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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:39 pm 
Random Man
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TERA - Dungeon Series: Akasha's Hideout
TERA - Fyrmount Preview
TERA - Race Series: Popori
TERA - Race Series: Elin
TERA - Dungeon Series: Temple of Dagon
Feral Valley Preview Trailer
TotalBiscuit - Level 39 Popori Slayer Overview
TotalBiscuit Preview - Popori Emotes and Other Nonsense
TERA - Race Series: Castanic
TERA - Political System


Enslaved by conquering giants and later freed by the goddess Kaia, the Amani value freedom above all things. The Amani are a tough race of Draconian humanoids that have put aside their hatred for giants as members of the Valkyon Federation in order to cooperate with the seven races, including the Baraka, descendents of the giants.

Capital City:
Kaiator - The "Iron Bastion of North". The city's immense dome scrapes the heavens and its people honor and praise their goddess patron, Kaia.

Racial Traits:
  • Kaitor's Drums - Teleport at will to Kaiator, the Amani home city. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Last Aman Standing - Amani are tough and can stiffen themselves against knockdowns or knockouts. 1 hour cooldown.
  • No Stranger to Pain - When health is low, damage resistance kicks in.
  • Blood of Dragons - All Amani have increased resistance to damage-over-time (DOT) effects.
  • Prospector - Gather ore faster than any other race.


The Baraka are releated to Tithus' childen, the giants, but they have turned their backs on the giants' wars of conquest. They are intelligent, philosophical, and gentle by nature but will fiercly defend the weak and downtrodden. The Baraka value knowledge of all kind.

Capital City:

Racial Traits:
  • Core's Resonance - Teleport at will to Allemantheia, the High Elves' city of knowledge. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Ancient Wellspring - Baraka retain some of the giants' ancient power and use this magic to replenish their health. 2 hour cooldown.
  • Indefatigable - Stamina never falls below 20%, even after death.
  • Gather No Moss - 10% resist bonus to binding or paralyzing effects.
  • Time Lost Techniques - Craft magic weapons 10% faster.


Clever and skilled, Castanics are also hot-tempered and opportunistic. A Castanic never forgets a friend and never abandons an ally. The dark heart of clan Castanic, crackles with energy.

Capital City:
Castanica - Situated in a vale on the east coast of the continent of Arun, Castanica is filled with a thorny and dark architecture with a harsh beauty lurking beneath.

Racial Traits:
  • Kaitor's Drums - Teleport at will to Kaiator to quickly access the city's great forges. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Skirmish Running - An enraged Castanic can sacrifice stability for greater combat speed. 30 minute cooldown.
  • Dirty Fighting - When attacking from behind, Castanics have a greater chance to land a critical hit.
  • Weapon Forging - Castanics can craft metal weapons faster than any other race.
  • Light Landing - Castanics lithe and graceful nature allows them to take significantly less damage from falls.


Protectors of nature, the Elins are much older and wiser than they appear and live a very long existence. Elins have a vicious sense of humor and other races often find their behavior and mannerism to be other worldly and strange. The Elins' physical appareance is derived from Elinu, who created the Elin in the appearance of Arun's youngest daughter, reflecting a naive desire for beauty and peace.

Capital City:
Pora Elinu - A small city that is wholly contained inside the trunk of a giant tree. Pora Elinu stands as a tribute to the goddess Elinu.

Racial Traits:
  • Velik's Horn - Teleport to Velika, the federation's capital. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Soothing Presence - Moving slowly and carefully will allow you to sneak by monsters undetected. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Horizon Run - Speed up movement out of combat for a limited time. 30 minute cooldown.
  • Botanist - Gather plant resources faster than any other race.
  • Friendly Current - Elins move faster in water than any other race.


Once a conquering nation for over three thousand years, after suffering a defeat against the allied Humans, Amani, Popori, and Baraka in the defense of the human territory of Essenia, the High Elves decided to instead embrace the changes sweeping throughout the world. They joined the Valkyon Federation to fight against the Argon forces as allies with the other races. Some still think they harbor secrets and have not forgotten their conquering ways but their dedication to the Valkyon Federation is heartfelt and real.

Capital City:
Allemantheia - A jeweled oasis at the center of the desert of southern Shara. Filled with gilded architecture, Allemantheia is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in TERA, rivaling even the great human capital of Velika.

