Eden Forums

; ;
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Author:  GUNSHOW10K [ Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  ; ;

Hi guys.

Just a quick post to say that I have left Fairy to go to Titan for a while.
I need to re-learn the basics and see what happens from there.
Just want to say thanks for everything and hopefully will see you guys again soon.
You are lucky to be in Fairy, in the sense that 80% of Titan is JP :/ and it's hard to get a fully english-speaking party and most of the JP have in their bazaar commment or search comment "No english party".
Fkn racists bastards!!!
Welp other than that I got whm to 75 and started sch and am currently on 18.
Please keep this thread active so I can keep in touch w/o having to do a new post every time.
I was initially not planning on coming to back to Fairy, but I miss some of the Eden guys already and some of my other friends too. So I don't know what I'm gonna do yet.
My main reason was that Eden has changed alot since I was last there. Yes I got abuse back then, but it was a funny abuse and made me lol no matter what anyone said. Now it's relentless and I would not take it in RL, but obviously nothing I can do about it. I play FFXI for fun and as a realease mechanism from my stressful job, but it's only making things worse atm. So hopefully this break will do me good.

Well good luck guys and hope to see you sometime soon (apart from the the angry emo kids (you know who your are)). :bll:

Bubai <3

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

You owe me 10k!

Author:  Kooyo [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

bai gun ; ; i'll buy a mic in ur memory :cry2:

Author:  Tomiko [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

Like I told you before you left, just be an asshole back.

Good luck on Titan.

Author:  Knyght [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

Stay there


Author:  Knyght [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

No, really

Author:  Ploid [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

What who picked on you? I know some guys that can kill them without actually killing them. It's painful and last forever. I always liked having you around. You were the John replacement, poor John. Why do the PLD humes receive so much abuse? Take care man, and try to enjoy.

By the way, best FFXI name ever. I remember the first time I saw your name. I thought, "Oh dang this guy must be stinking insane. I bet he's a rng that use guns." I'd always expect a show out of you as well hah. Good times.

Author:  Lutia [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;


Author:  Herant [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

you'll be missed gunz :\

Author:  dispell [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

nuuuu :?

Author:  GUNSHOW10K [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

Hi guys, Just checking in quickly with some up dates :)
Joined a really low level LS and I'm the only 75 in it lol.
Helping loads of guys and I can actually answer their questions lawl ( sweet Jesus, the irony)
It's good being the big fish in a small pond as opposed to being small one in big pond etc.
Got my sch to 20 and out of the dunes in 2 days which is nice.
Bought an errant cape for 800k which is 200k less than Fairy.
Sold a bunch of stuff, people seem to be alot worse geared in Titan as a general rule so stuff that is hard to come by, sells for alot in bazaars.
Star rings and earring are only like 1.5-7 mil on here too so about 500k less each here, so am saving for 1 of those each.
I learned what FoV is too lol
People kept talking about it in LS and I didn't dare ask, but now I know, and it makes dunes alot easier.
Would be good if you guys could send me money and I could send you the gear cause it's so much cheaper here.
I still got a mule on Fairy too and have 5 more day to bring him to Titan free etc. <.< (that has got you thinking?)

Anyway hope everything is good with you guys

See you.

Author:  Lutia [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

This is now a Blog.

Author:  Yorke [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

12:17 PM

Today I was camping Leaping Lizzy against several players, all of whom were Japanese. I was easily the first person nearest to him when he popped, however some speed-hacking gaijin claimed from Bastok. When I tried to GM him for speed-hacking, the GM sent me to jail and called me a racist. I have to write an apologetic AOL instant message to the emperor, but he won't add me onto his Buddy List. What do I do???

Author:  GUNSHOW10K [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

lmao yeah I didn't think of that till Lut said.
Will stop with the blogishness :/

Author:  Kariana [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

What Lutia is really saying is that you should start a blog for us to follow :boing:

I like the updates :)

Glad you are having fun over on Titan Gun - thats the point of a game isnt it :love:

(:bll: to Lutia)

Author:  Lutia [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

Kariana wrote:
Start your own :bll: to Lutia

Would you read it?

Kariana wrote:
thats the point of a game isnt it :love:

So you didn't understand the concept of FFXI at all.

Author:  Kariana [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

Lutia wrote:
Kariana wrote:
Start your own :bll: to Lutia

Would you read it?

Kariana wrote:
thats the point of a game isnt it :love:

So you didn't understand the concept of FFXI at all.

Havent you realized that by now??

and yes I would :lol:

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Mon Aug 17, 2009 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

Yorke wrote:
called me a racist.

Idk why, this was expected but I still raffed.

Author:  GUNSHOW10K [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

Hi guys, have decided that this is gonna be sort of a blog tbh, read it or don't, it's all good.

Got sch to 25 today and am headed for the Jungles now.
Bazaars are fucking unreal here btw.
So far seen dusk gloves+1 for 15 million and 10000 bynes bill note for 80,000,000 (lol).
Gonna craft alot to try to get the money for the gloves if I can.
Worked out that I can make about 300k a day making silent oils and prisms if I spend about 2 hours a day crafting and with being off work until next Monday, I can get about 2-3 mil from that alone which would be a start.
Osodes here sell for a bout 4 mil ( the lolharder items to get are alot more here) as people are alot more gimped.
I could just use haub for Blade: Jin in stead of the Osode cause I dont really play nin alot anymore cause it's crap.
So.....hopefully by end of week, I could be 1/2 way to gloves but 7 mil would probably be spend better in other ways, who knows.

Later :)

Author:  Yorke [ Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ; ;

8:01 AM

I awoke this morning to the sound of <call10> left over from the late-night JP party I joined. After they said there was an LS event (in so many words) I noticed that they had just used Escape and were exping with a Bone Knife+1 THF in a Blue Cotehardie at the zone line. I asked about the LS event they were supposed to go to, and they said ~~/~`//--`~`

I don't know what that means, but I'm going to guess it was something that I dare not repeat in front of ladies that might read this thread. That being said, I had to sift through 10 lines of emotes by some 13 year old otaku fan from North Dakota that was bowing in front of the JP THF just because he was Japanese. I'm no PhD, but I was confused by his utter infatuation with the same Japanese culture that tried to kill us all in World War II. My bad, not Italy or Germany. Fags.

I then took note that my LS contains both Italians AND Germans. The JP's have already begun their assault on our LS through their allies and we have let them do as they please up to this point around earth. Do what you can, and I hate to trivialize Fafnir camping by relating it to a World War but I simply can't stress the importance of N. Head for PLD and Ridill for SAM enough.

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