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AV/PW nerfed hehehe
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Author:  Lolmy [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  AV/PW nerfed hehehe


The past two weeks have seen considerable feedback from players regarding the amount of time required to combat the Pandemonium Warden, a recently implemented Notorious Monster (NM). Discussion has spread significantly throughout forums, and it has become apparent that this is indeed an issue of major unrest in the community.

We would like to assure players that the development and management teams place a high value on their feedback, and the issue has since been taken under serious consideration. Together with Absolute Virtue, it has been deemed that the combative techniques for weakening these NMs are too difficult. As a result, some players have engaged these enemies using unanticipated methods which led to extended battle times. It is by no means the desire of the development team to see players involved in encounters that require an excessive amount of time and effort to complete. It was for this reason that previous measures were put into practice which prohibited NMs from being held in battle for prolonged periods. In response to these events, we have determined that further alterations are required to prevent such battles from exceeding a certain predetermined length of time.

Included in the version update scheduled for early September will be modifications to the degree of difficulty of Pandemonium Warden (and associated pets), Absolute Virtue (and associated pets), and Jailer of Love. The aim of these changes is to create battles where a decisive outcome may be reached within a shorter period of time.

The development and management teams would like to take this opportunity to express their commitment to a healthy and wholesome game environment for players everywhere to enjoy, and to thank them for the continued feedback.

All it took was some LS fighting PW for 18 hours :failidea: TO SEA! Dibs on first Mar's/Ninruta's

Author:  superfob [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

Together with Absolute Virtue, it has been deemed that the combative techniques for weakening these NMs are too difficult.

So it took SE 2 years to figure out AV was broken? :lmao:

Author:  Iticus [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

!!!!!! To sea indeed. Let's get this fat fuck his novio!!!!! Gives us incentive to sea farm on a consistant basis know. Kinda excited.

Author:  Ploid [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe


And here I thought amy and the other eden members didn't mind this due to their lack of interest in my thread about it.

Author:  Scorsese [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

I haz novio. I quit sea. :zzz:

Author:  Lutia [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

I can see SE just implementing time limits for all those mobs. Cant beat JoL in 15 minutes? Depop. FIXED!

Author:  Iticus [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

Ploid...... Is that pic fake?

Author:  Asta [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

Doesn't say anywhere they will be weakened. Seems they go out of their way to avoid it. I vote for rage timers.

I like the "the only reason these battles take too long is because you guys are too noob and stupid to do it right."

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

Nothing good is going to happen <_<

Author:  Tyriac [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

Surfs up

Author:  Ploid [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

I'm not sure if it's real but it sure does look purdy.

Author:  Tyriac [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

Isn't there some Giant wave competition held once a year where there's a freak Megawave happens because of the tidal change or something, i'm thinking Hawaii or Mavericks but i'm not sure

Author:  Iticus [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

Idk but that pic ploid posted is ridiculous. That has to be like a 50ft wave.

Author:  Tyriac [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

from the little knowledge i have on surfing i believe mavericks' surf can be anywhere between 30' and 50'

Author:  Sureaboutthis [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

The past two weeks have seen considerable feedback from players regarding the amount of time required to combat the Pandemonium Warden, a recently implemented Notorious Monster (NM). Discussion has spread significantly throughout forums, and it has become apparent that this is indeed an issue of major unrest in the community.

mhhh, complaints about AV isnt exactly new, however coverage on yahoo.com frontpage is >.>

We would like to assure players that the development and management teams place a high value on their feedback, and the issue has since been taken under serious consideration. Together with Absolute Virtue, it has been deemed that the combative techniques for weakening these NMs are too difficult.


As a result, some players have engaged these enemies using unanticipated methods which led to extended battle times.

stuuupid players that l2p :twisted:

It is by no means the desire of the development team to see players involved in encounters that require an excessive amount of time and effort to complete.


