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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:51 am 
Random Man
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I never played the first 2, but PC people seem to be in love with those two games (best rpgs ever etc?).

Gameplay Part1 Part2 Downtown DC part1 Downtown DC part2 (I really liked this one. It's like playing a game of bewitched, leave it to beaver, or something. I like that setting, and the 50's-60's).

Today is lazy day so you get a nice short post. No pictures either. Sef will go crazy over this awesome simplicity.

Last edited by Ploid on Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:41 am 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:10 pm 

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it does look nice, but does it still have the same RPG elements as the last 2?

fyi (for those who have never played fallout 1&2) your stats in those gamed determined how your character could interact with others. for example, if you made a char that had very low int, then you'd be a retard, barely able to communicate with others and most people would treat you like shit (not to mention you'd miss a lot of quests just because). if you made a char with high chr, then it becomes easy to get girls to like you etc etc. Also each lvl up would allow you to put feat points, and if you picked the right ones you could easy break the game (fallout 2: put all points in h2h damage % and martial arts/def/hp+ and you could punch the last boss to death naked without even having a weapon equiped)

having those rpg elements is what made the games so much fun, because the world was so well developed and chatting with npc was so different with every char that it was like playing several diff games (not to mention the writing was witty and overall really well done.) if they removed those aspects from the game, then it just wouldn't be the same :/

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:05 pm 
Random Man
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I shall find out soon enough. I didn't buy it because it's by the oblivion people, and I think the graphics look bleh. Also I hear there are a lot of glitches and problems with freezing for every little thing (tipical oblivion but worse). I hope my PS3 survive as some people broke theirs by turning off the game when it froze (ok they pulled the plug while it was locked and still on. Bad idea).

Almost forgot to smear out the zipcode and such.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:14 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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ou la la
look who gets first-class mail while all of us honest joes only get second class
you make me sick


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:19 pm 
Random Man
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Wait till you see my summer mansion!

It's an apartment but I call it a mansioN!

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:47 pm 
Random Man
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Hay man, I like this game so far. Shock. The NPCs aren't so robotic and same sounding so far. They look good and less like everyone mated with their cousins like oblivion. Looking and playing good so far. It really feel like an adventure. I like when I steal stuff my conscious get to me when that karma symbol show up with the haunting sound and the mean look on the pepboy's face.

The VATs system isn't as jaring as I thought it would be. It's like ATB in ffxi games. If you have enough of that AB meter you can use vats. If not you can wing it and try to aim and shoot/punch. This beats random encounters, or the game loading a fight arena when you find something to fight.

Now about those enemies. There seem to be a lack of enemies in the world, just like Oblivion. I want more to fight! I might record a video or something. Where's that tripod.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 10:01 pm 
Random Man
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A pimp's mog house. :orly: (Note the workbench on the right. Custom gear/s weapons!)


I highly recommend renting this game. I'll see how the rest of the game is but so far so good.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:37 pm 
Goblin Smithy

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what system do you think it would be "best" for? I think ps3 is the only one that isn't going to get frequent updates or something?


the true story of six motherfuckin strangers bein put in a motherfuckin house and have their motherfuckin lives taped

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 1:42 am 
Juggernaut Search & Rescue
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it sux.

Dead Space wins.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:56 am 
Random Man
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I'm getting dead space next. Fallout 3 is amazing and very long though. I can see myself doing stupid stuff in it. Dead Space is linear, they are different games. I can't wait to try Dead Space and I'll like it for another reason. They can both get my lub.

Fallout 3 runs at 60fps +, and 3294x34957 resolution on PC, and there's possibility of mods.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:49 am 
K-Fed Stunt Double
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I got myself a gamefly membership last month since I don't have time for ffxi lately. I ordered and beat mass effect. Just got kane and lynch last week, I havnt played it yet. Should I get this game next? I'm not a really big game buff when it comes to seeing what's coming out. I like fps, sports, action/puzzle(resident evil type shit), driving games and some rpg games as long as they aren't all cartoony like blue dragon and shit.

Give me some recommendations! Oh, xbox360 onry


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 6:58 pm 
Juggernaut Search & Rescue
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dead space runs at full on my PC and i get almost 90 fps which is amazing <.<... the friggin game actually startled me while playing.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:56 pm 
Random Man
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Yea, Dead Space looks creepy, and from what I see it takes the throne from Resident Evil. Although Silent hills 1-3 are darn scary. Silent hill is in it's own category. RE turned into a joke as far as horror goes, and now it's fumbling with catching up with controls. You cant walk and shoot? Come on.

I made a video of Fallout 3. I was killing Ant's family. Sorry about that bro.

Oh and sorry for the compression, and the voices at the end. I would have told them to shut up but I was creating a masterpiece and I had headphones on so I didn't hear. I picked compact video on the camera because I thought it would be good for youtube. Turned out it wasn't, it was thumbnail size.

