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 Post subject: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:28 am 
Brutal Sheep

Joined: Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:49 pm
Posts: 57
Well, here it is in General Forum, since someone removed my membership status from being able to see the HNM Section, I guess that was a bit presumptive but not at all unexpected from children.
(To all you who are new to this, this post here is response to the at last i saw seven pages of bile and lies posted by Knyghtmayre in the members-only HNM section).

Mertron, we may not see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, including Limbus (which i will go into great detail below) but you will forever have my respect as one of the most upstanding and fair people I have met on this game. You may not even like me, but what you did today was one of the kindest things anyone has done for me.

To every other sackholder and Eudon included, if you stood by and watched this abuse, without stopping the abusers in the name of 'expressing an opinion' you are truly sick, sick people.

Scorsese said on Sunday that those who stay in WCW were like battered wives in an abusive relationship. He is wrong. THIS relationship has been the most abusive thing i can think of. I stayed in this shell forever thinking it would stop, that it could be repaired. When Max left and he kept telling me "come on, they won't change. It won't get better." Well I have to admit now, he is right.

I may never see a dalmatica in FFXI and I tell you it is worth it. Shoto is right, this isn't the real Eden. Eden died a long time ago. I loved this shell. I still love the memory of it. But this infestation of evil is not Eden.

You want to allow members to abuse each other openly? To call people whores? You want a sack who doesn't play the game but only comes back out of his delight in belittling people.

I paid for Knyghtmayre to play this game from February 2006 until December 2006 because i took pity on a 16-year-old kid who couldnt get a credit card and whose only source of real entertainment came from this game. During that time I withstood harassment on the LS from him often. In April of 2006, I told him to remove his account from my credit card. He did not do so. I should be more careful with my finances, but for a long time I did not realize he had kept his account on my card. In November, when I thought Knyghtmayre was at his height of being the juvenile prick he is to me and my friends on the LS, I called SE and told them to cancel the account subscription. Nothing would happen to his account, just he would have to re-subscribe. Little did I know SE offers some weird resubscribe button when this happens and Kny just merrily clicked to resubscribe and have me continue to pay for his account, without talking to me or asking me. I then called and cancelled my credit card so there was no way he could do it again. He was gone for a while but has now conned Safer into paying for him.

To all the people in the shell, I didn't get to know or won't be able to help get your gear, I am very very sorry you had to witness this. I am especially sorry to Risbyn and Bodycount, to Maelicia and Sukasaroth, to Jheeb and Keli. Several new people seemed very nice and I know with my play times or the projects that i was busy with that I may have seemed standoffish, that is regrettable. I am not worried about the opinions of those who know the real me.

But I have several points to make:

1) The thing is Knyghtmayre would actually have to come to KV or a 5 am Cerb or an 8 am Fafnir to see me there. Mert knows I am there, Juvant knows I am there. Take a look down the HNM section. Find the 14-man fafnir.. the 12-man cerb screenshots, look at the party list. And yes, I was at EVERY KV but one.

2) I don't care if I ever get a cerb mantle. Yeah it's on my list, jesus, people put down Ninurta sashes... But I go to Cerb because I am a good god-damn stunner and I do my job well. I don't make excuses about lag, or my connection. I get the damn job done. I even claimed Cerb on Ony for this linkshell not giving a fuck who gets the mantle. The only time I ever questioned who might get a hide was when I saw a brand new member, maybe a week in the shell lot the hide off a kill. I asked Mert, "is he supposed to get that?" And the answer was, yes. Cool.

3) I logged off right after the aspid the other day AND today because I had and extreme amount of work backing up and simply could not stay online longer. You all know i am PST... It is not easy for me to make time out of the day to get online and play. I apologize if it appeared I did not care or did not want to help with another mob, but I need a paycheck, because I, Knyghtmayre, pay my own bills.

