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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:50 pm 
Random Man
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wanted to post this gif (Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops+). Off the PC now, and the last post has too many characters.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 12:18 am 
Peaches 'n Cream
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Ploid, wtf ... I have written entire strategies with 42,058 Characters ... How are you struggling?


PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:00 am 
Random Man
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On the PS3 browser text input box, I can't input more than like 300 characters. Line breaks count as one character also Sad Majority of my posts are from PS3 since I use it to surf the internet over phone and PC.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 1:27 am 
Peaches 'n Cream
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:49 pm 
Random Man
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MY GAWD I love gaming.

Image Image

Gameplay video of MGS4 and it looks darn awesome!

Stream trailer here

And better quality here

another stream version flash like youtube but better quality.

Direct download (Can download straight from PS3 browser):
MP4 639.57MB 1280x720 (720p) ... o_720p.mp4

MP4 260.12MB 640x360 (lolstandard definition) ... y_demo.mp4


Image Image

Omg Eva is back! Image

Can't believe Eva is in the game (now we know why snake was shown saluting big boss' grave. Eva must have informed him about MGS3 events, and The Boss' sacrafice for Big Boss). It's like a MGS allstars game. The story is going to end. The climax!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 1:29 pm 
Gender Illusionist
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idk wot u r tkn abot

I hate this linkshell with a fiery passion.


PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:31 am 
Random Man
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"Meet me in da club Amy. It's goin' down."

Bring your own car*

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 10:42 am 
Gender Illusionist
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Lax gameplay pics silly plois Rolling Eyes

I hate this linkshell with a fiery passion.


PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:43 am 
Random Man
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ok you got me. GT5 screenshot

jk jk, that's e3 04 or something video of GTHD's goal.
Image ... g0024a.jpg ... g0022a.jpg ... g0010a.jpg ... g0002a.jpg

I have just wasted a GT5 Prologue NSFW thread update. Thanks.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 1:33 am 
Random Man
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Heavenly sword boss battle (more like he's testing her).
Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Then finally he jumped in to fight. ... 40x360.wmv

A AWEsOME cutscene (Must see! For videogames acting never been this good. Eat that Roger Elbert) after the guy failed to retrieve the sword. The King is played by the guy that play gollum in that movie with the trilogy. The fantasy movie frodo etc. ... eaven6.wmv

An interesting read about Killzone.

Please Note: All of the images in this page were exported directly from the HD Quicktime movies located right here on, resized in Photoshop and compressed to JPG format for faster loading times. I tried to preserve the image quality as best as I can without giving you heavy file sizes.

All images are from actual Real-Time gameplay.

Written by: Ninja-Matic

Get to know your lighting

Lighting is the most important part of any graphical asset in a video game. Without proper lighting, even the most high definition textures and carefully modeled polygon characters/environments will simply look like crap. Lighting is what makes these beautifully designed games come to life.

There are just TWO types of lighting possible: direct and indirect. Each have their own sub-categories like soft, harsh, diffused, etc. But there are ONLY two! It's the mixture of these two which can provide a truly visceral experience.

Killzone 2 uses a multitude of lighting effects applied in real-time on a situation-by-situation basis. This is by far the most complex and impressive lighting engine created for a console video game. Everything you see in Killzone 2 is made possible by the lighting engine. If you turn it off, you will simply have a black screen - this is VERY important to remember. Most video games do not use this type of lighting because it's not only difficult to code - but uses an enormous amount of processing power.

The visibility in most games is attributed to only to the actual textures which are applied to objects in a game. Turn off the lighting in game X and you will still be able to see the room or area you're in. This is static and pre-canned environmental lighting. In Killzone 2, everything you see is affected by ambient and direct light sources. If there is no light source nearby... there is no light... you will not be able to see anything. The color of ANY level can be dynamically changed by the color of the lighting engine.

I've heard a LOT of complaints about "It's too GRAY!" from the E3 footage. Stupid people still exist! The level that was shown was under a looming thunderstorm... it's no wonder everything is drab and gray... because the SKY is drab and gray. This is how lighting affects the environment. Imagine a hot, sweltering day where the sun is beaming down on you hard: everything will be bright, possibly reddish or tan like a desert. That same scorching hot day can drastically change with the weather - thusly completely changing your environment and everything in it via AMBIENT lighting or Indirect lighting.


In no particular order:

Our first example of lighting is probably the most prominent in the game: Muzzle Flash. This occurs when firing any number of different weapons. This light is Direct with mixtures of soft, harsh, diffusion and color. The color will no doubt be affected by the type of weapon you are firing. Some may be orange-ish, some may be more fluorescent. Take a look at the picture below to see just how this uses direct/indirect lighting to not only change the Helghast in front of your gun, but the environment as well:


Aside from the Muzzle Flash - you will notice yet ANOTHER detail associated with firing a weapon: Muzzle Flare! I believe this is a replacement for the typical LENS FLARE effect we see in many games. This is being used instead because... HEY! We don't run around with cameras in our faces when we're in battle (that's just how we roll)... so why should we get lens flare? Take note in the next picture the purple flare effect you see when firing your weapon:


Impressed yet? Keep reading.

