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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 4:19 am 
Goblin Smithy
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So, I flew up to Salt lake city on sunday to begin the "shipping out" process for the USCG. Long story short there were errors in my paperwork, and they had to send me back. I won't be able to leave for boot camp for the USCG for another 2-3 months, so i'm most likely gunna join the Navy. Main reason being they can ship me out in a month. I'll try to log on a couple times before i go, but i have a lot goin on. I'll keep ya updated. /salute

Tearin Shit up w/ my peeps.

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:18 am 
Back Sheep
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Ok, as an ex-Navy man having served 7 years...


Join the Coast Guard, hell, join the Airforce. DO NOT JOIN THE NAVY! They will sweet talk you till they are blue in the face and make some lies, anything to recruit you. Unless you wanna spend 6 months about every year out overseas while getting fucked over workwise. Working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week while on a ship is not fun. Not counting the times when you have to take part in shipboard drills. You'll be lucky with 5hrs of sleep at times. People treat you like shit while lower ranks because you don't know the rules as you should. Do not do this Homie, you -will- get fucked.

They will say "We can guarentee you your job." That's fucking bullshit. "When you're on the beaches of Spain, drinking a martini, you'll think it's the right choice." Not fucking once have I been overseas have I been in spain drinking a martini. I've been to England, twice, yea it was cool, but guess what? Between the 4-5 days you get for being in a different country, the other 5 months you'll be where? You guessed it, on that damn ship. "You get shore duty!" FKN BULLSHIT! The Navy will do everything they can to fuck you out of your shore duty. I've known several people who've had to do back to back Sea duty and never seen shore duty because the Navy fucked them over with orders. If you're gonna be stationed on a ship, guess where you're home is gonna be? On that ship. No apartment, no house, it's on that ship unless you rank up real quick like. And on that ship, you'll be sharing a huge berthing with a bunch of other smelly, non-showering, fucktards. With a literally a coffin to sleep in. Oh it comes with curtains. Woopie fkn doo.

I'll say again. do not Homie, do not join the Navy.

However, if you -really-, and I mean, -really- want to join the Navy, get into a Squadron. That way you'll be land based a lot of the time. And when you deploy, you'll be on an aircraft carrier and not on a small boy (small ship) Squadrons are sometimes exempt from midnight shipdrills when it's during your sleep time. Plus carries don't rock like small boys do. If you do get a Squadron, please PLEASE try to get an F-18 squadron. Super Hornets if you can. Also, while in a squadron, you do not have to live on a ship, you'll live in a barracks with like 1 or 2 roommates. A lot better than sharing with 40+ people in a cramped quarter on the ship. Also, you'll be able to live offbase a lot faster than if you would if you were on a ship.

Homie, listen to me bro, the Navy is -not- the right choice here. I speak from experience. While I was in the Navy, I had a fucking blast, made a lot of friends, seen things I couldn't otherwise see. But I'll never repeat that experience no matter how much you paid me, because the bad and bullshit outweighed the good times.

Also, so you know, while you're in bootcamp, you can change your mind. They will tell you you can't, but don't let them bully you. Seriously. Boot camp is a mind game, it really is. You have to play their game to get through. Don't let them fill you with nationlistic bullshit, that's what Russians and Nazi's did. Think for yourself. If at anytime during bootcamp, you change your mind and decide the Navy isn't for you, tell them to draw up the papers for discharge. They can't refuse you, it's in the contract. Also, get a copy of the full contract and keep it with you. Do not let that fucker go. You'll have the original in your records, but keep a copy for yourself. It outlines everything that you get, don't get, what you can get. Don't just breeze through it and sign it. READ it man. If you don't understand anything, have them explain it to you, in detail. Don't let them intimidate you, they will do that. Also, it's a "kinder, gentler" Navy, no body can physically touch you. Keep that in mind as well. Make use of your resources, like your chain of command. If people above you won't answer your question, tell them you'll go above them till someone does give you answers. Guarentee you they will give you an answer then.

