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Author:  Yunz [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:15 am ]
Post subject:  Cloverfield.

I just got back from the theater, watched Cloverfield. It was pretty great in my eyes, but no one else in the theater liked it. I'm sure its because its a very unique film, done very differently then any major motion picture i've ever seen before and people hate new things when it comes to entertainment, they want the same fucking thing over and over again so they can complain about it. Anyways, if you've been thinking about it, I recommend it. It's probably not what your thinking at all, and supposedly its much deeper then it seems. Its speculated that this is more or less a trial run for a higher budget sequal to this movie.

Author:  Ploid [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Should have used that money that they spent on it to make Transformers 2 amirite? Also add more teen romance, and less robots, and more hacking segments, and more corny comedy. Instant 500mil first day. Add Will Smith in the main role and that's a extra 200mil.

Author:  Yunz [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Ploid wrote:
Should have used that money that they spent on it to make Transformers 2 amirite? Also add more teen romance, and less robots, and more hacking segments, and more corny comedy. Instant 500mil first day. Add Will Smith in the main role and that's a extra 200mil.

Nu not rly
Transfomers 2, when there is one, will have a damn near unlimited budget, that movie was huge, and grossed a fuckload of money.

Author:  Ploid [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Which is my point, going along with the audience's reaction given by you. Transformers was such a bleh movie filled with all the stuff people go gaga over. The story was lame, the characters were stupid, and a lot of other stupid stuff. Like the obligatory teen high school drama love story, bad comedy segments. Could say, for example, you were watching xmen 1 but a worse version without new stuff other than robots fighting rarely and transforming giving stereotype lines after a breakdance. It sells billions while this movie, if it's as interesting and new as you say it is, get lackluster reactions from the audience.

Author:  Yunz [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Ploid wrote:
Which is my point, going along with the audience's reaction given by you. Transformers was such a bleh movie filled with all the stuff people go gaga over. The story was lame, the characters were stupid, and a lot of other stupid stuff. Like the obligatory teen high school drama love story, bad comedy segments. Could say, for example, you were watching xmen 1 but a worse version without new stuff other than robots fighting rarely and transforming giving stereotype lines after a breakdance. It sells billions while this movie, if it's as interesting and new as you say it is, get lackluster reactions from the audience.

Very true, I liked Transformers because it was cool, not because it was really great lol.
Cloverfield was just good, in its own unique way. To someone who doesn't think into a movie at all its shit (and you should just never watch movies anymore because you fail too much), but if you do its great. Like in movies where shit goes blank at the end and they really don't give you a total ending but if you think about some simple things in the movie you have your ending.

Author:  Safersephx [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Ploid wrote:
Which is my point, going along with the audience's reaction given by you. Transformers was such a bleh movie filled with all the stuff people go gaga over. The story was lame, the characters were stupid, and a lot of other stupid stuff. Like the obligatory teen high school drama love story, bad comedy segments. Could say, for example, you were watching xmen 1 but a worse version without new stuff other than robots fighting rarely and transforming giving stereotype lines after a breakdance. It sells billions while this movie, if it's as interesting and new as you say it is, get lackluster reactions from the audience.

ur dead to me

Author:  Tweaker [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

was amazing movie

Author:  Ploid [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Like silent hill 2 (the game not the aweful movie that should have been about silent hill 2). You go around killing what appear to be monsters of nurses, and other forms that have another meaning (like you abusing your wife you coward). Being called to silent hill by your dead wife whom you've killed (slipped your mind you sick freak). While on your adventure you run across a girl dressed in a way your wife would never, looks just like her (It's how you wanted your wife to be). You get to see this person die about 5 times. The last time it was you killing her (Yes you're the pyramid head). What a price to pay. Guilt has a way of eatting you up. Very complexed, twisted, and scary story.

Most people wouldn't be willing to understand complex stories. If it isn't hitting them over the head they lose interest. But you can't blame them. They are there for insant fun, explosions, thrills, rollercoaster rides, sleep, and Will Smith. It's always going to be rare to get a different movie. It's all about the $$$.

Author:  Ploid [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

I have been watching a anime called Death Note. Blew my mind... seriously, awesome stuff. I try to call myself watching anime but I quickly lose interest, but this show had me hooked until the company started using it to kill off competition or something. Seem to be going in a lame direction. But up until that, every moment was interesting and it was like watching a game of chess while knowing what both people are thinking. Although "L" seemed to be a bit too smart and had all the correct hunches which was unrealistic, and cheap. But him explaining the reason for his stabs in the dark after kinda made it easy to ignore. lol I watch anime.

Author:  Lolmy [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

It was a good movie, but the ending was abrupt, and they never really explained how the "thing" was created/came to NY/what it was :spin:

Author:  Yorke [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

that chick in Transformers is omfgsexy.

and that kid is wearing a strokes shirt the entire movie, so he gets bonus points as well. plus he scores with that chick, gfd she's sexy.