Next I'd like to show just how advanced and beautiful the Self-Shadowing is being done on players/enemies in Killzone 2. This uses a mixture of direct, soft and diffused lighting to help create shadows that are proper, SOFT (not jagged) and diffused. This is probably the most complex self-shadowing we have seen in a real-time game. Take special note that the characters do NOT use any Bump-Mapping for effect. All detail in clothing/armor are achieved through EXTREMELY high amounts of polygon detail: Note the subtleness of the diffusion being applied to both the lighting and shadows on this Mini-Boss and how it helps make his incredible detail simply "pop"!


Diffusion is one of the most impressive and realistic effects you can have applied in-game. This emulates exactly how real light would affect an object. Take a look at this example of diffusion: see how the muzzle flash is affecting the shattering box? The closer to the nozzle the wood fragments are - the brighter the light will be. Note how each individual piece of wood also affects the other fragments with indirect lighting - attributing to the stunning detail of proper soft shadowing!


Here's another great example of diffusion being used in conjunction with ambient lighting and proper self and soft shadowing. Take note in Sev's brow, cheek, lips and ridge of his nose. This is how ambient lighting being refracted off of the clouds will affect players/environments in Killzone 2.


Direct lighting is lighting that is being cast on a player/object in the environment from a specific light source such as a street light, desk lamp, candle, fire, etc. Take a look at this next example of a Helghast trooper underneath a light - note the incredible level of detail in his clothing that begins to "pop" simply from a few wrinkles:


This is probably my favorite example of how detailed and accurate the lighting engine in this game is. Someone (a hater) said in a post that the Helghast's masks aren't actually lit up - that they are simply textures - because such minute details don't need that much attention. Here's proof that this naysayer was DEAD wrong. Note how the goggles on this trooper's mask light up his SLEEVE and the shadowing that is being created on his face-mask and sleeve because of this light. ALSO take note of this incredibly small detail of INDIRECT LIGHTING: take a look at the front of the helmet... notice the ambient lighting coming from the sleeve of the trooper is affecting his helmet? Remember... his goggles are UNDERNEATH the brim of his helmet. Goggles shine on to sleeve - sleeve then reflects diffused lighting onto the helmet... IMPRESSIVE!


Explosions: Need I say more? Note how the light coming from the explosion is even affecting the air-duct and pipes underneath running just up and to the left of that poor Helghast who got his ass BLOWN TO SMITHEREENZ!


Lightning - Zeus commands it... now the Helghast do, too! Notice how this flash of lightning drastically changes the overall color of the environment. The fluorescent color of the lightning is what attributes to this environmental change. It also affects you (well... you can see your gun) and the Helghast. The color of the lightning is directly attributed to the color of the surrounding clouds - the fluorescence of lightning helps remove the muting typically associated with soft lighting. Fluorescent lighting is often noted as "Harsh" lighting because it is unnatural. Also take note how the lightning makes certain details of the cement curb "pop" like small holes and imperfections.


Let's take one last look at all of the lighting elements combined into a single shot. Note the direct, indirect, soft, ambient, harsh, colored and diffused lighting along with proper self, soft, and diffused shadowing.


This is one impressive lighting engine to say the least. Remember, naysayers, this is Real-Time!

Additional info:
Originally Posted by SantiagoFlores
The sequence of pictures at the end illustrated the drastic changes in the surface caused by different light sources. Not many games use that quantity of resources to only light and shadow.

Another feature is that lights have regions of illumination. These sources cast partial shadows in a limited field.

We have more than four or five sources of light emitters. There are global sources, partial sources that radiate small fields, flashes, fixed lights that display shadows projected in the floor in combination, and some sources behave like dimmers.

Unreal Tournament 3 Comicon vids

[url=";8155724;;/fileinfo.html"]HQ Download[/url]
[url=""]Youtube 1[/url]
[url=""]Youtube 2[/url]
[url=""]Youtube 3[/url]
[url=""]Youtube 4[/url]

PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 8:22 am 
Keyboard Cowboy
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pssst take the " " out of ur links kthxbai.

O and those GT5 pics are secksy as


PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 4:09 am 
Random Man
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New PSP/PS2 game. Harvey Birdman: AAL ... ot0039.jpg ... ot0026.jpg ... ot0016.jpg

Video stream player thingy. Its like the cartoon in animation and voice acting. Seems nice, same publisher as Phoenix Attorney for DS. ... 1&type=mov

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:27 pm 
Random Man
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Unreal Tournament 3 will have mouse and keyboard support on PS3. Also footage was shown of UT3 at comic con on over spec'd PCs.