At around 1:45 two of them started fighting against each other.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:58 am 
Random Man
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Tried to do another vid and got screwed with background noise again. It's like the camera's mic is picking up everything but what's in front of it. I'll have to do videos when it's not the weekend and there's less traffic in the living room (tv is smaller in the other rooms).

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:44 pm 
Random Man
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Ok after spending even more time with it I have to say, this game is amazing. It's awesome, and so much better than oblivion. I'm not sure if enemies scale but that don't matter. Things are challenging, and never too easy, or too hard. You got a ton of ways to fight, and being a certain way effect your options when talking to people.

You can cut out a lot of goose chasing if you have a lot of charisma for example. The wife that can't tell you exactly where the person you're looking for will buckle her knees after your silky smooth words make her do what you want. Instead of following a tip on a person that may tell you, you get the direct location, and a key to open the door.

I like the leveling system so far. You get exp by killing stuff, and doing quests. The hacking stuff sucks though. I just save before I touch a computer and choose a word until I get the correct one. At first I hated the lock picking, but it's better than in oblivion after I learned what was going on. I'm not much of a thief because I feel guilty each time that music and that frowning face show up when I steal stuff. My sneaking skill is very low as a result. Also I don't think you skill up by using the skill. Instead each time you level up you get a pool of points to pour into said skills. It's alright this way I guess. Level cap is like 20 or 30 though :\

There are really a ton of way to play this game from what I see. A lot of perks, skills, and such. It's easy to do whatever you want and effect things. I never played a fallout game before and I'm liking this even though I ended up hating Oblivion. The voice work is very good, the characters look nice, and everything is just well done. If you look at my last youtube you can see me stumbling with fighting. I laid mines down to soften those raiders up (you are warned about those guys over the radio a lot. "Don't surrender to them. They'll just shoot you anyway").

That brings up another thing, there are a lot of interesting things going on. People want to kill you sometimes (I didn't blow up the city of Megaton, so the guy that I agreed to do the act with sent out hitmen to kill me), you run into the wrong gangs, and if you are a bad character authority/bounty hunters are happy to take a shot at you.

Long story short. The ideas in Oblivion done right. Plus a lot of weapons and VATs. Sweet sweet VATs. I learned not to depend on Vats now though. The FPS shooting controls in the game isn't as good as a real fps game though.

Edit: Some videos of fallout 3 gameplay and crazy stuff.

Fun on Tenpenny Tower (high class hotel. Lots of money in it)

Tenpenny nuke of the city of Megaton (someone went through with it), and a Tenpenny massacre. ... re=related

More Tenpenny mayhem. ... re=related

A brotherhood of steel raid. ... re=related

Bounty hunters ambush. ... re=related

Did I mention that this game get's my seal of approval?

Some guy doing a complete walkthrough of fallout 3.

Edit: I forgot to mention little things like the repair system.

The best thing about repair is that it's very meaningful and important, which only makes the skills system deeper since you have to decide where to sink your points into. You can have the greatest piece of armor or weapon, but if the durability on it is very low, the damage output will be minimal unless you repair it (or have it repaired, which can be at a huge price). This can have big impact with weapons like the minigun. You can repair that weapon and see yourself getting a boost of +10 damage from it.

I saw this somewhere, and I was passing up this skill quite a bit. So much to juggle. Science to be able to access computers (which give you exp if you hack them), weapon classes, intelligence (gain more exp, and not seem stupid when you talk to people), etc etc.

Everyone on these forums have access to play Fallout 3 most likely. Get it! I'll be buying this after I send it back to gamefly.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 1:05 am 
Random Man
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Don't think about it. Buy it!


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 11:43 pm 
Norwegian Bombshell
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Shades + Fishnet + AK = WIN


 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:47 am 
Random Man
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lol Pwn Sure. The characters in this game look so much more better than Oblivion.

 Post subject: Re: Fallout 3
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:41 pm 
Random Man
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Big image sorry.






Not my picture. I have a awesome black dude, and I can't take direct screen grabs (yet!).

My dude now has power armor training. I have a 80+ repair skill, and I stalk people in power armor as they travel. Waiting for them to fight stuff
and die so I can take their armor without losing karma haha. This game is a blast. So perfect!

Did I say buy this game yet? If not... DO IT! PC, XBOX360, PS3. PS3 version has bugs and won't get dlc (I usually don't buy those dlc things. I hate
subscriptions, but at least I can still play a game I bought if I decide not to pay the fee). The PC version gets you these visuals on the pictures in
this post, at 2500x3420342 resolution (I don't know the exact), and 60fps (or more fps depending on your hardware).

If you only have a wii... yea your bad.

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