Check this level out. My game hasn't arrived still.
Why is it everytime I get more verbally abusive about the servers not being up they come back on? AM I THE KEY?
Sackhouette 2 - SkyGoose's Dilemma
The 2nd level in my Sackhouette series follows on from Forest King's Request, as your intrepid sackboy/girl visits the Sky Realm. Thunder is the main hazard up here, with perilous jumping across ancient pillars, BestMan's missing BestJet and a trio of deliquant ducks. All this and TWO boss encounters!
There are many windmills because there is a lot of wind in the sky, you see.

Unsightly spelling error has been fixed, but you will have to fix BestMan's problems!

This segment may be the one to replace the frogs from the first :lol

Even the sky isn't safe from chavs..

I quite like making these shrines and set-pieces, its making the fearsome mechanical bosses that causes me real grief!

.:The THUNDERTRUNK:.Easy ways to find my levels is to search Sackhouette, which should certainly at least find my first level and from there you should be able to access my second. Heart it, recommend it to friends, help me get some decent amounts of plays because its rather hard to survive the rather rigidly rubbish system MM has in place for cycling the front page at the moment..