4) I wanted an altruistic cape. I can only attend sea on Saturdays, which I did EVERY Saturday, even when Turtle might've popped as I did last Saturday. You do the math on the likelihood that we would farm IxDark on a Saturday, the likelihood that it would pop and the likelihood that it would drop a vice AND THEN the likelihood I would be able to lot high enough to get it. So yes, I camped it on my own time with some friends. The bonus is EDEN WOULD GET ALL THE DEEDS AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT MY CAPE!! Give your next cape to the person you want to have it. Seriously only in the land of Eden paranoia would farming your own fucking items and NOT leeching off the LS be considered damaging to the shell.

5) MERT - I'm not sure where you get this idea that I or others think your limbus is poorly run, unless it's from some comment someone said 6 months ago. People have different opinions on how best to get things done. I figure you guys want to do your limbus your way. You have different priorities. We have not at this time attempted Ultima and have very little desire to do so, therefore we are able to get by with far fewer people. Sometimes we don't understand why you take 15 people into an apollyon zone. I don't know, I figure you have your reasons. Run your limbus how you want.

6) The MAIN reason we had a separate limbus is BECAUSE I AM PACIFIC TIME. In general you go in before I get home on Tuesdays. It is very difficult as I mentioned above for me to attend and I think it is unfair to say to someone "oh well only come half time, but we will dock you because you aren't here all the time." So that, combined with the "we are full, go farm on your own" statements that were made as Mert correctly pointed out, we went on our own and farmed. Why are you bitching at me about coming to a fucking limbus I can't even attend half of the time?? Likewise, many of the members who have come to our limbus have said they are not able to make yours, for whatever reason. I don't know if they are telling the truth or not, that's up to them.

7) When the original rub of limbus came up, Maximilianbob suggested that Eden not go in runs of 18 and that the shell do small farming groups. That idea was turned down by LS leaders at the time. Max had fundamental differences of opinion with a few LS leaders and opted to leave. My limbus shell does very, very small runs built in a large part on Max's ideas. Last Wednesday, we farmed 2 zones with 10 people and collected 103 coins and 2 Omega chips. I am sure Eden can do the same.

Cool Stop this bullshit about our homam being freelotted: Who has homam pieces from our group? Shotokan has nearly full homam for his 75 Thief. Sukasaroth has pants for his 75 Dark. Tetrabond has 3 pieces for his 75 Blue. Darkdreamer, a key tank in Eden who is now leveling Paladin, has two very common homam pieces in storage waiting for him (head and feet I think). I, who intend to level thief, have one piece, the most common piece, the homam head. ALL OF THESE PEOPLE ARE/WERE EDEN. ALL OF WHAT WE DO BENEFITS EDEN. If the people above I mentioned are no longer in Eden, well it's because you drove them out.

9) Now why would Darkdreamer or myself even be lotting homam? Here is the reason: My small limbus cannot bully or guilt mages or anyone else to come to limbus. We cannot rely on "you have to." We have to rely on setting up a system in which they WANT to come to limbus, because it benefits them. So we came up with a plan in which you could EARN homam lotting rights, regardless of job, based on your level of contribution to the shell AND if you weren't interested in homam at all, we offer "a coin bonus" as an incentive to come. I don't care if you waltz into my shell tomorrow with DRK/DRG/THF/PLD all at 75 ... YOU EARN YOUR SHIT ... NOBODY works harder for that limbus shell than me. I have passed legs twice and body once because, yes, it is much more beneficial for those who can wear it to have it.

10) I do not hesitate to say that I beleive all the Eden members who have jobs that can wear homam right now in our shell are happy; happy with our rules because you know EXACTLY where you stand. I tell them constantly, if they are unhappy with the rules and want to go to another limbus, if they want to go with Eden, please go. I will never allow anyone to talk bad about them. To me, which limbus they attend is a personal choice about what they feel best fits them. I can't guilt them. I can't tell them they can't leave. They CHOOSE to stay. So if our EDEN members are happy... Why are you all pissed off? You're mad because I have a homam head? You must waste those every time you do an Omega.

