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PostPosted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:39 pm 
Bitter Canadian

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that twilight gear looks like new icons??
square went all out on this


PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:06 am 
Orcish Spamerizer
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Bodycount wrote:
that twilight gear looks like new icons??
square went all out on this

You should see the AF3 sets. They went all out with the stats and created a full unique set of armor for each job which amazing as this sounds, the full entire sets for almost every job is good.

Ebody is still good but the only job that gets a major benifit out of it now is BST and that's about it. I'm finishing up at work right now but when I get home later, I'll post some screenshots of the newer armor sets. BLM full HQ2 AF is pretty much the best possible stuff I've ever seen for the job. Oh and you remember how HQ Staves were the bomb for any serious BLM? Well thanks to Magian Trials any BLM who is willing to put in the time and effort can get something like this..


Yeah it's much superior to an HQ Thunder Staff. :(

This isn't a photoshop. With the right Atmas I can push close to 7k and my gear is probably nowhere near his.


NIN HQ2 Feet get an added Utsu to their count so Ni gets you 5 Shadows and Ichi gives you 4. NIN is no longer even close to an lol job anymore. It seriously flew over PLD in terms of being able to tank and can pump out massive numbers ranging between 3.2k to 6.5k Blade Hi's.

MNK can go over the haste cap now easily without the need to ever wear Fumas or Usukane again.

Suffice to say the new dev team *I think the main new guy in charge was the battle director for Chrono Trigger?* that took over after the old one left to do 14 pretty much took a ton of the suck out of the game and breathed a lot of life into it. If it was like this at the start, I doubt a lot of the older Eden folks would have quit later then sooner.

P.S. Fafnir is still camped but only for... Wyrm Beard and the one or two people that need Nhead or a Ridill? >_>


PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:37 pm 
Random Man
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S N K wrote:
ItsSeflol wrote:
Really? That's hilarious. Is the E/A body just junk now? But they look so pretty!


Easy to get lowman if you're good enough.



From the final boss of Abyessa which you can solo if you Brew it.

D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D: D:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:10 pm 
Black Thumb
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"that would look so badass on my BST"

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 12:23 am 
Bitter Canadian

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I quit when their expansions were those 2-4 idk... sidequest disks that gave you a useless new hat or whatever the semi useful reward was, good time to quit rly~

I'd probably play 11 again if there were more olde people playing, vidya games these days aren't what they used to be.
afk making sure no one steps on my god damn lawn


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:35 am 
Random Man
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My back lawn.

Yorke wrote:
"that would look so badass on my BST"

Seriously, bst is calling me back. Man auto reraise too... what the crap SE? Why did you have to wait until we got obligations to start getting awesome. Don't know how I would go about getting back in this for that gear. SNK said soloable but I'm sure the hike to that fight isn't. Maaan the itch is starting again, I better stop. Also I still don't have wings of the goddess so I'm not sure if that's needed.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 6:31 pm 
Gender Illusionist
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the fk, ni is 5 shadows with new gear? the fk can't a lv90 NIN solo then :eyecrazy: , sub like redmage job for haste/refresh and shit np ???????????????????????????

I hate this linkshell with a fiery passion.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:31 pm 
Orcish Spamerizer
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Lolmy wrote:
the fk, ni is 5 shadows with new gear? the fk can't a lv90 NIN solo then :eyecrazy: , sub like redmage job for haste/refresh and shit np ???????????????????????????

You'd think so but there is shit in the game which would rip a NIN to shreads. I have a small static with one guy and truthfully his NIN *and his ego lol* is amazing. There is stuff he can't solo and then there is shit like this.

That's not him btw but one of the items you can get via NPC which is exspensive is a Brew which gives you old FF stats with 9999 HP and capped stats. During this short peroid you can virtually kill almost anything no matter what job you're on. The cost is around 2,000,000 curur but if you defeat the last boss you can get an Abyssite which drops the cost to 200,000.

This thing I did legit once with 18 level 90s without a brew. It wiped our asses twice because of how damn strong it was. ... re=related

And yeah BLM soloing the last boss ... re=related


PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:52 pm 
Bitter Canadian

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clicked on the blm solo link which led to another link of jps one shotting that boss


PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:54 am 
Hexabox Aspirant
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Best proof that you don't need skill anymore, just the right items and endless cruor grinding.

Is this the game I once loved? ijdk...


PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:59 am 
Bitter Canadian

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C'mon now, you never really needed "skill" to play ffxi.


PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 1:49 pm 
Hexabox Aspirant
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okay, Teamwork, good coordination and good gear.

and Bots.


PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 2:04 pm 
Random Man
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I looked at that mnk video like 10 times. I geeked out when someone said they were immune to meteor... looks like people are having a lot of unadulterated fun on FFXI and I hate that SE stopped putting people on carrot stick treadmills before I quit.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:36 pm 
Bitter Canadian

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Lutia wrote:

I wonder how many people botted stuff in Eden... everyone I ever asked said they didn't but there HAD to be some rite??
I don't think we had many though, if we did have botters they sucked at it lol

Also, I hate to say it but ffxi was a good way to kill time when nothing interesting was happening irl.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:19 am 
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ffxi was a fun time killer, I'd like to login and fuck around for a bit. I don't wanna torrent the whole game again though...

Sefsig pwns

PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:15 am 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:47 am 
Orcish Spamerizer
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Bodycount wrote:
Lutia wrote:

I wonder how many people botted stuff in Eden... everyone I ever asked said they didn't but there HAD to be some rite??
I don't think we had many though, if we did have botters they sucked at it lol

Also, I hate to say it but ffxi was a good way to kill time when nothing interesting was happening irl.

Truthfully the only shit that's even botted remotely is this guy..


What's funny is he's a 10-15 minute repop but his KI is one of the 3 needed to spawn this guy..


Now if you remember the painful amount of Dynamis Sandys we did to finish Eudon's Bow then these are pretty much nothing at all compared to the power of these weapons.



I can't even begin to describe how overpowered these weapons are. It pretty much was SE saying we'll make you work less for a new weapon and make it more powerful then a relic. :/

Just like Ploid, I love my BST a lot and well I put enough time in even with my limited work schedule to get one of these..


It's stupidly strong for a one handed axe.

Here's a video off the new Emperyen Weapon Skills. Don't let the cheesy looks fool you. Ukko's Fury is very very powerful. I was reminded of Amy's WAR when I saw it. ... re=related

Oh and one last video I wanted to show Amy. When your WAR's Great Axe Skill Reaches 300, You can do shit like this for stupidly amazingly fast fucking exp.


PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:21 pm 
Black Thumb
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I truthfully never botted anything^^

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:39 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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Did they just reuse all of the physical parts of the animations ?


PostPosted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 5:49 pm 
Orcish Spamerizer
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ItsSeflol wrote:
Did they just reuse all of the physical parts of the animations ?



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