Retards and assholes run the upper ranks of the military, always bear that in mind cause they can't get a real job out here in civilian land.

Yea, I sound like an anti-militaristic asshole to some of you people who've NEVER served anytime in the military whatsoever can just stfu right now. I'm not, this is the hard truth. I'm all for the military, but shit, -KNOW- what you are gonna get yourself into before you sign your life AND your freedom away.

Yea I'm bitter, I got fucked. I was a man and stayed true to my contract(even signed up for another 3 years after my first term was up) and got honorably discharged at the very end. Anyone wanna argue with me? I'll quote Kippy "Eat a fucking dick" and -you- join the Navy. Self rightous, hippy dickhole.


lol, seems my old cursing Navy self poked its head out there for a second...

Got any question Homie bro, do not hesitate and ask man. I will give you a no-bullshit answer. It's -never- too late to change your mind until you graduate from boot camp.

To the rest of you, <3 ^^

Edit: Ok, wife reminded me of a few things. How much she loved me being in it. NOT! If you're single, stay single in the Navy. FFXI drama has nothing, I mean NOTHING over Navy spouse/girlfriend drama. You're talking about married men going out for six months and coming back to no wife or wife got knocked up by his best friend. You have no idea how many times I've seen this. I'd say about 85% of military relationships FAIL. I had a friend who asked to borrow my car because he needed to spy on his wife to see if she was cheating on him. This is a true fkn story. Even I had my fair share of problems with my now wife because of the military. We were the lucky few that actually worked it through and stuck it out.

Now, comes some more stuff that comes to mind. You will stand Watches. Duty. When I say that, I mean you will stand there in your uniform for 6-8hrs either on guard or on patrol. On foot. No computer, no books, no magizines to keep you occupied. Just you and a book that you write your report in every 30mins. Yea, don't even get me started on when you had to do weekend duty. Your entire weekend blown because you had to stand duty. Oh, and any major holidays? Yea, stand duty on them too because unless you take leave (authorized days off) you can't get out of it. Wake up at 5am to fall in for accountability in uniform. Yea, good luck with that bullshit. Yea, you get free medical and dental, but it's all military and it's all a joke. I have a friend right now who's in the military who can't get his kid a genetic testing for a syndrome that he has and have the military medical pay for it. I will give you name and phone numbers if you think everything I tell you here is bullshit. It's not, these are true stories.

Two mottos to keep in mind while in the military:
NAVY = Never Again Volunteer Yourself <- There's a reason for this saying.
Hurry Up and Wait <- You will stand and wait for -everything- for hours sometimes. Yea, not fun.

"The internet is where men are gullible, women are men, and children are FBI agents."
"The day you get Apocalypse will be the day I quit." ~Scorsese

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 5:54 am 
Back Sheep
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Oh, one more thing. I was supposed to get a paycheck after being seperated. Yea, turned out I was not eligible. I made a few calls and found out that someone fucked up. I was eligible. Then I got the run around for a full year. A FULL FKN YEAR after I got out of the Navy before I even saw my check. And then it wasn't the promised amount. gg

"The internet is where men are gullible, women are men, and children are FBI agents."
"The day you get Apocalypse will be the day I quit." ~Scorsese

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:35 am 
Black Thumb
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Risbyn wrote:
Ok, as an ex-Navy man having served 7 years...


Join the Coast Guard, hell, join the Airforce. DO NOT JOIN THE NAVY! They will sweet talk you till they are blue in the face and make some lies, anything to recruit you. Unless you wanna spend 6 months about every year out overseas while getting fucked over workwise. Working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week while on a ship is not fun. Not counting the times when you have to take part in shipboard drills. You'll be lucky with 5hrs of sleep at times. People treat you like shit while lower ranks because you don't know the rules as you should. Do not do this Homie, you -will- get fucked.

