Eden Forums

History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s
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Author:  Killer [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 3:59 am ]
Post subject:  History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s

My RL friend and I.




Exploring Bibiki when CoP came out.

Huntin' dem coffers.

Deadly Dodo which I happened to stumble upon one day...


Farming back in the day. Watkins did that train.

The PD PLDs. (First NA kbody.)

So many old faces...

Marquis Amon popped while hunting for the Castle Zvhail Bailey's key.

Killed this for Suka. I had one with Meo but I posted this cause it was a better pic.

Really don't remember what I was doing here but it had a lot of older people in it.

I believe this was for Batt, maybe Dragir, I can't remember.

PLD AF for me and another guy.

Hunting around Davoi, I think this was while I was doing G3(?).

More Beaudeux coffer hunting, I got my pants this time but I chose this SS cause it had some people in it. (And
the many deaths of Killer began here.)

MAGICITESSSSSSSS. With my old social, LordsOfVanadiel.

Saw some people killing this NM so I took a pic.




The old FN crew (and I mean old, look, Azz is still in there...) killing Behemoth.

Zky, Davidtight, and I screwing with the RMT. (I think this was the first group of gilsellers, these or the ones
shown in that Castle O pic above.)

Lumber Jack with Charitey's old LS, that RDM is Dragir.


KB with a bunch of old members, that galka in the first pic is Fujimaru, the taru PLD is Siknoz, and that hume PLD is Ommo.

Found this NM up on the way to help with coffer keys.

Lumber Jack again with a bunch of old faces.


My very first PLD AF2...

Nuggz and I, killing sum Novv.


Author:  S N K [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: By Snk's request... (Not 56k safe)

Wow ok this shit is awesome. Seeing this picture tho..


Ratty. Talk about a fuckload of memories with that guy. The NA Kbody PLD in which everyone dubbed it "The Ratty Armor".

Awesome pics dude. I know a ton of those people and seeing Meo in Gallent is beyond awesome.

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: By Snk's request... (Not 56k safe)

Omg punching stroper chymes was the best way to piss people off. My hate for gilsellers began there. Well, it was the first place I encountered gilsellers actually. My gil income dropped like a rock after gs started to enter ordello's caves. They forced me to camp VE (I hate camping ve because of the spawn range, time to pop, and th bright sand). They then invaded VE camp. Now there everywhere and I have no more gil nms. Seeing SNK's pictures of odd nms and how they seemed useful to him was cool. Wish more mobs were like stroper. All normal mobs with a rare money drop. Waiting hours for a chance at one nm got stupid. SE is stupid.

Author:  M fkn G [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 4:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: By Snk's request... (Not 56k safe)

Killer you sexy bitch.

Author:  Killer [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: By Snk's request... (Not 56k safe)

Gonna post more when I get home, because the rest are going to take a while to upload... If anyone wants to help me upload them, send me an IM.

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: By Snk's request... (Not 56k safe)


Imageshack blows. They delete your pictures after like a certain amount of traffic. Although it might not matter for these forums it has a possibility of happening when you least expect it.

Author:  Killer [ Fri Sep 21, 2007 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: By Snk's request... (Not 56k safe)

The first Sha'ir manteel on the server, also has some old old people in there.

My Heca Body, it was like my 5th kirin, lawl.

The first attempt at getting DE's fragment, I think we failed like 3 times.

The beginning of the Charybdis camps, I included this one cause it has Rykoshet dead and in a hauberk.


Eden's first kirin. I was in PD at the time and we took after wipe cause Doshu harassed Eudon. Thanks Eden!

This popped after 8 hours and we decided to kill it before Charybdis since we didn't have any competition. (This is the 2nd Charybdis that I popped and killed.)

Haha, Missyanyan went afk in the Sozu Rogberry room and while Ali and I were outside killing things we see her HP drop to 0 and "Missyanyan is defeated by Sozu Rogberry." Pretty good stuff.

From the 4th Charybdis I camped and killed. Kanali, Missyanyan, and I tried to kill Zuug and it ended up destroying us. Tigerlily (yes, that Tigerlily...) came back from AFK and killed it with Dia. We got the spear and hilarity but no siren's.

The first real expensive item I ever bought. This was a major accomplishment for me since I came up dirt poor 'till lvl 70+. Terror and I destroyed SSG and made 2 m each in the span of maybe 2 weeks. (2 m was luxurious, I was able to buy everything I needed + some all the way to 75.)

The many many U Pendant runs that PD did. This was our first drop ever, but I can't remember who got it...

One of many ways Nuggz and I planned on getting rich. After Terror and I stopped farming, Nuggz and I destroyed many places, but many RMT moved into the many profitable areas so we resorted to things like this.

More to come tomorrow! (Hope you're enjoying these Snk, it really brings back memories...)

Author:  Lolmy [ Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s


hay theres me

Author:  Risbyn [ Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s

Let's make a page 2 go!

Author:  Jrx [ Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s

lax Jrx rly

Author:  Maelicia [ Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s


Author:  Killer [ Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s

Jrxxxxx, I don't have any pics of you, rly. I didn't even know Eden existed 'till Falloon came and camped (AFK'd 'till pop that bastard) the last couple hours of my 10 hour Chary camp. Deviance went ballistic on y'all and ruined my chances of lotting against him. (I went a bit crazy myself but I didn't take it out on Eden. D: )

Author:  Mertron [ Fri Sep 21, 2007 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s

Once upon a time I expd with Deviance on my drk/his rng in boyahda on processionaires.

Someone in the pt was running a parser and I flat out destroyed his pre-patch rng on my drk.

Being informed of this and then being totally humiliated by everyone in the party, he pulled a water elemental onto our pt then logged out in an attempt to mpk us.

Deviance is retarded.

Author:  Shaggyiii1982 [ Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s

that was the first dau i heard of doshu, my hatred for the guy went from 0-1000 instanly cause all i remebr him saying is " IF YOU HELP THEM ILL BREAK YOUR FUCKING PEARL" what a wank stain. anyway its past if his ls didnt get it LP would have cos they was bitching out his ls "HEY THATS NOT FAIR" since when did LP ever play fair lol :/

Author:  Yorke [ Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s

LP doesn't play fair, just ask Ingwe. He's currently reciting Styx in the other room and prepping with a 1980's dance move.


Author:  Jaye [ Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: History of Killer (AKA: The History of Vana'diel) (Not 56k s

where's the picture where you finally picked up aegis...

oh that must be in the "still to come section".

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