11) NO other LS: Cog, LP, ED has only one Limbus shell or only on Salvage shell and then bitches at each other FOR GETTING GEAR FOR PEOPLE IN THE SAME DAMN SHELL. This whole discussion is retarded. ED has 2 groups and of course their members can go with outside groups. LP has 2 groups and 3 or 4 members who run their own shells. COG has at least one group but some of its members go with random other shells.

12) Why is it that you always bitched about me and Shoto in limbus? Keli and MrDude have a separate limbus linkshell they run. Why aren't you screaming and stomping about them? Ghil as well is long known as having his own limbus shell. Their shells give homam to people NOT EVEN IN EDEN!!! I work my ass off so people IN EDEN can have homam all the while passing gear I have earned far more than any one else and I am still called a bitch? I am called a whore? I am still treated to this behavior by a 16-year-old. Fuck you.

13) To the allegation that I stopped camping Tiamat when Tet got his gaiters: I have camped more gaiters for people in this shell than you, Knyghtmayre. I still have my mule stationed there and frankly only Mert, Shoto and DragonKeeper have been seen in chasm camping since Tet got his gaiters. If you think I had some great personal investment in getting Tet gaiters, you are crazy. I really, personally, could care less if Tet runs faster or not. But we do these things: camp kings, camp wyrms for the shell, REGARDLESS of favoritism ... or at least SOME of us did.

14) I would have LOVED to come to your salvage but I am an outcast, someone to be spit on by knyghtmayre and talked down to by Aemora. I asked on forums for access or a place to sign up but was told 'just show up'... then you held these things during WCW or at 3 PM PACIFIC. I am sorry, I cannot attend then. I get home to see 18 people in Bhaflau Remnants, but yet I am a bitch because I can't attend.

I guess it matters not now. I am sorry I don't have the class that Shoto has anymore to turn my cheek. The thing is, his resignation is heart-breaking to me. If only any of you... Eudon, Mira, Mertron, Juvant... knew how much Shoto loved this shell. He went out of his way to help all of you. Shoto and I have not talked all day long. He made his decision ultimately based on what you all have done.

I am truly sorry to 90 percent of the members of Eden. I wish you all well. I wish you no ill will and will help you with anything you need. Just ask.


Last edited by Andrinne on Tue May 22, 2007 9:33 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:36 am 
Gender Illusionist
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Well, here it is in General Forum, since someone removed my membership status from being able to see the HNM Section, I guess that was a bit presumptive but not at all unexpected from children.

Just to clarify: Shoto mentioned in LS chat before dropping Swyfts pearl that you and Tet would be leaving as well, wasn't really a jab at you or some persumption D:

Again, just clarifying <_<

I hate this linkshell with a fiery passion.


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:52 am 
Better than Kooyo
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only couple things to say on this matter, most is just clarification

Andrinne wrote:
Nothing would happen to his account, just he would have to re-subscribe. Little did I know SE offers some weird resubscribe button when this happens and Kny just merrily clicked to resubscribe and have me continue to pay for his account, without talking to me or asking me. I then called and cancelled my credit card so there was no way he could do it again. He was gone for a while but has now conned Safer into paying for him.

i asked kny if i could use his account, i wanted to play around with gaiters + use his blm to farm sea organs that i couldnt get myself, also i used his account to PL myself as well.

Andrinne wrote:
14) I would have LOVED to come to your salvage but I am an outcast, someone to be spit on by knyghtmayre and talked down to by Aemora. I asked on forums for access or a place to sign up but was told 'just show up'... then you held these things during WCW or at 3 PM PACIFIC. I am sorry, I cannot attend then. I get home to see 18 people in Bhaflau Remnants, but yet I am a bitch because I can't attend.

when salvage first came out, i attended runs with doshu because no one else wanted to do salvage... soon after xmas break ended i couldnt do his ">>ok lets do salvage now" on the spot type dealies... so i formed my own... at that point you had already been attending salvage with doshu for a couple runs or so...

