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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:20 am 
Random Man
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Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Table of Contents
1: Assassin's Solid. A spoof video of the Assassin's Creed Altair skin in MGS4 created by Konami, and Ubisoft.

2: Metal Gear Online ß (beta)

3: (New) MGS4: 10 years of MGS video. Metal Gear Solid 4 engine Shadow Moses footage.

4: Metal Gear Solid 4 previews. Several journalists were given the chance to play through MGS4 and write about it.

5. Metal Gear Solid reviews.

6. Theatrical Trailer, and new images. The opening video to mgs4 is out there somewhere but I wasn't sure about posting it here. I haven't watched it yet. There was a 40min play through of mgs4 at the event, not sure what site has the vid.

7. This thread is now a screen shot thread. Not media screen shots but screen shots taken in game with the use of the camera item. Have at you!


Assassin's Solid. New gameplay vid from MGS4, assassin creed skin.


Another CS but not related to Assassin's Solid. New cam vid of a MGS4 scene. So much emotions, and you can see the flashback mini game in there.

Another vid. Yea I'm going to be playing through MGS3 and 1 soon.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:28 am 
Black Thumb
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Put my deposit down on Metal Gear 4 today. Got a DVD for $5 and the ability to register for the Beta of the online version. Gamecrazy, whom I hate, was actually super cool today. I went in for a USB headset and they offered me that, as well as a payment plan on MGS. $5/week until it comes out and then I can just go pick it up for "free" when they come in before everyone else. Good game.

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 9:22 pm 
Random Man
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I'm now 80% on the MGO patch. I'm going to try to get a code somehow from the Europe version of the beta. Yes, I will disguise myself as a European. I need a euro address. I would have pre-ordered mgs4 but the only game I pre-ordered was street fighter anniversary. I was able to get it in a regular store before my preorder was in. I live in a place where I was able to walk in a wal-mart and get ps2 no problem at launch, without lines and such. Good old Mississippi.

MGO seems awesome, the manual is pretty detailed on the things that's possible in the game.

There is a mode where someone will be chosen to be solid snake (old snake) and everyone else will be a soldier trying to capture snake, or prevent snake from infiltrating a base of some sort.


Beta starts in a few hours. Trying to register for a konami ID is darn hard. The site is broken. There's a trick to registering for a konami ID in the website's current state though. You need this id to participate in the beta. Can't use PSN it seems. The site has a problem where if you take 2 seconds or so you won't be able to move to the next form to fill out. A page saying that due to idle time, the page was terminated. So here's the trick to doing it in the current broken website form.

Step 1. Go to accounts management and put in the code under "redeem promotional codes".

Step 2. Download the beta.

Step 3. While the beta is downloading, get Firefox on your computer and download this module:

Step 4. Go to and take a deep breath.

Step 5. Click on the register now button, enter your birthday and country of origin. Go to Edit -> Autoform and click "save all forms". Then hit next. If it boots you out, click register again, then immediately click next (as the forms will already be filled).

Step 6. Click-click-click I agree through the damn disclaimer.

Step 7. Take another deep breath. Fill out all of the information here.


-Konami ID has to have at least one number or one of the punctuation they say on the right. Make sure that you don't repeat a number more than twice in a row (they missed that in the translation). All letters lowercase, more than 8 characters. Think of it as an e-mail address or something.

-Password for Konami ID has to have at least one number in it, more than 8 characters.

-Konami Game ID - can't be the same as your Konami ID. Make sure it has one number or punctuation like the Konami ID. Same thing as above.

-Password for Konami ID - only numbers, think of it as a bank pin number or something.

IMPORTANT: Before hitting next, make sure you hit Edit on the menu bar and say "save all fields" again.

Step 8: More deep breaths, as it will inevitably kick you out and force you to start over. Except with the auto former, everything is already filled out when you get to the page! Congrats!

Step 9: Keep clicking next next next until you get through, and check your e-mail for a link to click and confirm.

Step 10: By this time the beta should be done downloading. Install it on your PS3 and launch it.

Step 11: Click through the menus and get to the patch screen. Use Peer to Peer, and if you think you have UPNP, keep it check. If you don't know, I'd uncheck it, personally. Start the download.

Step 12: Turn off your TV. Go have a happy, fun day with a significant other/yourself.

