Twisata says...
Anyone know a easy way to get pussy juice off my shirt? Thanks
Fazle says...
This shirt is amazing. I had to upgrade the servers because the traffic was just too high. I donned my suit of armor (this shirt) and marched to my tribal stomping grounds. I walked into the Dell warehouse, borrowed a forklift, grabbed what I needed, but then I was stopped by a security guard. He asked, "Who are you, and what are you doing here?" I replied, "I am the Fazle. I'm here to obtain new equipment for my various projects." He said, "Buddy you know you gotta pay for those, right?" I stood up, pointed to my shirt, and said with great glee, "Dude. Look." He cowered back into his booth where he sat amazed at the awesomeness he had just witnessed.
Dodgeboy says...
My last GF was stolen by a man who had a Wolf shirt for each day of the weak.
WOLFMAN!!! says...
Thanks to your shirt, I now have 97, count em, 97 venereal diseases from every twat i've tapped since I bought your shirt. Even though I'm in a wheelchair and dripping with VD's, losing all my hair and my penis looks like something out of a sci-fi horror flick, my cum-stained wolf shirt still brings in the pussy.
I laughed until I cried. Not kidding.
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.