i WANTED your group to join my salvage, but you guys were already goin with doshu/LP/max ... i had a hell of a hard time getting people to start doing it, and could have used your help. At that time i didnt know your situation with kny/aemora so i wouldnt have been aware of any conflicts
also.. we didnt intentionally set up the times to conflict with WcW... it just happened to be the days that aemora and i found to work best for our members.. at one point mira and mef were in WcW and could only attend 1/2 the runs...
all our salvage info was available in the forums, and i even didnt mind sharing our strategies with your group.. about turning you down idk who you spoke to, but it definately wasnt me

lastly i'd like to just say this.. i guess its a good time as any to be honest with each other... i used to look up to your group..., thought it was great you had a small clique you could do stuff together with to help each other out, but knew that there would be no way for me to be apart of that... you guys, whether you knew it or not, gave out a sort of vibe almost warding people away from you. you did everything together and without anyone else knowing... not saying its abad thing or that you should have told us what you're doing.. im saying by those actions, you made it seem as if you dont want anyone else there with you...

EDIT: all you had to do was say something in ls chat like... hay guys we're gonna be killin xxx , anyone interested? but i see that could be a problem when you dont wanna farm for 10 people when you could jus farm for 4.... or jus do something along the lines of being proactively inclusive of other members

anytime i asked shoto for stuff, he'd say no, or was too busy or w/e and i eventually learned to not ask him for anything.. i figured he didnt like me so i was jus gonna leave it at that... i thought synthing all those haku clusters for you folks would even net me some 'points' towards some sort of friendship, but in the end i just felt used and felt stupid for tryin to be friends with people that prolly didnt wanna be friends with me

well thats it


Last edited by Safersephx on Tue May 22, 2007 5:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 4:55 am 
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I stand by and watch things like this happen because I've stopped trying after Max, thanks ^^

Gl to you though.

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:11 am 
Random Man
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About the card situation. Yea that was jacked up. Sorry you got in that situation and lost a lot of money. When Eudon wanted to keep my character active I was double checking if he could see my card number and such. Seems like everything is fine on my end. During that month he had my character on his card I noticed he hardly even used Ploid so canceled the account. I hope you come across a blessing for what you did. Cards are nothing to play around with on the internet. Now I'm even more paranoid.

Take care guys, see ya Tetrabond. Not a good day, but I guess we gotta deal with the choice the best we can. That time zone thing seemed nasty. Events all over the place with seeming no common sweet spot it seems (I'm not a event planner).

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:46 am 
Bitter Canadian

Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:42 pm
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First off - this is fucking stupid

Secondly - Your "ls" sea farms, while beneficial to the ls as a whole were from the way I see it self motivated "new people" weren't invited/asked to come so yes that does make you all seem a bit idk..... not a part of the ls
I don't see anything wrong with that as long as you are indeed helping Eden

Third - In the end it looks like you just looted what you could (quite a haul I might add) and are now gtfo'ing

Fourth - If you do keep all the things Eden as a whole got for "you" you are a hipocrite because when Kobalt quit you were one of the first to demand he return the novio Eden got for "him". I personally doubt you or Shoto with return much if anything because "you" earned them. I am personally glad I didn't have to spend alot of time helping you get them if you do intend to keep it all.

Fifth - *calls joining LP within a week*

Sixth - This is fucking stupid


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:39 am 
Not getting laid by Kreuz
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What I'm about to post is from an outsider's perspective who's relatively new to the LS, and is judging from what he's seen and learned from talking with Shotokan personally (my views were not swayed by bias, neither his nor Kny's)

Bear with me, but what I'm seeing is:

SAT (Shoto, And, Tet, lol!) were justified for whatever they did, limbus etc. The whole "it would be easier if we all just did things together" argument is stupid, and those who say it are ignorant because it's not that simple because of reasons stated.



As far as I know, compromises were attempted to be made as far as merging, but never happened for some reason. I'm not clear the reason. Was it time? Did you expect them to go earlier at a time Andrinne couldn't attend? Big surprise they didn't attend, was it the lotting rules? Does it matter who gets what, as long as it stays in Eden? A small price to pay for being able to farm multiple zones at the same time with much greater efficiency.

