Eden Forums

DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]
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Author:  sera [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 7:56 pm ]
Post subject:  DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]


you too iticus pls, and poppet. thx


Author:  Tyriac [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 8:07 pm ]

Doing campaign till these fkrs turn up!

Author:  Mrdude [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Scorsese wrote:
In keeping with the theme of this thread, I hate Pale solely on the grounds that he is black.

Author:  Athenax [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

"In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's"...WTF!!!!!
This fool is so black, I can't even find him when he laughs!
(A green latern trying to catch Palerider at night time)

Author:  M fkn G [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

I hate pale because he is a gay black man.

Author:  sera [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Ok guyz, SNK, Poppet, Iticus, Pale:
Go time is 6:30 GMT TOMORROW for Alexander. That's tomorrow, Thursday the 3rd of April, at 6:30 GMT.
Yes, it HAS to be tomorrow because Pale is gay and gets to go to Granada on Friday, for the weekend. Blame Pale.

Lets kick some alexander ass, i want my fucking ring. thx. Ilu guyz

Author:  Tyriac [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]


then we re do it all again for Tyr rite :?: :!: :whistle:

Author:  Aemora [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Why is Stevie Wonder always smiling?
    He doesn't know he's black.

How long does it take a nigger bitch to take a shit?
    9 months.

Why are niggers like sperm?
    Only one in a million actually work.

Why do niggers have flat noses?
    That's where god put his feet when he was pulling off their tails.

How do you get a nigger out of a tree?
    Cut the rope.

Why do niggers stink?
    So blind people can hate them too.

What do nigger kids get for Christmas?
    Your bike.

What's a niggers idea of foreplay?
    "Don't scream or I'll cut you, bitch."

What is the worst 3 years of a niggers life?
    First grade.

How was break dancing invented?
    Niggers trying to steal hubcaps from moving cars.

What's the difference between niggers and pit-bulls?
    It's still legal to own a pit-bull

What do you say to a black man in uniform?
    "I'll have a Big Mac with cheese and a coke."

How do you stop a nigger from going out?
    Pour more gas on him.

What do you do if you run over a nigger?


What is the difference between Batman and a black man?
    Batman can go out at night without Robin.

:fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag:

Author:  M fkn G [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

that last one is good.

Author:  sera [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Aemora wrote:
Why is Stevie Wonder always smiling?
    He doesn't know he's black.

How long does it take a nigger bitch to take a shit?
    9 months.

Why are niggers like sperm?
    Only one in a million actually work.

Why do niggers have flat noses?
    That's where god put his feet when he was pulling off their tails.

How do you get a nigger out of a tree?
    Cut the rope.

Why do niggers stink?
    So blind people can hate them too.

What do nigger kids get for Christmas?
    Your bike.

What's a niggers idea of foreplay?
    "Don't scream or I'll cut you, bitch."

What is the worst 3 years of a niggers life?
    First grade.

How was break dancing invented?
    Niggers trying to steal hubcaps from moving cars.

What's the difference between niggers and pit-bulls?
    It's still legal to own a pit-bull

What do you say to a black man in uniform?
    "I'll have a Big Mac with cheese and a coke."

How do you stop a nigger from going out?
    Pour more gas on him.

What do you do if you run over a nigger?


What is the difference between Batman and a black man?
    Batman can go out at night without Robin.

:fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag:


Author:  Yorke [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

last one is absolutely classic, I concur

Author:  Bodycount [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Wow I am completly offended.....

j/k carry on.

Author:  Risbyn [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Jesus fucking Christ. The amount of racisim in Eden is fucking astounding. I -sir- am not amused. I think you all need to take a good look at yourselves and ask, "Why am I such a piece of shit?" Time to unfuck yourselves cause this is a serious redass that plenty of people are not easily amused by.

However that last bit was pretty fucking funny. ><

Author:  Athenax [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

I can't believe I been gone from Eden for so long, and we still picking on Pale, poor guy..

Alas, I MIGHT have an idea where he is at, just read this post:

Someone go check if it's him please? It ain't kool to report guldies...

(love ya Pale, good sport)

Author:  Watkins [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Risbyn wrote:
Jesus fucking Christ. The amount of racisim in Eden is fucking astounding. I -sir- am not amused. I think you all need to take a good look at yourselves and ask, "Why am I such a piece of shit?" Time to unfuck yourselves cause this is a serious redass that plenty of people are not easily amused by.