Step 13: Come back from happyfuntime. Take a deep breath. Turn on your TV. If it says "done", then make a happy happy joy face and skip Step 14.

If it says "network error", then use the PS button to quit, launch the game again, and do step 11. It will resume the download from where it finished last time.

Step 14: Repeat steps 11-13 until it finishes downloading.

Step 15: Have a nice martini, stumble and put a hole through your plasma television.

Complete the above, and you'll be all set!

I don't even think I'm able to get a ID due to my browser just loading too slow causing the idle problem before I'm even able to hit the next/continue button.

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 9:52 am 
Random Man
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Found a alternate source. You can download the file, or watch a stream of it by following this single link.

My gawd. I'm going to pre order this I think. I don't wan't the situation I had with GTA4 where I couldn't find the game and had to travel a long way for it.

I started boo'ing hard when the 2D part showed up, then I boo'ed harder when I realized it was Smash Brothers. I thought that was it and I got rickrolled. Then she appeared :love: the beautiful new mgs4 version of Shadow Moses. Hott stuff. If they remade mgs with these graphics, and mgs4's added gameplay mechanics, I'd buy it.


It begins with... well, we can't tell you how Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots begins. We can't, and we won't. Can't, because we promised Konami we wouldn't; having generously granted us three days to play through the whole thing, the publisher is understandably paranoid about spoilers, with the game still six weeks from release. Won't, because we want you to feel exactly the same delicious, hair-raising mix of bemused awe and shock-of-the-new that we did when you turn it on for the first time. Metal Gear Solid 4, it is instantly apparent, is special. It's not like other games.

That's not quite true, of course. There are a handful of other games it is like: its three predecessors, and, to some extent, the PSP's Portable Ops. Like its gruff hero Solid Snake, the series has always preferred to work alone. It may have been tremendously influential in establishing stealth gameplay, but none have ever dared imitate its bizarre and occasionally awkward blend of cinema and videogames, sneaking and soap opera, conspiracy and sex, bombast and self-deprecation, self-referential silliness and deadly earnest seriousness.

You couldn't even if you tried. And on this occasion, in a heroic effort to draw a line for once and all under Snake's story and give the Metal Gear Solid series the grand finale it deserves, Hideo Kojima and his team really have outdone themselves. 'Extravagant' doesn't cover it. Nor do 'dramatic', 'spectacular', 'sentimental', 'surprising', 'long-winded', 'final', 'painstaking' or 'polished'. Guns of the Patriots is Metal Gear Solid in excelsis.

Anyone who's familiar with the series - and any less than a rabid fan - will know that this is a mixed blessing. You have to put up with a lot to appreciate the fruits of Kojima's very personal and stubborn brand of auteur genius. This was never more true than it is of Metal Gear Solid 4. You have to subvert or repress many of your natural gaming instincts to safely negotiate its coldly exacting gameplay, and you have to leave the pad untouched through hour after hour of exposition and sermonising in cut-scenes and codec conversations. The latter take up a quite staggering proportion of the game's length; think the infamous MGS2: Sons of Liberty, and you won't be far wrong.


However, that's not the whole story. These cinematic episodes take on a different character in MGS4. For starters, they're all - with the exception of some fried eggs - rendered in real time by the game engine, allowing for some extremely slick transitions as the camera slips down to Snake's shoulder and plunges you into the scene.

Only once you appreciate this do you understand what a great visual achievement the game is, because only in the cut-scenes do you get close enough to truly appreciate how flawless, gorgeous and magnetically charismatic the in-game character models are, how exquisitely animated and well-rooted in their world. Yes, some textures are surprisingly low-resolution; yes there are aliasing issues and flickering shadows. But overall, Guns of the Patriots is handsome, moody and achingly cool, a real swoon-inducing matinee idol of a game. There's some terrific music, too.

Cut-scenes are also spiced with a little light interactivity. We discussed the flashback button on X, which gives fuzzy memory-flashes of moments in Metal Gears past when prompted, in our last preview. At other times, L1 provides a quick snap to an alternative, or first-person camera perspective. At one point in the first level, a drop of blood lands on Snake's shoulder, he looks up, and L1 gives you a startling close-quarters look at a Gekko - MGS4's terrifying breed of bioengineered, lowing bipedal mechs - with a soldier's corpse in its feelers.