As I heard, Shoto's group is mostly mages, so obviously some homam pieces are going to go to people who can't use them. Do you expect people to attend and get nothing but coins out of it when they could be soloing/duoing limbus for more than that? Is it wrong that they don't blindly pass to Suka who strolls in just because he can wear them? No. Did you hear Suka complaining? Hell no, all you hear was him creaming himself all over the LS like he does whenever he does something (DID YOU SEE THAT GROUND STRIKE? WHAT ABOUT AN AHAUBERK? I HAVE ONE OF THOSE! etc, lol) about how he got Homam legs.

What I hear is Kny laughing opening in LS chat at how retarded they are. I'll admit, I laughed too, but only because I didn't know any better. All I saw was "RDM almost getting Homam body over DRK? LOL!" It's one of many examples of Knyght or whoever berating them and people who don't know the situation being swayed and "turned against them".

And then you have that one day when Juvant decided to suddenly suggest B2 and demands they cancel their Omega run to attend. Mg rants on about cliques (I think that's where the smoke and bitch funni phrase began), and once again they are put on the spot and berated about not cancelling Omega, something they had planned ahead for, for a spontaneous BH2.

I felt it was their choice to decide whether they wanted to or not. 2 Eden events, what gives BH2 priority? Regardless, it doesn't matter because of what followed. They get the BS that you all know happened, and disrespect about skipping Eden events when they do more than most of the LS.

If they want to "skip Eden events", fine, it annoys you, whatever. But to disrespect people who work hard for the LS who are doing something important to them instead of joining some spur of the moment BS? Who's in the wrong here?



We've all establish how retarded this shit is I would think, but I'll go over it anyway. As we all know and have been stated, a quick review.

Edyn was formed AFTER WCW, and people shouldn't be expected to leave WCW and join Eden; regardless of whatever AF2s they have or have not gotten. Yet people still obviously show a bias and lack of respect to WCW people. You're silly, you know who you are. It doesn't matter how much Doshu twists the rules and fucks people over, we all know it, we don't need to state it over and over, it's just childish. I'm only saying it here for the sake of argument.

Looking down on people simply because they are in WCW (you know it happens, like the abusive relationship reference) is stupid and doesn't need to be mentioned repeatedly. Mert has covered this as well, and I'm sure it's already been covered multiple times. But nobody is doing shit about it, the hatorade continues.

Show some damn respect to your LS mates, you retards. Yes, I see what I did there, and no, it's not the same thing.


Hatorade, Cliques:

I don't know about you guys, but if I have people on my case everyday about dumb things, I get pretty irritated. The whole people making fun of me not having Algol thing used to piss me the hell off, but now I'm over it and don't let it bother me anymore. However, if I had a few people making fun of me and influencing others to make fun or me as well always talking on the LS, it's not as easy as simply blacklisting them, because that not only leaves me unable to defend myself, but it enables other people to form ideas and opinions based on the person running their mouth.

I'm against blacklisting LS members in general for other reasons as well, it can be dangerous in a battle situation. You can say "just unblist them during dynamis or w/e" but sometimes people forget. If I wanted to blist Kny, the person who seems to be calling out synch nuke times now, what would happen if I forgot to one day? Ope, wiped the ally. GG Smile.

Besides, most fights, arguments, and grudges settle down overnight and things are usually fine. An example was when Mira got offended when I made a joke about her using her bewbs to get people to do stuff. At the time I was like "fuck that, getting offended by something like that in Eden is a huge waste of time" and proceeded to not back down etc and ended up being a huge dick; which I felt bad about the next day and thought about apologizing. Ended up not doing so because it was over with.

Did we blacklist each other? Do we bring it up every damn day? No, now we enjoy the occasional awkward "let's pretend we forgot" conversations. No big deal.

But here we have the same shit being spewed everyday by the same people. Besides Sunday if you wanted to count that, I've never heard of Shoto or any of the SATs to degrade Eden's systems or any such things to their faces. I've seen numerous comments made on LSchat about them, and I scroll the list and there they are, listening to it. After a week or so of going "ope, are they going to take that?" I eventually settled on "Yeah, I guess so."

