Cookies need to be renewed, have fun logging back in.
That being said, this forum has been through SO MUCH SHIT.
- Migrated from Digitalgeek
- Scorsese got hacked and someone deleted everything
- Tried to restore those posts out of an old backup, but somehow, indexing got messed up (still is, but works
- Custom code modifications of which 75% aren't working (but still exist)
- At some point, restored lost usertables but doubled all the internal reflinks by accident (it's still like that, every user exists twice in the database, but not all of the data is there... board still works)
- Moved servers and failed (thrice)
- Several code updates from phpbb, all of them broke something in the database which I manually fixed...
It's a surprise that this forum is still running somehow. I cannot update the version anymore (destroys memberlist permissions), the internal backup function is useless (backs up unrestorable junk) and - some people may remember - the "Test user's permissions" link destroys the own user completely (still does).
At least I don't have to fear losing anything anymore, the forum is now on a machine with automatic backup, instead of a physically unaccessible machine buried under tons of cables in a secret place no one knows about!