Then there is the mission briefing that comes after the end of the game's first act. Taking place aboard Otacon's transport aircraft - effectively a base for the shy scientist and Snake, accompanied by child genius Sunny from MGS2 - this twenty-minute epic of plot exposition and subtle character development allows you to switch at will between a cinematic camera, the plane's CCTV circuit and a camera on board the Metal Gear Mk II, Otacon's remote-control robot alter ego. The Mk II can even be controlled, scooting around inside the cut-scene itself to find secrets or observe the tiny behavioural details of "off-camera" characters.

The mission briefing is a kind of interactive entertainment that only Hideo Kojima could have come up with. It's pointless and overlong but also a strangely spellbinding kind of downtime for player and writers alike, giving the game's characters time to breathe with some gentle comic interplay and moments of tenderness, and bridging the gap between cut-scene and game. You might end up frustrated with the amount of time you spend just watching Metal Gear Solid 4, but its cinematic side is so deeply embedded in the game this time that it makes for a much more coherent whole.

It's also smoother and easier to get along with - if not exactly more forgiving - when it's fully interactive. As we've mentioned before, Guns of the Patriots is the first MGS designed from the ground up for a free third-person camera and twin-stick controls, and we're happy to report that the sticky sluggishness we first experienced has been tuned out. This is now a crisp and satisfying game to manipulate, even using auto-aim, although you'll quickly abandon that for the over-the-shoulder aiming view, or the tight Call of Duty-style first-person view using the iron gun sights.

It's not a shooter and it never will be, but MGS4 serves up the best gunplay in the series by some distance, effectively shown off by a confrontation with Haven Troopers, also known as Frogs, in the first act. These genetically-modified female soldiers can jump vast distances and cling to walls, and are Liquid Snake's private guard (the act has Snake hunting down Liquid in a Middle Eastern city destroyed by war between a local militia and a military contractor).

They're fast and wily - though nothing like as intimidating as the astonishing, goosebump-raising Gekkos - and the running battle with them through a ruined hotel, Snake fighting alongside MGS1's Meryl Silverburgh and her Rat Patrol squad, makes for a memorable set-piece. However, it's giving nothing away to say that it's overshadowed many times over by some later episodes in the game.

MGS4's weapon trading system also goes a long way to improving the viability and survivability of pitched combat. A huge range of guns and ammo can be bought and sold through the arms trader Drebin, a peroxide lounge cat, part-time magician and wartime philosopher. He turns up at several points with his inexplicable pet monkey in an APC, but his services are available at any time from the pause menu, and many of the game's best armaments are here, such as the sniper tranq gun. He'll unlock coded enemy weapons for you, and you automatically sell him any spares you pick up, which, along with some performance-related end-of-mission bonuses, is how you fund your shopping sprees.


Guns of the Patriots' concessions to ease-of-use don't end there. The chameleon-like OctoCamo suit allows the game to include Metal Gear Solid 3's camouflage system but entirely automate it, bypassing that game's laborious menu browsing. It's a brilliant toy that will prove invaluable throughout the game. There are more traditional forms of disguise, too. Snake can change costume to a militia outfit - a hooded robe that bears a striking resemblance to that worn by a certain other master of evasion - which helps him infiltrate the militia's lair. Ultimately he will win enough of their trust to fight alongside them without this disguise.

The Solid Eye, Snake's high-tech eyepatch, is more of a mixed blessing. It unites night vision and scope with a radar-like threat detector in "normal" mode that you'll want to keep on permanently, but can't, due to its limited battery life. Oddly, we found we didn't use Snake's most instantly appealing new gadget - the Metal Gear Mk II itself - as much as we expected we would, though it is a useful scout and can even incapacitate guards.

The options are there - Metal Gear Solid 4, while hardly free-form or non-linear, almost overwhelms you with choice when it comes to the nitty-gritty detail of progress. The ease of use is there in the design, the controls, the display, the new gadgets and systems. The rarefied thrill of a new Kojima Productions game on new PlayStation hardware, every stage of it lavished with crazy ideas, post-modern jokes and sumptuous production values, is most definitely there.