I may be sounding like some cheap psychiatrist (wow I spelled that right... I think, no red squigglies!) when I say this but, how is that right? Why did nobody step in and say "Hey Kny, Mefya, it's time to stfu." Perhaps this did happen a few times, but that didn't stop it. Why should they stop when there's no punishment or repercussions for their actions? It's like picking on a kid at school and having a teacher say "hay, stop that." and then starting shit again as soon as they look away.


Sorry, but I couldn't find any other way to express how I felt about it. After putting up with this so long, what did you all think was going to happen? You all just stand and watch (like me, and maybe tossing in a lol or two because I'm dumb as hell sometimes) and then act surprised and offended when they leave? You get mad when they take the gear instead of giving it back?



Here's an awesome analogy for you, because they seem to work on KI retards that require things more than logic to understand something, maybe it applies for all retards. The parenthesis are for FFXI relations ^-^.

You're in a gang (Eden) who robs shit (HNMs). Over time, you get stuff from this gang, but they treat you and your few friends like shit the whole time. "Here Watkins, take this TV (Dalmy) , grats" and then having those few people in the background talking loud enough for you to here "oh great, that fucker got".

Over the next couple of years, these people keep berating you, and the people you thought were friends just stand and watch, instead of defend you. The people you don't know form opinions about you without knowing you. Eventually, the shit talking will get worse about things that aren't even true, lies spread to persuade people what a "shitty person" you are. (YOU ONLY COME TO SHIT THAT BENEFITS YOU! etc). Of course you're going to say fuck it, and leave the gang (slightly unrealistic here, most people wouldn't have the self-esteem to leave, and most good gangs have the "only way out is in a box" policy, BECAUSE THEY ARE THAT BADASS).

Would you want to give all the shit back you earned to those people who stood and watched as you got your ass beat (verbally)? Or perhaps even having a chance of the items you got going to the people who talked shit (gaiters maybe?)?

I know I sure as hell wouldn't at first I'd be bitter as hell.


What SHOULD have happened.

Andrinne and Darkdreamer should have posted what they have the past couple of days a lot sooner. If that had happened, people would have had a better situation of what was really going on, instead of listening to what people said in LS chat. Both sides of the stories are nice to have before judging people, and maybe people would have realized before it's too late and maybe defended them in LS chat, like I would have.

Even if it didn't do that, it would still crush some of the meaningless bullshit spewed by people who don't know what they were talking about, like the Limbus thing. Well shit, DD pwned that pretty well.



You bet your ass they did. Like I said, none of you should be surprised. However, one thing I must be clear on is that I don't approve of it at all. Those items were earned as a shell, and if possible, should be returned to the shell in order to make them run better. They were not given to a person simply because they earned them, if that was so then people wouldn't get angry if someone left right after getting a DRing or whatever.

Instead, the items are camped and obtained so that killing things that we camp can be just a little bit easier each day. When you see the meaning of the items and why there were given, it's obvious that they should be returned if possible.

All the Rare/EX items you SATs have should be more than enough a prize from a LS you'll no longer be helping. People out there in shells could be in a LS for years, maybe twice your time and still maybe not get the rare/ex gear you have

When I say I might keep the items out of bitterness, that's what I might feel at the time. But personally, when the anger subsided and reason took over, I would have given the shit back.

When you basically take half of our LS's Novios, that hurts the LS and is a betrayal of trust. You can say that you're leaving and are sorry to the people who weren't involved, but when you keep Eden's shit and leave, the people bothering you win, and the people who don't lose.

Ninja Edit: Actually, Shoto is the only one I know of with phat RARE/EX Body abj lewt. I guess I was too general in that aspect. I guess the only thing that still really applies is the concept of giving the item, :/a.

