EXP burn. Literally.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoEbmGm_MNk4 special ops + 1 medic + 1 burning car = super fast exp
See the special ops throw the medic ammo, which he use to cure bomb them, and when he cure them he get exp for healing their lost exp. The car do'nt stop burning so as long as you got a few spec ops friends you can get super fast exp as a medic.
Oh and I saw a decked out tank today. The dude got so much exp and he was a beast in the fights. I think his armor allow him to use less bullets because i didn't have to give him too much ammo. I wish all tanks were like that. I look froward to getting a high level tank like that. Looks so pimp. All I seen for spec ops was a black backpack
. I saw a high level medic with a ghost busters like back pack for his cure stream.
Level 1......................Phoenix (Weapon)
Level 1......................Ring of Life (Berserk)
Level 2......................M5A2 Carbine (Weapon)
Level 4......................Chloroform (Berserk)
Level 6......................Kinetic Gloves
Level 8 .....................High Density Bioplasm Chamber
Level 10....................Rossmore 238 (Weapon)
Level 12....................Phoenix Ash (Berserk)
Level 12....................Air Fuel Gernade (Weapon: Gernade)
Level 14....................Bioplasm Tracking Tech
Level 16....................Assault Pack
Level 18....................HE .44 Magnum (Weapon)
Level 22....................Bio-amp Scope
Level 24....................Voltaic Body Armor
Level 26....................Leech Barrel
Level 28....................V7 Splicer (Weapon)
Level 30....................Psychokinetic Helmet
Level 1......................HVAP Wraith (Weapon)
Level 1......................Ironheart (Berserk)
Level 2......................Roosemore (Weapon)
Level 4......................Overload (Berserk)
Level 6......................Kinetic Gloves
Level 8......................High Capacity Ammo Belt
Level 10....................Auger (Weapon)
Level 12....................Air Fuel Grenades (Weapon: Grenades)
Level 12....................Backlash (Berserk)
Level 14....................Advanced Timing Motor
Level 16....................Assault Pack
Level 18....................Bullseye (Weapon)
Level 22....................Titianium Barrels
Level 24....................Voltaic Body Armor
Level 26....................Precision Scope
Level 28....................Laark (Weapon)
Level 30....................Psychokinetic Helmet
Spec Ops
Level 1.....................Marksmen (Weapon)
Level 1.....................Prototype Ammo (Berserk)
Level 2.....................Bullseye Mark I (Weapon)
Level 4.....................Invisiblity (Berserk)
Level 6.....................Kinetic Gloves
Level 8.....................High Density Ammo Chamber
Level 10...................Proximity Mines (Weapon)
Level 12...................Snake Eyes (Berserk)
Level 12...................L23 Fareye (Weapon)
Level 14...................Shock Suppressor
Level 16...................Assault Pack
Level 18...................Auger (Weapon)
Level 22...................Hawkeye Scope
Level 24...................Voltaic Body Armor
Level 26...................Mag-Propulsion Barrel
Level 28...................Bellock (Weapon)
Level 30...................Psychokinetic Helmet
I'm level 10 Special Ops now. I'm not sure how effective the mines are but you only get 2, with a cool down of about 30 seconds or less (spec ops leak ammo like red mages leak mp when they have refresh up). I need to make a sprint to level 18 for auger, fareye would be neat but the marksman is a good far ranged weapon. Level 28 will be interesting with Bellock (grenade launcher and flame spitter alt).
Btw Spec Ops is the only way to be black in this game. I guess that's why I gravitated towards it.
Spec Ops Level 1:MarksmenThe modified Chimeran sniper rifle fires multiple ion bursts across great
distances. Its secondary fire shoots out electrostatic orbs that damage
all nearby enemies.
Level 1: Prototype Ammo
Creates ammo kits containing advanced prototype ammunition one of which is
instantly given to the berserker. This ammo inflicts additional damage
for the durration of the berserk and also refills all primary and
secondary munitions.
Level 2: BullseyeThe chimeran Battle rifle shoots homing tags that cause subsequent shots to
hit the tagged target. Use the secondary fire to shoot a homing flag
then finish off the target with the primary fire.
Level 4: Invisibility BerserkRenders the Player invisible unless taking dame or interacting with a switch or console.
Level 6: Kinetic GlovesThe spec ops Kinetic Gloves give you faster reload on all weapons.
