Holy shit omg. I can't WAIT for this game to come out. UT, imo, was the only FPS worth playing for a long ass time, and though I played primarily keyboard/mouse I was pretty damn good at Arena. The only thing that was crappy was the lack of a good single player mode (save for online, which was definitely what set it apart from other games. UT was king for a long ass time, basically until the steam engine came out for CS (which I still didn't think was as good, but w/e). I will definitely be getting this game, I'm 100% sure. I don't wanna get it quite yet because I just kinda got CoD and I feel like I'll totally ditch CoD if UT is as good as I expect it will be.
Those screenshots are fkn HOT btw. Anyone would definitely be doing themselves a favor if they were to get this.
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.