But don't get ideas. Guns of the Patriots is still best enjoyed as a glacially slow-paced stealth game, and still features plenty of bewildering elaboration that takes some time to reveal its logic, such as the new Stress and Psyche meters that affect Snake's performance in combat. As you follow the prematurely ageing Snake through the powerfully atmospheric Middle East stage towards an encounter with Liquid - and a glimpse of the Beauty & Beast team of assassins, you'll still be showered in more clumsy dialogue, arcane plotting and overwrought rhetoric than you'd like, or can even understand.

That's Metal Gear Solid for you. No-one ever suggested this one would be fundamentally different, and nor should it be; we should have the good grace to let Old Snake see his story through to its conclusion in his inimitable style. To know how satisfying that conclusion is overall, and how well the game stands up in the long run, you'll have to wait for our review. But we still won't tell you what happens in it, because that would spoil everything that's special about this most remarkable, highly unusual gaming event.


You might remember that, back in February, IGN's Jeff Haynes was one of a handful of journalists to infiltrate Konami's Japanese HQ, bringing back a first-hand account of what will surely be one of the most important games on the PlayStation 3 when it is released next month. Now IGN has followed up with another black ops mission into the heart of Paris where, along with around 70 other journalists from across Europe, we got to play on an even more polished – and even more complete – version of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, discovering more information about the game with which to whet your appetite.

The biggest difference, however, is the battlefield context. This is an environment that's alive. It's buzzing with action, and you'll find yourself constantly surrounded by bursts of gunfire, or obscured by clouds of dust thrown up by rockets or grenades. Imagine Call of Duty 4, or Ghost Recon, but instead of going in guns blazing, spearheading the combat and taking charge of battle, your job is to avoid the hotspots, stay clear of confrontation, and sneak around behind the scenes – perhaps casually helping out now and then in order to play off one side in the conflict against the other. All the while avoiding detection.

That risk of spoiling things is a very real one. In fact, Konami's high-profile security has only allowed us to barely scratch the surface of what we saw in Paris. Rest assured that there is more – much, much more – to come. "What I concentrated on the most while creating Metal Gear Solid 4 is that it's the grand finale of the series, and I really took care to end the story in a good way," said Hideo Kojima on the last day of our Parisian operation. And indeed he has. The story is, on one level, simple enough. As Kojima puts it: "The story is quite simple: you have Liquid and Snake goes after him all across the world." But over the course of the game you'll find that it ties up every last loose end, and brings the entire series together to a brilliantly satisfying conclusion.

And that's why Konami is insisting on a tight-lipped approach in advance of the game's launch. After playing the game from start to finish, it's easy to see why. Guns of the Patriots is simply a game that you have to experience for yourself. It's a journey that's more important than its destination, even if that destination happens to be the definitive, ultimate, Metal Gear game. So if you really want to know what it feels like to play Metal Gear Solid 4, make sure to order a copy. And make sure, too, to give yourself a week free from any distractions, so you can sit down and play all of the other Metal Gear games in sequence, because that is the perfect preparation for playing what is, without any doubt, Hideo Kojima's finest hour.

Image Image Image Image Image

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:38 am 
Random Man
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5. MGS4 review (aka new pics) Clickable for bigger image.

*Sunny is rescued by Raiden
*Opening level features the Palace
*Buy all SOPMOD upgrades and Snake has to lie down to avoid getting a hernia
*All controls are similar to the Metal Gear Online Premiere Beta
*29 hours to beat
*Gekkos usually deploy in packs and hunt people like animals
*The Psyche and Stress gauges are linked together
* The Altair-a-like militia outfit (seen in E3 2006 and TGS 2006 Trailers) is a camouflage suit
*Drebin's Store is available via the pause menu at any time
*In Drebin's Store you can buy/modify hardware and ammo with store credits.
*Collect duplicate weapons and they are sent to Drebin instantly for store credits
*Location one is the Middle East followed by Eastern Europe and South America
*The fourth location is familar it has been seen in MGS before and is featured in the TGS 2007 trailer when Snake and Liquid fight in Metal Gear REX and RAY, Maybe Shadow Moses?
*Snake infiltrates the Middle East on a truck with the Militia (See E3 2006 & GC 2006 Trailers)
*MGS4 is confirmed to be set in the year 2014
* The HAVEN Troopers are an all-female squad of acrobatic psycho killers

PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 12:43 am 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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What's that say? .."Talk to the audience?" Oh God this is always death.