Level 8: High Density Ammo ChamberThe High Density Ammo Chamber increases the Marksman's capacity for both primary and secondary ammunition.
Level 10: Proximity MinesThe Proximity Mines are planted and detonate upon enemy presence near the mine.
Level 10: Electrostatic Orbs Bonus 1The Electrostatic Orbs Bonus makes the orbs last longer then they previously did.
Level 12: L23 FareyeThe L23 Fareye sniper rifle chambers a .303 Mk 10 round with a muzzle
velocity of 3400 feet per second. With its combination of power and
accuracy it is currently the most effective long range weapon in the
Level 12: Snake EyesPlayer gets to fire two charges from the Pulse Cannon . When the berserk is
activated the Pulse Cannon will be equipped until those shots are fired.
Level 14: Shock SupressorThe Shock Supressor reduces the Marksman's recoil and allows faster bursts of fire.
Level 16: Assault PackThe spec ops Assault Pack increases the number of ammunition clips and grenades you can carry for all weapons.
Level 18: AugerThe Chimera assault rifle is capable of firing through solid walls. Its
thermal imaging technology allows you to see hidden enemies. The
secondary fire deploys a force barrier that protects you from enemy
Level 20: Electrostatic Orbs Bonus 2The Electrostatic orbs will now last longer then previously did.
Level 22: Hawkeye ScopeThe Hawkeye scope attachment gives the Marksmen increased accuracy and magnification when aiming.
Level 24: Voltaic Body ArmorThe spec ops Voltaic Body Armor absorbs incoming projectile energy which boosts ammo regeneration.
Level 26: Mag-Propulsion BarrelThe Mag-Propulsion Barrel uses an internal copper coil to create a magnetic
impulse that stabilizes and accelerates the bullet. This results in
increased range and higher head shot damage.
Level 28: BellockThe Bellock fires a self-detonating canister of pressurized explosives. THe
secondary fire launches a napalm charge that ignites on contact setting
fire to anything in its blast radius.
Level 30: Psychokinetic HelmetThe Psychokinetic Helmet increases the durration of all our berserks.
Soldier Level 1: HVAP WraithThe HVAP Wraith is capable of firing 1200 rounds per minute. Its secondary
fire deploys a portable force barrier that shields you from enemy
Level 1: IronheartReduces enemy damage to the player significantly for duration of berserk.
Level 2: Rossmore 238
The Rossmore 238 double-barreled combat shotgun is designed for
close-quarters warfar. The secondary fire uses both barrels for an even
more powerful attack.
Level 4: OverloadOnce activated the berserk will last for 24 seconds and upon dealth or
experation of time, it will detonate the person, though it wont result
in a death for that person.
Level 6: Kinetic GlovesThe soldiers Kinetic Gloves give you faster reload on all weapons.
Level 8: High Capasity Ammo BeltThe High Capasity Ammo Belt increases the Wraith's ammo capacity.
Level 10: AugerThe Chimera assault rifle is capable of firing through solid walls. Its
thermal imaging technology allows you to see hidden enemies. The
secondary fire deploys a force barrier that protects you from enemy
Level 10: Shield Bonus 1The Shield Bonus 1 will now make it so that the shield is larger and has 20 more shield ammo.
Level 12: BacklashThe damage taken by the soldiers shield is then returned to that enemy that shot it as damage done.
Level 12: Air Fuel GrenadesThe Air Fuel Grenade creates a cloud of gas that ignites in a firey blast.
Level 14: Advanced Timing MotorThe Advanced Timing Motor allows the Wraith to spin up faster and tightens its bullet spread.
Level 16: Assault PackThe soldier's Assault Pack increases the number of ammunition clips and grenades you can carry for all weapon types.
Level 18: BullseyeThe Chimeran Battle rifle shoots homing tags that cause subsequent shots to
hit the tagged target. Use the secondary fire to shoot a homing flag
then finish off the target with the primary fire.
Level 20: Shield Bonus 2Shield bonus 2 makes it so that the shield is larger then before and it has an additional 20 more shield ammo
Level 22: Titanium BarrelsThe Titanium Barrels upgrade gives the Wraith increased damage and a longer range of effectiveness.
Level 24: Voltaic Body ArmorThe soldiers Voltaic Body Armor absorbs incoming damage and converts it into voltage that charges your force barrier.