They will say "We can guarentee you your job." That's fucking bullshit. "When you're on the beaches of Spain, drinking a martini, you'll think it's the right choice." Not fucking once have I been overseas have I been in spain drinking a martini. I've been to England, twice, yea it was cool, but guess what? Between the 4-5 days you get for being in a different country, the other 5 months you'll be where? You guessed it, on that damn ship. "You get shore duty!" FKN BULLSHIT! The Navy will do everything they can to fuck you out of your shore duty. I've known several people who've had to do back to back Sea duty and never seen shore duty because the Navy fucked them over with orders. If you're gonna be stationed on a ship, guess where you're home is gonna be? On that ship. No apartment, no house, it's on that ship unless you rank up real quick like. And on that ship, you'll be sharing a huge berthing with a bunch of other smelly, non-showering, fucktards. With a literally a coffin to sleep in. Oh it comes with curtains. Woopie fkn doo.

I'll say again. do not Homie, do not join the Navy.

However, if you -really-, and I mean, -really- want to join the Navy, get into a Squadron. That way you'll be land based a lot of the time. And when you deploy, you'll be on an aircraft carrier and not on a small boy (small ship) Squadrons are sometimes exempt from midnight shipdrills when it's during your sleep time. Plus carries don't rock like small boys do. If you do get a Squadron, please PLEASE try to get an F-18 squadron. Super Hornets if you can. Also, while in a squadron, you do not have to live on a ship, you'll live in a barracks with like 1 or 2 roommates. A lot better than sharing with 40+ people in a cramped quarter on the ship. Also, you'll be able to live offbase a lot faster than if you would if you were on a ship.

Homie, listen to me bro, the Navy is -not- the right choice here. I speak from experience. While I was in the Navy, I had a fucking blast, made a lot of friends, seen things I couldn't otherwise see. But I'll never repeat that experience no matter how much you paid me, because the bad and bullshit outweighed the good times.

Also, so you know, while you're in bootcamp, you can change your mind. They will tell you you can't, but don't let them bully you. Seriously. Boot camp is a mind game, it really is. You have to play their game to get through. Don't let them fill you with nationlistic bullshit, that's what Russians and Nazi's did. Think for yourself. If at anytime during bootcamp, you change your mind and decide the Navy isn't for you, tell them to draw up the papers for discharge. They can't refuse you, it's in the contract. Also, get a copy of the full contract and keep it with you. Do not let that fucker go. You'll have the original in your records, but keep a copy for yourself. It outlines everything that you get, don't get, what you can get. Don't just breeze through it and sign it. READ it man. If you don't understand anything, have them explain it to you, in detail. Don't let them intimidate you, they will do that. Also, it's a "kinder, gentler" Navy, no body can physically touch you. Keep that in mind as well. Make use of your resources, like your chain of command. If people above you won't answer your question, tell them you'll go above them till someone does give you answers. Guarentee you they will give you an answer then.

Retards and assholes run the upper ranks of the military, always bear that in mind cause they can't get a real job out here in civilian land.

Yea, I sound like an anti-militaristic asshole to some of you people who've NEVER served anytime in the military whatsoever can just stfu right now. I'm not, this is the hard truth. I'm all for the military, but shit, -KNOW- what you are gonna get yourself into before you sign your life AND your freedom away.

Yea I'm bitter, I got fucked. I was a man and stayed true to my contract(even signed up for another 3 years after my first term was up) and got honorably discharged at the very end. Anyone wanna argue with me? I'll quote Kippy "Eat a fucking dick" and -you- join the Navy. Self rightous, hippy dickhole.


lol, seems my old cursing Navy self poked its head out there for a second...

Got any question Homie bro, do not hesitate and ask man. I will give you a no-bullshit answer. It's -never- too late to change your mind until you graduate from boot camp.