PostPosted: Tue May 13, 2008 5:32 pm 
Random Man
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6. *MGS4 theatrical summer trailer, complete with the movie voice guy "This summer". not a fan of this site's inability to work on ps3. the old fast ugly youtube (better link for youtube, the old youtube link had sound out of sync).

TV ad (not sure if it's ingame or real life ad) for werewolf pmc unit.

TV ad, this is supposed to be a mgs4 commercial. I see the hints at it and such but it just seem too abstract.

A PMC ad for Laughing Octopus' (Octopussy) squad. Mgs' director love 007 also major zero in mgs4 loved it. This vid has a very 007 vibe.

Praying Mantis (Sorrow Mantis, I don't know I forgot the beauty and beast's names) PMC ad.

Raging Raven's pmc ad. Raven sword, never a shot in the dark. Maybe some aiming system thingy (advanced laser sight?).

Off topic. A stand up act on the movie voice guy. Funny stuff.

One of the beauty and the beasts comparisons.

PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:27 am 
Back Sheep
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We wants it precioussssssss...

"The internet is where men are gullible, women are men, and children are FBI agents."
"The day you get Apocalypse will be the day I quit." ~Scorsese

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 7:25 pm 
Goblin Smithy

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$600 for the gunmetal color and a 40GB PS3. :lolhammer:

Stupid Konami, everyone who has a brain is going to get the regular bundle for $100 less and a better PS3.


PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:03 pm 
Random Man
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Thing is they are very limited and collectors buy them up. I think that's why they priced it at a premium.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 4:15 am 
Random Man
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Weak spot confirmed!

The game is no longer beta, and the lighting has been improved along with some extra detail here and there.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:27 am 
Random Man
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It's a me! Solidus! (winks right eye)

Laughing Octopus playing hide and seek.

The second attempt to hide was far much better.

Obligatory butt shot of one of the BNB members.

Otocon was pushed too far.

Frogs make great pilows.

Sweet memories:
*Shadow Moses Heliport

*Shadow Moses snow filled Communications Tower.

*Second floor view of the snow/ice filled path where sniper wolf shot Meryl as bait for snake.

Obligatory BNB crotch shot.

Edit: Ok this other guy got big boss rank... Here are all of the stuff you unlock for getting this emblem (accomplishment/achievement type of thing with a reward).

SnakeXs wrote:
Here we go. Not gonna [img] them all, just in case people don't wanna see or something.


List of titles.

Big Boss Emblem Description.

Foxhound desc.

Type 17 Pistol

D.E. Long Barrel

Thor .45-70

The one and only. *salutes*

Possible spoilers. SOMEBODY'S FaceCamo that you get for getting Big Boss rank. *cough*

Big Boss iPod track

Just because I can't understand how this crap is possible. Robots out there, I swear. I'll never get these items either ; ;. I wonder what effect the music have. When you play the music tracks they each have a specific effect in the game. Like a bard for example. Some cause snake to heal faster, increase psych, make soldiers cry when you hold them up/choke grab them, and stuff like that.

I want that Desert Eagle, and the Patriot too ; ;. I doubt I'll even be able to get Foxhound rank.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 11:35 am 
Random Man
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I'm getting hooked on MGO. I'm level 2 so far, leveling is slow heh but the game is funny and I like that it's not so serious.






You can level skills but can only spend 4 slots worth of skills. I mostly use the trap skill (level 2 now, lay down pron magazines, claymores, etc faster), runner skill (level 2 and now take up 2 slots, run faster), and 6th sense skill (so my team can see where my pron books are, and other traps via SOP link. I can also show them the enemy's traps via SOP now that i'm level 2 in it also).

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:41 pm 
Goblin Smithy
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Do they have handgun skills? I'd go with that because I love my M1911s


PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:14 pm 
Random Man
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I think so, but it's probably only shotgun, sniper rifle, or assault rifle skills (recoil reduction, and faster reloading, both of which handguns have no problem with)
Had to post this.

MiamiWesker wrote:
My new picture sets.


It was one of those cold dark nights, the kind that you know if you wander about something bad is going to happen to you.


My life was in the dumps, my best friends were the street rats that slept beside me. But that all chaged the night I met her...


The most beautiful broad I have ever laid eyes on. Never thought I had a chance in hell to be with a woman like that, but we had a night I would never forget. I thought I found something to live for but she said those words that brought my world crumbling down like a ton of bricks, "I have to go back to my husband."