Author:  Xepheria [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Ploid wrote:
I have been watching a anime called Death Note. Blew my mind... seriously, awesome stuff. I try to call myself watching anime but I quickly lose interest, but this show had me hooked until the company started using it to kill off competition or something. Seem to be going in a lame direction. But up until that, every moment was interesting and it was like watching a game of chess while knowing what both people are thinking. Although "L" seemed to be a bit too smart and had all the correct hunches which was unrealistic, and cheap. But him explaining the reason for his stabs in the dark after kinda made it easy to ignore. lol I watch anime.

I loved that until about the same point. Watched it to the end anyway but but after the L arc ended it wasn't nearly as enjoyable. I was hoping for Light to win the whole time :( Added bonus was finally understanding the JUST AS PLANNED meme :>

Author:  Risbyn [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

I agree with Ploid on all his points. Transformers, while a lot of fun, was a lot less about the bots than it was about the human aspect of it, which imo, had WAY too much of. Less humans, more autobots next movie pls.

btw Ploid, stick with Death Note, the ending is worth it.

Author:  Yunz [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Lolmy wrote:
It was a good movie, but the ending was abrupt, and they never really explained how the "thing" was created/came to NY/what it was :spin:

If you look into it
You can find it out.

This is a big theory on the forums. Many people believe its from aliens and it was planted in the ocean thousands of years ago and awoke recently and then attacked new york because it was pissed because some japanese guy who found the thing it was sleeping in woke him up and its actually a young one
and (there supposedly 2, look at the size of the one in the city when they're in the helicopter its HUGE! its arm reaches probably 80 stories high, but the one in central park is NO WHERE near that big, you can see the whole thing in one screne) when the aliens saw that one had awoken they sent another down, ex the explosion in New York city at the start.

and the other idea is more related to JJ abrams; and it is that it was created by a japanese company called Slusho, and a lot of characters in the movie are related to it. Like the whole reason there's a going away party is because the guys going to be the VP of that company.

I think its more or less a mix of the two

Author:  swieter [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

lol,IMO its all marketing. Lets make this mysterious movie and not release anything on it, so people go crazy trying to figure out what its about. This way people will HAVE to go to the movie and watch it. Then when they get done, they can go WTF and we can make another movie to make them go WTF some more keke. Thats wut I think. No plan on seeing this movie in theatres, will rent it from work when it comes out and we get it here. Oh and I rent movies from work for free, or Ill get my boss to pirate a copy from his filipino buddies >.>

Author:  Yunz [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

swieter wrote:
lol,IMO its all marketing. Lets make this mysterious movie and not release anything on it, so people go crazy trying to figure out what its about. This way people will HAVE to go to the movie and watch it. Then when they get done, they can go WTF and we can make another movie to make them go WTF some more keke. Thats wut I think. No plan on seeing this movie in theatres, will rent it from work when it comes out and we get it here. Oh and I rent movies from work for free, or Ill get my boss to pirate a copy from his filipino buddies >.>

Nah, their tv advertisements said nothing.
but if you researched online, you could find a lot out about the movie. EX where the monster came from, why it went to new york. That was all out before the movie came out,
they even made every main character a myspace and explained their life on it. Completely new and revolutionary marketing campaign. They made fake websites to put fake ideas out there to keep shit secret.

Author:  Risbyn [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

I saw it, it's good, just don't go if you get motion sick easily. My wife felt nauseous through the entire thing.

Anyways, about where the creature came from, you can see it at the end when it shows the couple from a month ago on a train/ferris wheel and if you watch the right hand of the screen where the ocean is, you can see a small meteor/rock splash into the water. You'd miss it if you didn't know to look for it, but definately was there. So my money is that it came from space and grew into what it is in the movie over the course of the month.

Author:  Yunz [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

Risbyn wrote:
I saw it, it's good, just don't go if you get motion sick easily. My wife felt nauseous through the entire thing.

Anyways, about where the creature came from, you can see it at the end when it shows the couple from a month ago on a train/ferris wheel and if you watch the right hand of the screen where the ocean is, you can see a small meteor/rock splash into the water. You'd miss it if you didn't know to look for it, but definately was there. So my money is that it came from space and grew into what it is in the movie over the course of the month.

Close, the people that made the movie let go some info on it. and thats the jist of it, but there's more too it, etc. When there's a sequal all will be clarified, atm all is just idea's with no clarification.

Author:  Lolmy [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

I heard about that too, but that's so like... hidden. Know if there's any clips of that scene online?

Author:  Yunz [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cloverfield.

There are, go to cloverfieldnews.com, on the right, the forums, you can read up on stuffs there.
There'll be a thread about that, and a link to a video somewhere in it.

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