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:11 am 
Sunshine lover
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Andrinne wrote:
When Max left and he kept telling me "come on, they won't change. It won't get better."
so many long posts, so i'll keep my 2 cents short.

was this before or after you guys harassed markam for his aureole?

i guess max left because a "useles, and worthless RDM" like me got a dalmy over him.

maybe you should have logged onto max and lotted it andrinne, instead of letting it go to someone who would disappear with it.


Last edited by Jaye on Tue May 22, 2007 8:20 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:19 am 
Not getting laid by Kreuz
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Me and Safer aren't ChixwithDix :@

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:39 am 
Not getting laid by Kreuz
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One more thing I want to add though since I have school tomorrow which I'll probably nap afterwards, is that if I'm wrong on any points and get flamed, that's fine.

However the lack of respect, childishness, and immaturity showed over a long period of time is total bullshit and nobody should have to put up with that. People can have their differences, but stuff like this shouldn't happen again.

Before the hypocrisy card is played about the childishness and immaturity, there's a fine line between screwing around in LS chat to actually offending someone. I'm usually pretty friendly and try to be sorta nonoffensive, life's no fun if you go through it being a robot. But if it becomes clear, or is brought to my attention that I'm offending someone in a respectful way, I always stop it.

That's really the only reason I'm posting. If this stuff happens now, it could happen again, so I see the fastest way to fixing things is to clear up what happened now and what will be done to prevent it in the future.

See you guys at like 5 PM EST.


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:55 am 
Tunnel Worm

Joined: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:05 pm
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you guys make me sick

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:29 am 
Sex in a Cup
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I enjoyed the whole hypocracy from your clique "WHAT CLIQUE?!"

Swieter takes a break and comes to help at a tiamat or something.
Andrinne throws a shit fit over having someone outside of shell come to help.

Max quits and comes to something.
Andrinne demands he is let in alliance.

funny, but not in a ha ha way.

I also enjoyed the ability to magicly be home from work for Aspid, yet for so many other things you had work.

Speaking of which, time to go, more to come afterwards.

I guess no more comments that are meant to be witty but really aren't over ls chat.

Later you sandy cunted, manipulative, two faced, lying, spoiled, dick craving hussy. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Too bad Shoto resigned you over ls before you could waste one of our Dalmaticas.


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:07 pm 
Peaches 'n Cream
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Uh, we have NEVER done a Salvage at 3pm PST, because that's 6pm EST, which is 11pm GMT, and I would know if I finished Salvage anytime before 4 in the morning, hell I bitch about entering late enough, and my debriefs have NEVER started with "Wow guys, we entered 3 hours before we were meant to... GJ!"

I'll throw a bone out here. One night, at Ouryu, we were there killing it and shit when things started going a little wrong. Too many petrifications here, a Stonega3 too much there... Basically, it was taking a damned long time and we exited with about 3 minutes to spare. We had another 2 to go, but unfortuantely, Shoto said that his group had Salvage and had to leave due to that, and it couldn't be helped because that's the time the arranged it, and whatnot.

Now, due to this and Tet/Andrinne/DT few others that left to do Salvage, we couldn't do any more Ouryu's, which left me feeling a little frustrated, how when one group of people suddenly say "We have Salvage, bye guys G'dluck with Ouryu". I'm sure there wouldn't be any arguement here, if it weren't for the fact that when I searched Bhaflau Remnants not more than 30 minutes later, there was 12 people in there, eleven of which were in Eden, and one used to be. Now, I could be wrong here, but when EVERYONE who is in a linkshell is currently doing a linkshell event, isn't that say, more important than Salvage? I know that we have had to cancel Salvage several times camping Behemoth, or Fafnir, or that fucking Turtle (Did I happen to mention I hate camping Kings?). We do this because the people who do Salvage with Eden, are in fact, and this may be a weird concept, ... IN EDEN! So we push Salvage to ANOTHER day; not like it's Dynamis when you have to wait 3 days... Salvage can be entered every day. If something comes up that is way more important that Salvage, we comprimise. if the LSacks say "Guys, let's go camp this or camp that", guess what... We go. That night we were at Bomb Queen and Tiamat popped just before Safer could pop his, and just as Salvage was due to start, oh, and we didn't claim... We cancelled Salvage because Timmy > An event that can be done any day. We made these comprimises, Andrinne, your group NEVER seemed to make them. It was a case of "We have Limbus now", or "Time to go camp some NM that I'm not telling you guys about because we have our own group, invite by tell only sorry yaddayaddayadda".

