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Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)
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Author:  Ploid [ Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)


V has come to.









- The first open world MGS - the beginning is linear though since it serves as tutorial
- Currently schedulded for Xbox 360 + PS3 (Maybe even next-gen consoles, possible announcement at E3)
- Trailer is in real-time, running on Kojima Production's FOX Engine
- Snake is NOT voiced by Hayter (?) Rumor: Kiefer Sutherland
- The crazy truth behind Joakim is..

- MGSV = Ground Zeroes + The Phantom Pain: "Ground Zeroes is a prologue of MGSV. 9 years after that event will be The Phantom Pain. MGSV is constructed w/ prologue and main game TPP. The game play demo I presented today is the opening of TPP which is tutorial that starts from crawling." - Joakim Mogren
- Snake wakes up 9 years after being in a coma and has lost many of his movement capabilities
- The whole hospital sequence is basically the tutorial of MGSV
- A bandaged man who introduces himself as Ishmael tries to help Snake to escape

Streams (Archive):
GDC 2013 Panel

Gametrailers (HD)
Official YouTube (HD)

YouTube (HD)
YouTube Mirror (HD)


Other stuff:
Official Website

Author:  Yorke [ Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

I got daily hot link limited on every one of your pictures but I want you to know that I am exceptionally happy about this.

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

I'm looking at the stream archive video now. This engine is pretty amazing. They recreated their conference room in the engine. Impressive Snake!

Author:  Yorke [ Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Open world sounds hot, though admittedly most places were pretty accessible later in the game.

Edit: Forgot to mention this, but playing Garbage over the trailer is almost too perfect.


Garbage - Not Your Kind of People

Author:  Yorke [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Post more about this while I'm at work today please for the love of god.

Author:  Ploid [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

There's not much, uh an interview with the creator of MGS was on Gametrailers.


-Sounds like we'll be getting Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain separately. Ties into how Kojima was interested in episodic releases. Ground Zeroes first and then Phantom Pain, as Ground Zeroes "eases us" into the sneaking and whatnot, and Phantom Pain is a huge game that continues.

-Hayter is gone for good :(

-Ground Zeroes takes place almost immediately after Peace Walker, Phantom Pain 9 years later

-It will be open world unlike previous Metal Gears where you just show up at a stage and go in a linear path. Instead they want it to be "realistic infiltration", you choose how to infiltrate, where to infiltrate, and what time is best to do it. There could be side missions along the way that affect your objective.

-You will only play as Big Boss

-80% realistic, 20% sci fi/fantasy (fire whales and shit)

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

So does no one like that Revengeance game or something?
Is it even main series or is it like a side thing?

Author:  Ploid [ Fri Mar 29, 2013 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

It's a side game, action based. People say it's good, but it's not Metal Gear main. There is some sneaking in it but the main thing is slicing people up.

Author:  Yorke [ Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Poor Hayter ;( I read some of his sad tweets and they are indeed, sad.

http://kotaku.com/beloved-solid-snake-v ... -461256492

I'm so happy this game is coming out that it has dulled me about Bioshock since I feel like nothing is as good as MGS. Not sure why but I think that creeping around with that prosthetic arm is gonna be gangster.

Did you see the interview Kojima did all wrapped in bandages for the trailer?


Author:  Ploid [ Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Omg noooo I thought he chose not to be in the game... :( Man this is sad indeed. I had a feeling that he was tired of being a lowly voice actor since he writes screenplays for hollywood and stuff. Crap man.

I didn't see that interview with the bandages yet. There was one with the bandages around 1 week ago, but the guy in the bandages wasn't Kojima.

Author:  Yorke [ Sat Mar 30, 2013 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

If it wasn't labeled you'd never know!


Author:  Ploid [ Sat Mar 30, 2013 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Yeah Fox engine is darn impressive. I'm scared for what they do with nextgen hardware. Stuff will look too real man hah.

Also I agree with you on today's games. Games like MGS are few and far between, games where you use your brain to advance. You could shoot and kill everyone but you'd just make it harder for yourself, and it's less fun than sneaking around being untraceable. When the bullets started flying in Bioshock Infinite I turned my brain off and just went in a autopilot mode. I didn't really care what weapon I picked up, or what that AI girl was doing (Stop throwing me coins woman), I just wanted to get to the next free explore no shooting area.

I don't know how far you made it yet, but I liked the way the non fight segments are. When I say fight I mean the waves of enemies parts where you are a madman killing everyone. I made a mistake and looked in a cash register (didn't take anything) and the shopkeeper went crazy on me. Police was waiting for me outside. I didn't want to hit anyone because, lol don't laugh at me, that AI girl seemed to hate the killing at that point. The cops wasn't having it though. The price for looking in a register was death.

That AI lady is supposed to be some advanced stuff so I was seeing how far it goes. Sure you do'nt have to worry about her during combat, and she even bring some awesomeness to the table but I just don't like the random coins she try to give you. The prompt to get the coin doesn't go away.

Author:  Ploid [ Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Vedder you are going to faint


Author:  ItsSeflol [ Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

he's going to cum in his pants

Author:  Yorke [ Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

Oddly enough I watched the presentation live of all things (I'm off work till 6/24 cause of medical shit), and since it was a few hours ago my erection has subsided slightly. I streamed it live as it happened (the event, not my erection).

At first I was like, Xbox????

Clearly it's going to be a PS4 game as well. I'm actually happy for Xbox users that they'll be able to play this. I'm impressed with the visuals, but the visuals were something I expected to be amazing regardless. I love that they don't key away any story in this. Story is what drives the MGS games for me. And NOT shooting.

The clip of him hopping into the back of the enemy car to get places is an interesting concept...I kinda liken it to being able to have yourself transported to certain areas via cardboard box like before. His new tagline seems appropriate for the last game: Punished Snake.

I'm impressed with the trailer of course. Kojima doesn't make big mistakes with things, especially something like MGS. I don't expect this to be any different.

Author:  Ploid [ Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Metal Gear Solid V announced (PS360, open world)

There are a lot of open world games now... I likey!

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