Youtube 1 (HQ Download 1)
Youtube 2 (HQ Download 2)
Youtube 3 (HQ Download 3)
Youtube 4 (HQ Download 4)

Quad-Core Alienware 7500 machines

PostPosted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:58 am 
Random Man
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Hopefully my last EAsports game (I said this after gameday 95 went 3D after EA said it wasn't possible though. NCAA 08 has cool features though. You can upload pictures and video of highlights to the intrawebs.

My first game in Dynasty mode. I'm playing as LSU oddly enough. lolMississippi (click the picture below then the second vs helmets image below the flash video for the one I tried to link to).

And while I'm at it:

PSN Home
The Home beta talent show thread. Today beta testers of Home scheduled a talent show event that lasted 45mins. It was well put together and consisted of stand up comedy to a girl singing It's Raining Men via mic, maybe to express the attention girl avatars get in the beta from the guys (much like mithra thats proven to be a girl via Vent perhaps?).

Bioshock is recieved as an instant classic, obtaining very high scores from a PC gaming magazine (9/10), and a xbox360 gaming magazine (10/10).

Warhawk has gone gold! The game will cost $60 for blu-ray with the wireless bluetooth ear piece bundled in, and $40 over PSN store (which allows sharing games with up to 4 friends). The Blu-ray version launches in 8-28, the PSN store version may show up as soon as next Thursday.

Heavenly Sword
New Heavenly sword info (source)
- There will be 6 animation clips on PSN which will tell the story of the Heavenly Sword.

- The gameplay is comprised of combat, exploration, puzzle solving and third person shooting.

- The gameplay features which depend on motion sensing have a faster response time now.

- 6 acts, 48 missions.

12-15 hours sounds about right for a gamer well versed with fighting games. That's just for a first playthrough - there's also plenty of scope for replayability - especially with the stacks of unlockable content that's been stuffed onto the Blu-Ray.

Hope that answers your questions

For other news: Sega sega sega, Square square square, Metal gear solid, and Mario!

 Post subject: Re: The Gaming Thread!
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:49 pm 
Random Man
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Make PS1 games look like PS2 games on the computer or whatever does emulators. ... tings.html ... lugin.html ... s/ffb5.jpg ... rs/db3.jpg

FF7 in the brown cartoon shader

another pic

Heavenly sword Snake lady boss battle. (Click image for gametrailer video stream)

Heavenly sword animated series episode one (wow guys that like anime, check it out).


Halo3's water effects Since no one else is posting on consoles I don't have nor follow news on.


 Post subject: Re: The Gaming Thread!
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:46 pm 
Random Man
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BIOSHOCK (video review)

MGS media from Game convention in Germany or something. New stuffz!
Trailer (stream) Click image to view.


[Beauty and The Beast]

Laughing Octopus (Laughing = Fatman MGS2 + Decoy Octopus [4:00 of the video] *MGS1)

Screaming Mantis:
(Screaming = The Fear *MGS3 + Psycho Mantis MGS1)
Hmm the puppets are Psycho Mantis and The Sorrow.

Crying Wolf:
(Crying = Fortune (her rail gun is on the wolf) [extras Fortune vs navy seals and Lady Luck (lady of fortune) *MGS2 + Sniper Wolf *MGS1)
Crying Wolf picture showing it's Fortune's rail gun, also there's a mechanical arm that is attached to the gun

Raging Raven:
(Raging = The Fury *MGS3 + Vulcan Raven *MGS1)

The members of Beauty and The Beast are said to be victims of war. Perhaps family, or wives of soldiers involved in some way to MGS' story. Psycho mantis didn't have a wife nore The sorrow (as The Boss was the only woman he hooked up with in the story). Also The Boss is already a woman so I'm sure these are just unknown characters. The women behind the masks are modeled after real models or such as seen here:

click which version to view
Image Image

PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:18 pm 
Random Man
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New Halo3 footage.

Direct download(All MP4 links)
Replay sample:
Replay Feature Part 1::
Gameplay Part 1:
Gameplay Part 2:

Here's the torrents for all the mp4 videos:
Replay Sample:
Replay Feature Part 1:
Gameplay part 1:
Gameplay part 2:


Little Big Planet new footage from Game Confrence

| mp4 | 82.4 MB |

Download 1 - Rapidshare
Download 2 - Megaupload


PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:24 pm 
Goblin Smithy
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Bioshock is really awesome! Been playing the demo like crazy just holding myself till Metroid Prime 3 comes out (today!) :>

I want LittleBigPlanet D: That game is probably one of the games thats gonna make me buy a PS3.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:11 pm 
Eden Failure +1
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I bought a PS3 this weekend. Got the 60gb so i could get the blu-rays. I got Resistance and Assault Recon or something. I've been playing the crap out of Resistance since I got it to play the other.

The PS3 is sitting at my GFs house, so i'll only really be on it on the weekends. My PSID is teh_onee if anyone needs to know.


PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 4:54 pm 
Random Man
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Will add D: Wish I had resistance, almost got madden today. Hate EA for getting the exclusive on NFL license. They get to be lazy and only provide $60 expansions each year. Putting my foot down this year.

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