Racial Traits:
  • Core's Resonance - Teleport at will to Allemantheia, the High Elf home city. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Core Infusion - Elves can draw power from the Core and completely refill their mana. 2 hour cooldown.
  • Resilience of Mind - Regenerate a portion of mana after resurrection.
  • Coalescence - Gather alchemical essenses faster than any other race.


Cursed by their god to wander, humans turned this adversity into an advantage by using their exile as a learning experience. With the knowledge obtained, Humans created the Valkyon Federation without guidance of any diety and are now admired by all nations in the world for their effort in bringing together a coalition to stop the Argons and return the world to peace. Velik, goddess of the hunt, took pity on the Humans and granted them the homeland of Velika which they had been long denied.

Capital City:
Velika - The City of Wheels. The City of Falcons. Velik's Dream. A magnificent Human capital that is the political and cultural center for life in souther Arun. Velik's wheel turns ceaselessly at its center, providing magical energy to power the city's workshops and factories.

Racial Traits:
  • Velik's Horn - Teleport at will to Velika, home city of the Humans. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Deft Footwork - Become difficult to knockdown or paralyze. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Indomitable Spirit - When fighting other players, Humans take less damage when low on health.
  • Resiliance of Body - Regenerate health when resurrected.
  • Nomadic Crafter - Humans craft light armor faster than any other race.

Image Image

Poporis are non-human beasts awakened to sentience by the Elin. They are small and accustomed to not being taken seriously. Poporis are small, curious, candid, uncompromising, and utterly ferocious. Like the Elin, they are resolute and tenacious defenders of nature.

Capital City:
Pora Elinu - An enormous tree that grows near the center of a sacred lake near Elinu's resting place. Through a thousand years of world-wide conflict, the city has never fallen.

Racial Traits:
  • Velik's Horn - Teleport to Velika, the federation's capital. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Soothing Presence - Moving slowly and carefully will allow you to sneak by monsters undetected. 1 hour cooldown.
  • Horizon Run - Speed up movement out of combat for a limited time. 30 minute cooldown.
  • Botanist - Gather plant resources faster than any other race.
  • Friendly Current - Elins move faster in water than any other race.


Ratings refer to control difficulty and the offensive, defensive, and support capabilities of each class. The ratings are listed on the class selection screen of the NA client.


If you like having a tool for every job, the archer is the class for you...especially if you like tools that explode, penetrate armor, trap enemies in magical spider webs, or transform into radiant energy. Archers leave behind a trail of victims that look like pincushions—many dead before they knew what hit them. The archer rewards the use of clever tactics and thinking two steps ahead of your enemy.

Adventuring archers use remarkable bows. Instead of a string of gut and leather, their bowstrings are of arcane energy. In place of wooden arrows, they fire arrows of pure willpower. An archer's arrows effortlessly punch through enemy armor, consume foes in fiery energy, and trap them so they can't even flee! Archers deal death from afar. They excel at firing from beyond a foe's retaliation range, and using their escape moves to stay there. They can take the high ground for a better view of the overall battle, pick off foes that flee for help, and deal out damage without pulling aggro from the tanks.

Rating: Control 1/5, Defense 1/5, Offense 3/5, Support 2/5

Archer Guide

  • Light Armor - Leather
  • Bow
  • Melee, Ranged
  • Mobile, Fast, Evasive
  • Traps


The berserker is an offensive juggernaut who shakes the ground with each blow and sends opponents flying with every massive swing, with better-than-average defensive capabilities that include heavy armor and an axe block that absorbs damage according to the quality of the axe.

Berserkers have multiple ways of recharging their own mana, and can absorb damage dealt to a foe as health. Their rage and bloodlust raise their strength to help end a fight quickly. They fend for themselves better than many classes, and their capacity for sheer destruction gives them a place of honor in any party.

Rating: Control 2/5, Defense 1/5, Offense 4/5, Support 2/5

Berserker Guide

  • Heavy Armor - Plate
  • Large 2-Handed Axe
  • Melee, Close
  • High Defense, Blocking
  • Slow Moving
  • Charge Attacks, Scatters, Stuns, Knockdowns, Turn Arounds, AOE


Stand fast at the heart of the storm, roaring defiance into the wind. Shield your friends and smite your enemies. Pin down your foes and laugh as they try to knock you down.

As powerful in defense as in attack, the lancer’s role in a fight is at the head of the formation. His heavy shield absorbs damage, while his lance provides striking power that’s targeted yet effective against multiple foes. Numerous skills for drawing aggro let the lancer take the heat and give his party members more opportunities. Lancers can minimize damage to their own party and help them devastate the enemy.

