Barack Hussein Obama.
It's his name, right?
I was thinking this last night, after I watched the video and actually ended up endeered by the fact that he could, if he wanted to, have changed his name by depoll to something common, like John Wayne or David Palmer. The fact that everyone is banging on about his name is the same kind of arguement one could have about his skin tone - Do you want a Black President with Muslamic names?
Anyone who considers his name alone a reason for him to be dismissed is just plain racist, IMO. Why? Because it's no different from his skin tone. Black people often argue that they were dealt that hand, or that they had no say in what they look like when they were born, not anymore than anyone else in the world. Same can be said of his Name. He didn't pick it, his parents did. Why judge him on his name alone, slipping in Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden comments whenever you can? It's just retarded. What if Saddam's surmane was Tush, or it was Flinton Bin Laden? Would you be making the same snide comments about Hillary and Bush then?
The comments about his name are just childish and stupid, and are no reason to dismiss him as a potential candidate.
Swieter wrote:
btw if you dont know, Obamas full name is Barack Hussein Obama..... HUSSEIN wtf. Wont say the pledge of allegiance, his wife was never patriotic til her husband ran for president, and he has no real experience.
Let the debating proceed!
Safer's surname is Hussein. Are you going to wtf him as well?