It was for this reason that previous measures were put into practice which prohibited NMs from being held in battle for prolonged periods. In response to these events, we have determined that further alterations are required to prevent such battles from exceeding a certain predetermined length of time.

ragetimer, lolol

Included in the version update scheduled for early September will be modifications to the degree of difficulty of Pandemonium Warden (and associated pets), Absolute Virtue (and associated pets), and Jailer of Love. The aim of these changes is to create battles where a decisive outcome may be reached within a shorter period of time.

2 years late, lololol
The development and management teams would like to take this opportunity to express their commitment to a healthy and wholesome game environment for players everywhere to enjoy, and to thank them for the continued feedback.

and to hopefully keep lawsuits away >.>

Author:  Tyriac [ Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

taken from wiki

Maverick's or Mavericks is a world-famous, but for some a notorious and deadly, surfing location in Northern California. It is located approximately one-half mile (0.8 km) from shore in Pillar Point Harbor, just north of Half Moon Bay at the village of Princeton-By-The-Sea. After a strong winter storm has occurred in the northern Pacific Ocean, waves can routinely crest at over 25 feet (8m) and top out at over 50 feet (15m). The break is caused by an unusually-shaped underwater rock formation.
Mavericks is a winter destination for some of the world's premier big wave surfers. Very few riders become big wave surfers; and of those, only a select few are willing to risk the hazardous conditions at Maverick's. An invitation-only contest is held there every winter, depending on wave conditions.

The Origin of the Name

In early March of 1961, three surfers, Alex Matienzo, Jim Thompson, and Dick Knottmeyer, decided to try the distant waves off Pillar Point. With them was a white-haired German Shepherd named Maverick, owned by a roommate of Matienzo. Maverick was used to swimming out with his owner, or with Matienzo, while they were out surfing.

The trio left Maverick on shore, but he swam out and caught up with them. Finding the conditions too unsafe for the dog, Matienzo paddled back in and tied Maverick to the car bumper, before rejoining the others. The riders had limited success that day, surfing the tail end of the break and generally deeming the conditions too dangerous.

They decided to name the point after Maverick, who seemed to have gotten the most out of the experience. It became known as "Maverick's Point", and later simply "Maverick's".

In the Special Features section of Riding Giants, Jeff Clark is said to be the next person to surf Mavericks (1975) mentioning that his junior high teacher used to refer to this distant break as Mavericks.

Jeff Clark's Discovery

Jeff Clark, having grown up near Half Moon Bay, learned about Maverick's at an early age. At that time the location was deemed too dangerous to surf. He spent time watching the break, and conceived the possibility of riding Hawaii-sized waves right there in Northern California. One day in 1975, with the waves topping out at 10 to 12 feet, Clark paddled out alone to face Maverick's. He was successful, catching a number of left-breaking waves, thereby becoming the first person to tackle Maverick's head-on.

For the next 15 years, Clark continued surfing Maverick's alone. It was Clark's secret winter 'giant north shore-sized surf' surfing spot. Other than a few close friends who had paddled out and seen Maverick's themselves, no one believed in its existence. The popular opinion of the time was that there simply were no large, Hawaii-sized waves in California.

The next two people to surf at Maverick's, on January 22, 1990, in the company of Clark, were Dave Schmidt (brother of big wave legend Richard Schmidt) and Tom Powers, both from Santa Cruz. John Raymond, from Pacifica, and Mark Renneker, from San Francisco, surfed Maverick's a few days later.

Author:  Aemora [ Sat Aug 23, 2008 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AV/PW nerfed hehehe

I think everyone has pretty much thought that it was ridiculous that the game has enemies in it that are undefeatable. The method to which Square-Enix intented these monsters to be fought were never made common knowledge, even after hundreds of attempts at Absolute Virtue and I think 3 to Pandemonium Warden. I think the community owes a huge thanks to the idiots that spent 18 hours fighting PW or it to make headlines around the world, which finally make SE sit up and be all like, "womgggggg we're jewed".

Looking forward to AV's regen being abolished, and PW's pets becoming 6 not 8. :D

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