Rating: Control 3/5, Defense 5/5, Offense 1/5, Support 3/5

Lancer Guide
  • Heavy Armor - Plate
  • Lance and Shield
  • Melee, Medium/Close
  • Tank
  • High Defense, Defending, Blocking
  • Multi-Strike Attacks
  • Crowd Control, Protection, Support, Stuns, Penetration


A mystic walks a wild path, combat pets at her sides, wielding primal powers to harm and heal, empowering her allies while cursing her enemies. Mystics travel the whole battlefield freely. They fight at close quarters, healing and boosting allies, draining and destroying enemies. They channel powerful auras that enhance whole groups. They summon allies to draw aggro, to fight, or to heal, and can summon their entire party from one location to another.

Add extensive crowd control and the capability to resurrect fallen allies, and you can see why adventuring parties seek them out. They add to the longevity of any party, can seize an out-of-control situation and dominate it until their allies are on the offensive again, or simply unleash their own magical fury. Mystics make their comrades better at what they do—and a whole lot more.

Rating: Control 5/5, Defense 1/5, Offense 4/5, Support 5/5

Mystic Guide
  • Light Armor - Robes
  • Scepter
  • Magic
  • Pets
  • Healer, Support
  • Crowd Control, Buff/Debuff, DOT, AOE


Priests can bring allies back from the brink of death and beyond while burning and blasting their way through phalanxes of enemies. Priests derive power from their devotion to the gods, but it’s their devotion to others that earns them fame and friends on the battlefield. A priest has killing skills enough to survive alone in the toughest situations, and support spells to fortify, purify, and resurrect party members in need.

In fact, priests have more spells at their disposal than almost any other discipline. Priests are a support class that can also hold their own against foes. They keep themselves and their allies alive and regenerated while guarding them from critical damage, and still spare time to target foes for searing blasts of divine energy. They can target one comrade for healing, or remove poisons and curses from any nearby friendly player. They can stand up allies who have been knocked down, or put their enemies to sleep. It's no wonder that some say the party with the most skilled priest is the most likely to win victory in the field.

Rating: Control 3/5, Defense 2/5, Offense 5/5, Support 4/5

Priest Guide
  • Light Armor - Robes
  • Staff
  • Magic
  • Healer, Support
  • Crowd Control, Buff, Damage


Slayers blend high mobility with high damage capabilities, a versatile and valuable party member, and a gifted solo act, too. It takes a certain flair to wield a massive weapon, and slayers move so freely and easily with their huge blades that they might be dancing with silk. A slayer wades into the fight like a two-edged whirlwind, swinging his powerful sword in deadly arcs, and evading his foes in a graceful dance.

The slayer does his job with aggressive swordplay, graceful evasive moves, and overwhelming force. Wide-sweeping circular attacks mow down enemies on all sides, agile dodges puts the slayer behind the foe, and leaping backflip kicks stun the enemy and open distance. Despite their light armor, slayers can fight in the thick of things along with warriors. They are faster and more mobile than berserkers, and their whirling attack style allows them to excel at taking out surrounding mobs.

Like warriors, slayers can dodge out of harm's way and come up behind foes. Because they don't draw aggro as easily as some other classes, slayers excel at attacking enemies from the rear while tanks keep them busy from the other sides.

Rating: Control 3/5, Defense 1/5, Offense 3/5, Support 4/5

Slayer Guide
  • Light Armor - Leather
  • 2-Handed Greatsword
  • Melee, Close/Medium
  • Fast, Mobile, Evasive
  • AOE, Combo Attacks, Stuns, Knockdowns


Sorcerers fight from range, shaping magic through an arcane disc, channeling the force of will into sheets of flame, icy blades, and spheres of pure energy. The sorcerer strikes and evades and strikes again, flanking the foe, leaping out of danger, playing a game of position. With only sorcerous robes for protection, staying clear of attacks is vital, and dealing massive damage in a spectacular fashion is all in a day's work for this explosive class.

Warriors of the intellect, sorcerers are at their best when they stand apart, watch for vulnerability, and then make their foes pay dearly for it. Sorcerers may not be as flexible as other classes, but when your close-quarters companions fall in battle it's awfully nice to have arcane artillery at your disposal.