I have never, EVER rejected or turned anyone away from Salvage, because it is an Eden event and open for all. Anyone in the linkshell can come because it is a linkshell event. With people in the linkshell openly invited to come whenever they feel like. The invitation was even open to you, Andrinne. My point was that to access the Salvage forums, and be registered on the Salvage list, hey, YOU GOTTA DO ONE RUN WITH THE GROUP! Such a hard concept... No-one else seems to have trouble with that. The reason Salvage is open to all is because we can split runs, and farm different areas, and Safer and I are welcome to anyone that wants to come... Just gives us a little frustration as to how to break down the group.

But when you did stuff, Andrinne, much like Safer said, it was all closed invites only, through tells and not over LS chat. Not saying that I ever expressed an interest in doing stuff with your group, but having your own damned Linkshell within a Linkshell is pretty stand-offish. Seeing the same group of people go after the same things betting it together is in some form admirable, but is VERY intimidating, which made you seem like outcast people, not to individual people, but to the whole damned shell.

My only regret is that I never got Tet his Ru'Hmet map on Sunday, because... Odatsrite... Timmy. I'm glad that he came out and did stuff outside your group, and I will be sorry to see him leave.

Bai Tet :<


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:21 pm 
Peaches 'n Cream
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And we've only ever once had 18 people for Salvage. And that wasn't Bhaflau.


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:25 pm 
Cock atrice
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You're completely entitled to leave and all, but there is one thing I kinda need to point out...

Well, here it is in General Forum, since someone removed my membership status from being able to see the HNM Section, I guess that was a bit presumptive but not at all unexpected from children.

That line is like... the very core definition of hypocrisy.
Anyways, gl with your future endeavors and such ;x

Yes, I am better than you.

... at sex, at least. ;oa

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:42 pm 
Better than Kooyo
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i hate saying this... but watkins is absolutely right =/

i had a talk with andrinne and shoto last night, i wont get into the details, but jus wanted to say some things

like watkins, i too was sorta jus goin with the flow and would toss out jokes whenever doshu's name came up, or whenever the limbus issue arose...
mostly because i never got to know andrinne/shoto/tet due to a number of reasons...
however there is a very thin line between joking and really offending someone and i have a hard time telling the difference mainly because 99% of anything anyone says doesnt offend me at all.. im naturally light hearted and always try to make a joke out of everything... seriously i can go on all day saying lolbst and it wont get old to me at all, but apparently people find that offensive and so the case with kippy...

anyways the point is, we all need to learn how to start treating each other with respect, but its a 2way street and everyone needs to do it for it to work... no one is asking anyone to like each other, just show respect...

one thing i told shoto and andrinne was that i regretted not standing up and telling people to stop... not because i like them or want to be friends with them, but because what we all were saying was being directed at real people with real feelings

i probably sound like a total hypocrit here, but nows the best time to start changing our attitude in the ls


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:45 pm 
Eden Alumni
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Actually that whole battered wives thing was said by Jaye.

I was too busy being aroused by Eudon's temper to say anything else. Crying or Very sad


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:51 pm 

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I get the feelin Scor likes it when Eudon get all hot n bothered


 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:52 pm 
Keyboard Cowboy
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Safersephx wrote:
i probably sound like a total hypocrit here, but nows the best time to start changing our attitude in the ls

I have a feeling that things will change for the better without the tension and division that had been going on for so long.

 Post subject: Re: YOU WIN
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2007 2:56 pm 
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Tyriac wrote:
I get the feelin Scor likes it when Eudon get all hot n bothered

DUH!!!!! :>


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