and size to be wielded by people, this wicked staff of the soulflayer Mahjlaef the Paintorn is no doubt responsible for the deaths of countless adventurers.
Ex. Lamia Armband Decorative and protective armware of Experimental Lamia. It inexplicably resists being equipped on the arm of any other.
Nuhn's Esca The bioluminescent, bulbous sac of the oboron, Nuhn. The light is used to attract unsuspecting prey in the dark depths of cold waters.
Wulgaru's Head The severed head of the acrolith, Wulgaru. It was once animated by a most malicious arcane presence.
Zrkl.'s Neckpiece Necklace formerly worn by the Qutrub, Zareehkl the Jubilant. It is not suited to dress the neck of any other individual.
Verdelet's Wing The detached, fleshy wing of the imp, Verdelet. Either by some latent magic, or simply remaining nerves, it twitches periodically.
Velionis' Bone A shard of blackened bone taken from the remains of the wicked skeleton, Velionis.
Lil' Apkallu's Egg A shiny egg laid by Lil' Apkallu. The pale green hue of the eggshell is an unmistakable sign.
Chigre The complete and well-preserved corpse of arguably the rarest member of the chigoe family, Chigre.
Eastern Ginger An eastern variety of ginger valued for its sharp, refreshing aroma. Believed in the East to possess divine powers of protection, lending to its common usage as a design motif in many coats of arms.
Meta. Balsam A fragrant oil rumored to possess aromas so potent they can alter the very personalities of those who smell them.
Meta. Perfume A fragrant perfume rumored to possess aromas so potent they can alter the very personalities of those who smell them.
Gigas Helm The huge headwear of a full-grown Gigas. Incapable of being equipped by any other race, the helmet is designed as much for inducing fear in the enemy as protecting the head of its wearer.
Gigas Gauntlets The massive gauntlets worn by armored Gigas. Far too large or heavy to be worn by people, the lack of skill in craftsmanship is compensated for by sheer enormity and ruggedness.
Dark Ixion Horn The twisted and contorted horn wrested from the head of Dark Ixion. It emits an alluring yet lackluster shine of foreboding blackness.
Dark Ixion Tail The plush, full tail of Dark Ixion. Despite the ominous aura of evil still surrounding the fine hairs, their innate beauty is undeniable.
Last edited by Mertron on Mon Jun 09, 2008 9:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.