To the rest of you, <3 ^^

Edit: Ok, wife reminded me of a few things. How much she loved me being in it. NOT! If you're single, stay single in the Navy. FFXI drama has nothing, I mean NOTHING over Navy spouse/girlfriend drama. You're talking about married men going out for six months and coming back to no wife or wife got knocked up by his best friend. You have no idea how many times I've seen this. I'd say about 85% of military relationships FAIL. I had a friend who asked to borrow my car because he needed to spy on his wife to see if she was cheating on him. This is a true fkn story. Even I had my fair share of problems with my now wife because of the military. We were the lucky few that actually worked it through and stuck it out.

Now, comes some more stuff that comes to mind. You will stand Watches. Duty. When I say that, I mean you will stand there in your uniform for 6-8hrs either on guard or on patrol. On foot. No computer, no books, no magizines to keep you occupied. Just you and a book that you write your report in every 30mins. Yea, don't even get me started on when you had to do weekend duty. Your entire weekend blown because you had to stand duty. Oh, and any major holidays? Yea, stand duty on them too because unless you take leave (authorized days off) you can't get out of it. Wake up at 5am to fall in for accountability in uniform. Yea, good luck with that bullshit. Yea, you get free medical and dental, but it's all military and it's all a joke. I have a friend right now who's in the military who can't get his kid a genetic testing for a syndrome that he has and have the military medical pay for it. I will give you name and phone numbers if you think everything I tell you here is bullshit. It's not, these are true stories.

Two mottos to keep in mind while in the military:
NAVY = Never Again Volunteer Yourself <- There's a reason for this saying.
Hurry Up and Wait <- You will stand and wait for -everything- for hours sometimes. Yea, not fun.

So where do I sign up?

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:33 am 

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Homie Listen to Ris...

My hubby has a young work colleague who has listened to another work colleagues friend talk about the navy and submariner shit and made it sound all rosy, even told him he'd get him on a friends sub etc so he'd have it easy (yeah whatever) So rosy in fact that he put in his notice and leaves this Friday to start his basic training, to play in a submarine and have the life of riley, cos its gonna be a "piss easy job and lots of fun and he's gonna see the world"

Note submariner friend told him this week (whilst working his final week) that if he gets put to front sub duties he'll spend his days washing uniforms day in day out, woot how much fun is that washing stinky fkn uniforms all day everyday. I think the kid died a little inside but no matter what you tell him, because he's been fed all this bullshit about how much fun it is and how he's gonna see the world he's still maintaining its gonna be fun...
More like the poor sod needs to save face now that he handed his notice in. His mother works in the office and I can tell you for one she ain't happy they painted such a rosy picture. I just hope basic training don't work out for him and he knows he can back down if he wants


PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 1:18 pm 
Cock atrice
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It's funny because I declined military service for pretty much all the reasons Ris listed, and I've never had any real experience with the military, lol. From what I'm told, though, you get your shit yanked pretty hard, regardless of which division you join.

Don't forget Homie, if you join the Navy, you'll be subject to lots of gay jokes from people in The Army!

Yes, I am better than you.

... at sex, at least. ;oa

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 2:26 pm 
Sex in a Cup
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Well, they do jerk you around in all the branches, they seem to have more oppertunity in the navy because they trap you on a ship.


PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 2:58 pm 
Eden Alumni
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I can find a good reason for you not to join the navy.

There's lotsa gays in it. :>

"Permission to come aboard, sir?"
"Permission granted....." ^.-


PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 3:29 pm 
Eden Failure +1
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lol Ris - your life fails.


PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:21 pm 
Peaches 'n Cream
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I read what Risbyn said, and I think the moral of the story was this...

... The Navy rocks! Image



PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:20 pm 
Goblin Smithy
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o0 @ ris. Damn man, kinda givin me the heeby jeebies. Unfortunately, what it boils down to is i have outstayed my welcome at home, and need to GTFO. The navy wasn't my ideal choice, but the enlistment bonuses are what won me over in the end. The job i'm shooting for is Intelligence and Comunications. I asked about guarenteed job placement, and told my recruiter that i will not be enlisting with them if i do not get it. I'm an Eagle Scout, so I'll start out as an E-3 instead of E-1. I also scored a 95 on the ASVAB, so hopefully I'll get the job. I had a teacher in high school that did intelligence in the Navy, and he was stationed in San Diego the whole time. I'm hopin for the same luck, but if not i'll just deal with it. I'm pretty strong mentally, and i know i can cope with the BS and stress.

