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Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)
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Author:  Lutia [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)


Cba to copy the text here. Summary: White Mage gets stuff.

Author:  Aemora [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

Lutia and Mertron fail at this shit so much.........


Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (26/03/2009)


The upcoming April version update will boast a wealth of adjustments and additions to a selection of jobs. Today, it is our pleasure to outline the benefits that this will bestow upon white mages—the altruists of Vana'diel.

Job Abilities
    Two complementary new job abilities are scheduled to be added, with ability delay set low for both so that white mages can optimize their usage for the ever-changing tactical needs of the battlefield.

- Afflatus Solace
    (Lv40 Ability Delay: 1 min. Duration: 2 hrs.)
    Inspires you to draw strength from the healing spells you cast.


- Afflatus Misery
    (Lv40 Ability Delay: 1 min. Duration: 2 hrs.)
    Inspires you to draw strength from the damage you take.


- Afflatus Solace
    While Afflatus Solace is activated, the amount of HP you restore via Cure spells and the job abilities Benediction and Martyr will be recorded up to a limit determined by your character's level.
    This accumulated amount will determine the bonus value granted to specific spells.

- Afflatus Misery
    While Afflatus Misery is activated, the most recent damage you sustain will be recorded up to a limit determined by your character's level. This damage amount will determine the bonus value granted to specific spells. Unlike Afflatus Solace, it is non-accumulative and overwriting.

The effects of both Afflatus Solace and Afflatus Misery are mutually exclusive. Activating one while the other is in effect will result in the nullification of the one originally in effect.
Using either Afflatus Solace or Afflatus Misery when the same ability is already activated will reset all recorded values up to that point.

The introduction of the above job abilities will see a number of changes made to existing spells, with new spells set to make an appearance in Vana'diel for the first time.

- Sacrifice (Lv65)
    Transfers one enfeebling effect from target to yourself.
    Casting Sacrifice while Afflatus Solace is activated grants a bonus to the number and variety of enfeebling effects transferred.


- Cure / Cure II / Cure III / Cure IV / Cure V
    Casting the above Cure spells while Afflatus Solace is activated grants the target the effect of Stoneskin for a short duration.
    The Stoneskin effect attained via this method is not stackable with and will not overwrite the white magic spell "Stoneskin" or Blood Pact: Ward ability "Earthen Ward."

- Elemental Resistance Spells
    Casting Bar- type spells while Afflatus Solace is activated grants an additional defense bonus to the associated element.

- Holy
    Casting Holy while Afflatus Solace is activated grants a potency bonus to the spell based on the amount of HP you restore. The record of accumulated HP is reset upon use.

- Cura (Lv40)
    Restores HP for party members within area of effect.
    Casting Cura while Afflatus Misery is activated grants a potency bonus to the spell based on the most recent damage you sustain.
    The record of damage taken is reset upon use.


- Esuna (Lv61)
    Removes one enfeebling effect from yourself and party members within area of effect.
    Casting Esuna while Afflatus Misery is activated grants a bonus to the number and variety of enfeebling effects removed.


- Auspice (Lv55)
    Reduces TP dealt when striking an enemy for party members within area of effect.
    When cast upon a white mage for whom Afflatus Misery is activated, Auspice also adds light damage to initial attacks and bestows an accuracy bonus when target is missed.


- Banish / Banish II / Banish III / Banishga / Banishga II
    Casting the above Banish spells while Afflatus Misery is activated grants a potency bonus to the spell based on the most recent damage you sustain.
    The record of damage taken is reset upon use.

Other Changes
In addition to the abovementioned adjustments and additions, the following changes will also take place:
    - White magic "Banish II": Slight increase to magic accuracy. Casting time shortened from 3.75 to 2.5 seconds.
    - White magic "Banish III": Slight increase to magic accuracy. Casting time shortened from 5.5 to 3 seconds.
    - White magic "Banishga II": Slight increase to magic accuracy.
    - White magic "Raise II": MP consumption reduced from 200 to 150. Casting time shortened from 20 to 14 seconds.
    - White magic "Raise III": MP consumption reduced from 250 to 150. Casting time shortened from 20 to 13 seconds.
    - White magic "Reraise": Learning requirement reduced from Lv33 to Lv25 for WHM, and Lv40 to Lv35 for SCH.
    - White magic "Reraise II": Learning requirement reduced from Lv60 to Lv56 for WHM, and Lv75 to Lv70 for SCH. MP consumption reduced from 175 to 150. Casting time shortened from 8 to 7.5 seconds.
    - White magic "Reraise III": Learning requirement reduced from Lv75 to Lv70 for WHM. MP consumption reduced from 200 to 150. Casting time shortened from 8 to 7 seconds.
    - Job ability "Martyr": Ability range increased to be equivalent to Cure spells.

That concludes the list of changes scheduled for the white mage job in the upcoming version update. Other jobs set to receive fine-tuning will be introduced in the very near future, so keep watching this space!


That's one hell of an adjustment. It's like they made a Whm into a buffed Scholar, without actually taking away from what Scholar's have to offer (Except for the Stoneskin Cures, that's broke as fuck).

I feel a Morrigan patch coming on?!?!

Author:  Lutia [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

I feel Utsusemi: San obviously!

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

PLD needs an update imo.
Also, WHM is the new PLD.
Also, this is why PLD needs an update, it needs to trump everything 10-fold.

Author:  Risbyn [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)


Wow, SE showing some White Mage love!

Feels like SE really likes the SAM side of things and applying it to the WHM job. Hasso and Seigan = Afflatus Solace and Afflatus Misery

Author:  Xepheria [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)


This looks nice <: Maybe I'll log in more for this! When's the update?

Author:  Blaize [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

BLM Updates ploz.

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

Blaize wrote:
BLM Updates ploz.

Wtf else would you want?

Author:  Blaize [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

ItsSeflol wrote:
Blaize wrote:
BLM Updates ploz.

Wtf else would you want?

A Lutia is fine too.

Seriously though, in like 4 years, all BLMs got was a nerf, and some stupid shiny MP inefficient spells.

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

Here we go RDMs!!! HERE WE GO!! Solo buff to the max! I won't be able to experience it but the dream will still be there.


RDM, THF, BST next please!

Author:  Cyc [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

that whm update is fucking win

Author:  Lolmy [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)


Author:  Sureaboutthis [ Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

Xepheria wrote:

This looks nice <: Maybe I'll log in more for this! When's the update?

Author:  Aemora [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

EBody Whm go!

Author:  Safersephx [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

Sureaboutthis wrote:
Xepheria wrote:

This looks nice <: Maybe I'll log in more for this! When's the update?

Author:  Risbyn [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Job Adjustments and Additions Part I (03/26/2009)

April 8th is when the update goes live.

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