I noticed she was brused, a stain on an otherwise perfect work of art. The cowardly scum would beat her, she wouldn't admit it but her eyes told the story. I knew she wanted my help.


So I followed that pathetic escuse for a man on his way home. He would not hurt my beauty anymore.


He didn't put up much of a fight. With his last breath I wanted him to know this was for what he did to her.


This was for my beauty...


Something I came up with as I was playing. There is also this, I call it playing with the guards. I had some outside interference so it did not come out as smooth as it should have but the steps are still the same.

Step 1: Place a playboy magazine and place C4 next to it.


Step 2: Throw a magazine to get the guards attention.


Step 3: Watch them get distracted by the playboy.


Step 4: Boom



PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 10:39 am 
Random Man
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A day of a sniper :rofl:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2008 7:05 am 
Random Man
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I'm surprised at how many people play this game. There are multiple servers fulled to the brim (969 is max per server ish). I'm having a ball with my porno magazine traps. Makes me laugh everytime, especially if they are on their belly and get trapped with a magazine. They act like school girls on their beds with their lower legs swinging up and down and cross crossing as if they are thinking about Johnny. It's darn funny and I usually laugh a bit before shooting them. If it's a team mate that didnt link up I fume and destroy the book to get him out of gaga land.

Me doing a epic pose

Me being distracted

Fun with the rival clan (my division of NeoGAF clan dont have a emblem yet. FrogUnit :( FoxUnit is another clan in NeoGAF, FrogUnit is pretty much there because the other 3 clans were full.

Me and my pron trap all to myself.

Burnin BURNIN'!

Man I'm falling for this. It keeps reminding me of socom, it might even be more team based than socom D: I got in a epic match of capture th frog (lol), we have a countdown on how long we have to have the frog at ou base and things were getting down to the wire. Both of us just needed it in our base for 3 seconds at on point. My pron magazines kept them stuck and we pulled it off by a hair. Fun epic stuff.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:03 am 
Goblin Smithy
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Ploid, when you beat MGS4, you get a weapon called "Race Gun." Its a .38 Super pistol used for IPSC/USPSA competition shooting. When you beat MGS4, can you take a picture of it for me, plox? I wanna see how it looks. I love race guns and when I heard you get one for beating MGS4 single player, I flipped.

My guess is that its a M1911 with a double-stack mag chambered in .38 super with a compensator on the end and a bunch of other stuff to make it easier to shoot and to make it shoot faster.



PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 10:06 am 
Kaise wrote:
Ploid, when you beat MGS4, you get a weapon called "Race Gun." Its a .38 Super pistol used for IPSC/USPSA competition shooting. When you beat MGS4, can you take a picture of it for me, plox? I wanna see how it looks. I love race guns and when I heard you get one for beating MGS4 single player, I flipped.

My guess is that its a M1911 with a double-stack mag chambered in .38 super with a compensator on the end and a bunch of other stuff to make it easier to shoot and to make it shoot faster.


I have to perform a certain requirement before I beat the game for that gun. Like "no alerts", "40 kills without a allert", or "30 knockouts (via CQC) with no alerts". Think achievements and at the end of the game you get rewards for unlocking said achievements. I'll look up what I'm supposed to do for that gun though. I'm currently doing no alert run then I'll try the impossible Big Boss rank run (which gives you that gun + a million other goodies).

Also when you wear that skull camo face soldiers cry in fear of you whenever you show yourself to them. You move like a zombie and they pass out after they stop screaming at yor presence. Awesome reward.

When you aim with the Patriot gun the them to MGS3 starts playing lol. "I give my life, not for honor, but for yoooooouuuu!. In my timeeeee, there will be no one else. "

PostPosted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:33 am 
Random Man
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Oops, you were right. It was already in my inventory. I have a crap load of guns that I didn't even notice it. I have one call 7seven or something that I didn't even hack yet.




There was a spooky ghost in his picture but I guess it only show up in the game's photo mode.

The ghost, MKIII, and Me. Musical coming near you.


I hope this is a new page. I can't view the first page on my console without getting a error.

Edit: About the race gun pics. It has 0 mods on it. I'm not sure what parts I could have put on it. I'll Check next chance I get.

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