Again, the navy wasn't my first choice of the services, but it will get me on a productive path. The top three jobs that i'm looking at will challenge me, and teach me skills that i can use to get a job that will be able to support me when i get out. I have prety much wasted the last two years of my life playing FFXI and puttin my future on the back burner. I'll be back in game eventually, but it's really time to ante up and start doing something with my life. I mean shit, it's kinda sad that when people ask me what my job is i say Paladin under my breath.... caz i'm not doin anything else.

Anywho, what rank did ya get up to man? Any tips for boot camp survival? Any tips other than "FFS DO NOT JOIN U HIPPY"?

Tearin Shit up w/ my peeps.

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:23 pm 
Better than Kooyo
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Homie wrote:
I mean shit, it's kinda sad that when people ask me what my job is i say Paladin under my breath.... caz i'm not doin anything else.



PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:32 pm 

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gotta admit i did laugh at that line too


PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 9:47 pm 
Goblin Smithy

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HOMIE! DONT FUKIN DO IT YO! OMFG. I'm in the Air force and my job work's with the navy peeps alot, and let me tell u. I hear so much complaint about the navy branch. They keep telling me that they rather have served under Marines compare to the nightmare of navy. As for booth camp. its cake, just do as u r told and u will be fine. ... again. the keyword is...

DO AS U R TOLD!!!! and u can survive any basic training.

Edit: Ps. With that asvab score. I wont be surprised if Air force will let u right in. And also, booth camp for airforce is a joke. Just a bunch of retarded mind games. This is wot they will do. They will make u do alot of physical work (push ups, runing etc) then when ur tired and not thinking straight. Thats when they fk u over with commands and shit (aka ur uniform isnt straight **More push ups** ur bed is gay **more push ups** u smell like a can of assholes **more push ups and a shower** But after ur done with the Basic training and techschool, the real airforce actually treats u nice. very very nice. only thing u have to deal with is ur regular "Ass hole" boss. Those guys will never go away, but yeah man. Im not trying to recruit u or anything, just giving u another window besides the navy. TRUST ME ON DEES ONE! oh btw, when ur deployed.. Your busy hitting on chicks inside the base more than... protecting the country.. rly. unless ur security forces or any of those foot soldiers Mad

Eating Dirt and Dodging bullets... I guess thats what i singed up for eh? At least i get free chicken!

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:02 pm 
Goblin Smithy

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reconsider please.

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:26 pm 
Goblin Smithy
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I was loking at the air force web site before i went and talked to the navy guys. Seems like a pretty gewd deal. Now that i've had a lil time to think it over i'm gunna go talk to an air force recruiter. I'll let you know what happens. If thgey can get me off quick like I might go with them.

thanx for the horror stories riz

Tearin Shit up w/ my peeps.

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:29 pm 
Eden Alumni
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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:40 pm 
Goblin Smithy

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Homie wrote:
I was loking at the air force web site before i went and talked to the navy guys. Seems like a pretty gewd deal. Now that i've had a lil time to think it over i'm gunna go talk to an air force recruiter. I'll let you know what happens. If thgey can get me off quick like I might go with them.

thanx for the horror stories riz

GOOD CHOICE! But like every other military. For u to leave asap, that means u have to choose a crappy as job **Aka "Security forces/transportation/services"

dont choose any of those. they suck ass lol **I r in transportation**

Eating Dirt and Dodging bullets... I guess thats what i singed up for eh? At least i get free chicken!

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:48 pm 
Goblin Smithy
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I wanna shoot for Intelligence Applications.

Tearin Shit up w/ my peeps.

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 11:31 pm 
Cock atrice
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That's a very long process D:

Yes, I am better than you.

... at sex, at least. ;oa

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