Tyriac wrote:
Iticus wrote:
It kinda look like hakutaku.
And wtf at anyone hating halloween?!?!? I had fun last night. Made my 2 year old walk like 3 miles total for candy I won't let him eat(lolchocolateallergies).
you are an evul father and i hope when you are old and relying on him he tosses you out on the street and remind you of when you let him walk miles for candy that he couldnt have
you should apologise to the wee man and take him out to the pictures / funpark / whatever else you have there to make up for it
1. I matched him candywise with every piece he couldn't eat.
2. He doesn't like his carriage. We've walked longer distances. We walk everywhere that is within walking distance.
3. The candy he couldn't eat was divided between me and the ladies son next door who couldn't go trick or treating because he broke his ankle the day before.
4. We to the best of our ability made him understand to the best of his capability that most of "his" candy wasn't going be able to be eaten by him.
5. When he's older and can better understand why I "make" him go trick or treating he will appreciate it. I refuse to let him miss out on something that is fun for him just because of a minor inconvenience to him.
6. I like baby ruth's.