Level 26: Precision ScopeThe Precision Scope increases the Wraith's accuracy and range.
Level 28: LaarkArocket launcher that shoots rockets that as an alternate fire can be
turned into 20-30 mini-rockets that seek the nearest enemy.
Level 30: Psychokinetic HelmetThe Psychokinetic Helmet increases the durration of all our berserks.
Medic Level 1: PhoenixThe Phoenix shoots a steady ray of energy that heals the carrier, but also
transforms this energy into a healing burst that can be used on others
Level 1: Ring of LifeThe Ring of Life provides healing regeneration in an area. Place them strategically to help fortify a position.
Level 2: M5A2 CarbineThe M5A2 Folsom Carbine is the standard issue assault rifle for the
Sentinel program. It has a rapid automatic fire and a 40mm rocket
propelled greade as its secondary fire..
Level 4: ChloroformThe Chloroform berserk when activated paralyzes the infilcted enemy.
Level 6: Kinetic GlovesThe Medic's Kinetic Gloves give you faster reload on all weapons. They also
increase the energy drained from enemies with the Phoenix.
Level 8: High Density Bioplasm ChamberThis upgrade allows the Phoenix to store more bioplasm energy. This results in more secondary fire shots that can heal allies.
Level 10: Rossmore 238The Rossmore 238 double-barreled combat shotgun is designed for
close-quarters warfar. The secondary fire uses both barrels for an even
more powerful attack
Level 10: Phoenix Bonus 1Phoenix primary beam will jump to 1 additional enemy,
Level 12: Phoenix Ash.The Phoenix Ash allows the medic to revivel themselves after dying
Level 14: Bioplasm Tracking TechThis upgrade to the Phoenix allows its healing bioplasm projectiles to better track toward allied targets
Level 16: Assault PackThe Medic's Assault Pack allows more grenades and more clips for alternate
weapons. It also increases the medic's health regeneration when
attacking enemies with the Phoenix.
Level 18: HE.44 MagnumThe HE.44 Magnum is a close range chimeran pistol that shoots exploding bursts when detonated by alternate fire button.
Level 20: Phoenix Bonus 2The Phoenix Bonus 2 makes it so that the beam will jump to one more additional enemy
Level 22: Bio-amp ScopeThis upgrade increases the aiming range of the Phoenix and also broadens the range of healing effects for the secondary fire.
Level 24: Voltaic Body ArmorThe Medic's Voltaic Body Armor absorbs incoming damage and converts it into voltage that charges your Phoenix's bioplasm energy.
Level 26: Leech BarrelThe Leech Barrel upgrade increases the Phoenix's range and its damage to enemies.
Level 28: V7 SplicerThe V7 Splicer fires razor-sharp blades, slicing through anything
unfortunate enough to be on the recieving end. Its secondary mode locks
the spinning blade in the chamber, allowing a supercharged blade
attack. (DOT damage over time secondary)
Level 30: Psychokinetic HelmetThe Psychokinetic Helmet increases the durration of all our berserks.
Level 10: Electrostatic Orbs Bonus 1
The Electrostatic Orbs Bonus makes the orbs last longer then they previously did.
I didn't know I got longer lasting orbs. Nice. Should help me get faster exp.
Level 18: Auger
The Chimera assault rifle is capable of firing through solid walls. Its
thermal imaging technology allows you to see hidden enemies. The
secondary fire deploys a force barrier that protects you from enemy
Shoot man, I forgot about Auger's shield. With that I won't be depending on the Soldier's shield so much like a pet rat that spit out ammo.
I need to do a old ffxi 3hr exp burn session to get some spec ops levels. >< I get so many silly parties and tanks that yell out "I need some Ammo!" piss me off. I'm on a stinkin timer, and I keep tapping O like no tomorrow to dish out the crack. So much like refresh addicts.
DING level 11. 1 more to go for new shiny.
I wonder whats so awesome about 2 shots of the Pulse Cannon. It would have to be way awesome for me to get rid of my invisible hide3. I love using that and going behind a group of enemies and just empty all of my ammo in them while remaining hidden. It also keeps me alive when I'm in trouble. This better be some seriously powerful stuff.
I'm still not looking froward to fareye much (sniper rifle. Yes like marksman but marksman has a useful alt fire, and rapid weaker shots). It's 2am dang. This is not gewd.