However that last bit was pretty fucking funny. ><

People do ride the whole making fun of people based on their race or going on about how gay they are to try to make others laugh thing too much, but that's Eden rite. If I didn't know better, Scor and Aemora would make me fucking hate homos, lol!

In my opinion, Pale does kinda have that "yo yo yo i'm black let's make racist jokes and laugh!" thing going on so whatevs. This thread being in public discussion kinda makes us look like idiots though, LS chat isn't as bad as this thread would make people think.

Black men usually make awesome MMO players, I wonder how many you fools have annoyed away. :nonono:

:nonono: :nonono: :nonono: :nonono: :nonono: :nonono:

Author:  Aemora [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

People need to get over themselves?

Who gives a shit if your black, asian, gay, obese, ugly, etc, etc, etc... People will always make jokes about others because it makes them feel happy at others' expense.

Just because your black makes you no different from the rest of the human race. I hate political correctness, and whatever flows from it can go lick a joke-no2!


Whilst we're at it...

    Four gay guys walk into a gay bar and they find a problem. There's only one stool left.

    One guy says "Lets flip for it"

    But another says "No, Lets flip it over"

How do you know if you're at a gay picnic?
    The hotdogs taste like shit!

Four fags are sitting in a hot tub. They notice some sperm rising to the surface.
    One fag says, "Ok, who farted?"

Why'd the fag get fired from the sperm bank?
    They caught him drinking on the job

What did the gay fireman say on 9/11?
    It's raining men! Hallelujah! It's raining men! AMEN!!!!


What's the difference between a refridgerator and a fag?
    The fridge doesn't fart when you pull the meat out!

:fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag: :fag:

Author:  Watkins [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Hell Aemora, you know I hate you and your humor. I only responded because Risbyn did, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered; didn't want poor Ris to be lonely. I'm all for the subtle jabs at stereotypes that you all do often, they are sometimes amusing.

The screen full of jokes about hanging and other hate crimes was pretty fucked up though. I've seen too much about that violence to be anything less than disgusted at the thought of it, forget joking about it. Would be cool to live in a nice little suburbian home with a white family and white neighbors where your biggest worry is why your girlfriend dumped you but still wanted to be friends. Scary stuff. :fear:

But not everyone gets that, so I don't think telling people who have had to put up with more shit than you ever will come close to or has simply just has some decency to get over themselves when they don't laugh at your distasteful jokes that are directed at them or their friends makes you look like anything less like a jackass.

Bike stealing and being lazy? Annoying, but at times good joke material. Hanging, rape, running over, and lighting on fire?

Funny stuff man, I bet you aren't awkward to be around at parties at all. But who can know! :suspect:

I suppose though, since I do happen to be part black, that the fact that I think these jokes are totally retarded are a result of the fact that I'm butthurt, get offended too easily, and need to get over myself right?

I didn't find those decade old gay jokes funny either, I guess I'm hopeless. :cry2:

afk stealing Aemo's bike and TV then sleeping all day on a pile of watermelons instead of going to work!

Carry on.

Author:  Aemora [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

Different cultures, blahblahblah...

But to say you hate me? womg I'm offended!

owait, idk you and you won't affect my life...

Watkins wrote:
Carry on.

Oh, and for the record, I don't has a bike.

Author:  Risbyn [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

My post was half-joking, half-serious. I don't have a problem with black jokes in general, I do have a problem with the term nigger being tossed around like it's no big deal. I have a problem with words like chink, spick, cracker etc. Racism might not be such a big deal in Europe, but here it's a problem and those terms used by the people over here usually would love nothing more than an ethnic cleansing. Am I a tightwad for having a problem with it? Get over yourself, the problem isn't as simple as that. I've lived in the south and shit I've seen happen there would make any normal human turn away in disgust.

Probably my point being is just how offensive the racial terms are are dependent on where you were raised and your experiences. A few of us have had bad experiences with it. Political correctness? Please. I'll be the first to call a black man as I see it. A black man. Nigger or the other racial slurs were used by people who burnt crosses in yards and those who would love nothing more than to stick minorities in concentration camps. Epic funni rite? Political correctness has nothing to do with it, it's respecting other races.

Author:  Athenax [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DEAR FUCKING PALERIDER [Official Palerider Hate Thread]

I'm LATINO (read this well, LATINO, not MEXICAN!!), don't leave me out yo, where my jokes @?

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