Rating: Control 3/5, Defense 1/5, Offense 5/5, Support 2/5

Sorcerer Guide
  • Light Armor - Robes
  • Disc
  • Magic
  • AOE, DOT, Debuff


A warrior deals damage with impressive, deadly feats of swordplay while weaving in and out of enemies' attacks. It's the warrior's way to dive into the middle of the fray and mow down the opposition. Invulnerability while using the Evasive Roll skill means the warrior can do enough damage to hold aggro, and still dodge and roll out of harm's way. Coming up from behind an opponent after a roll enables the warrior to strike from behind, before his opponent can turn and counterattack.

The warrior's deft moves and quick dodges make it easy to hold aggro while avoiding damage. Quick to make decisions and quicker to draw swords, the warrior will not fall back on the battlefield. If you've misplaced your warrior, always look ahead—never behind

Rating: Control 5/5, Defense 3/5, Offense 4/5, Support 3/5

Warrior Guide
  • Light Armor - Leather
  • Twin Swords
  • Evasion Tank/Damage Dealer
  • Speed, Mobility, Combo Attacks, Crowd Control

Last edited by Ploid on Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:01 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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Got it, yet unlikely to play it.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:04 pm 
Random Man
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I just want to see how it runs on my computer. The game looks amazing. Cue floating whale video.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:11 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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I may give it a shot. I've been looking into a game I can get myself back into where I can log in and do something different here and there without actually devoting my life to it. I can no doubt run it on the wifey's new iMac, more just whether I would want to. My laptop would be able to run it fine if it had a different video card.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:23 pm 
Random Man
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Yee haaw, I still don't have to upgrade my PC after almost a year of building it. Thank you console generation. I will be hurting with PS4 and Xbox3 come out though.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:38 pm 
Random Man
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Started to call it "Eden The Mule" for fun.


PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:25 am 
Doesn't work without batteries
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Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:08 am
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what server you on Ploid? Gonna try this out later tonight

Sig by Knyghtwo! Thank you!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:28 am 
Random Man
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One sec, going to find out now. I just picked the first one on the list I think.

Server - Dragonfall

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:05 am 
Doesn't work without batteries
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Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:08 am
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Sweets, same... though I don't know how much more i'll play this weekend. Somewhat interesting game... maybe too colorful for my taste. I went with an Aman warrior and pretty much slaughtered everything. Untouchable since I could just hack and slash until the mob started to attack and then I'd just use a dodge/roll ability to roll behind them where i'd continue hack and slashing.

Sig by Knyghtwo! Thank you!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:08 am 
Random Man
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Was t hat you that sent me a message in the game Dhil? It took me a long time to notice the whisper. I don't think I pay attention to the chat log at all, only if I'm watching for loot names, or exp.

My Archer almost dying (I never died in this beta yet. It don't seem possible).

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 3:36 am 
Doesn't work without batteries
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Joined: Tue Oct 14, 2008 8:08 am
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Yeah, that was me. I didn't see your response for awhile probably. Really don't like how that chat window was set with the tabs. I could be wrong but I think I may have missed it because of the tab I was on... like the filter the other tabs out.

I died a couple times in the game. Once because I couldn't find the next area to level in and was in an area way too high and pretty much death warped. The other time I took a quest boss and hadn't upgraded my skills in awhile. I also barely survived when I jumped off this huge cliff.

Sig by Knyghtwo! Thank you!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:41 am 
Random Man
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The vine climb cliff? I did the same, it was awesome.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 9:58 pm 
Random Man
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Game is free to play now, yep. So I have Guild Wars 2 and this game for my rpg level all classes fix.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:32 pm 
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I will play this

I hate this linkshell with a fiery passion.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:41 pm 
Bitter Canadian

Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:42 pm
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I'm done with vidya, not enough bitchez take their clothes off because you have a ridill.

I should stick with vidya and find one woman... Way more cost effective.


PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:37 pm 
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I really like the customization in this game

I hate this linkshell with a fiery passion.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:46 pm 
Random Man
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Yeah it's kinda detailed, though I still made a sexy elf. Now that I think about it, I should have made a tank. Maybe I'll join a guild or something.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 11:53 pm 
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so i take it i still have to buy the game and not just download it to get the whole experience :P. had a amar lancer or w/e and that shit was fun, imma make some new chars and mess with the jobs/classes before(if) i buy

I hate this linkshell with a fiery passion.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:15 am 
Random Man
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Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:22 am
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If you aren't in the US you have to wait until Feb for the full free to play deal. Europe and such sucks, they have a different company running those servers.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 8:41 am 
Cock atrice

Joined: Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:53 am
Posts: 387
I played this game while it came out together with some olde FFXI peeps. Was a nice game and was fun, but there was a lot of things wrong about the game that turned me away from it in the end.


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