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Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)
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Author:  Ploid [ Thu May 17, 2007 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game
Video of Crossroads, I nearly teared up watching it.. ok I did so what, I'm not a punk. This is crazy although the graphics don't look all that amazing from what I think, but it's friggin socom going back to it's roots (no vehicles from what I can tell, and smaller intimate maps).

*this other stuff to make it so I can have a Socom thread*
Heavenly sword
Trailer- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game
Demonstration- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game
Cutscene- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game

Ratchet and clank: tools of destruction
Demonstration- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game
Developer walkthrough- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
Demonstration- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game
New trailer- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game

Folklore (japanese rpg)
Trailer- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game
Developer walkthrough part1- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game
Developer walkthrough part2- http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game

LittleBigPlanet (PSN game/create levels and crap)
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image
http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game

Pain (a PSN game)
http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game

Author:  Ploid [ Thu May 17, 2007 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Ok found out the new Socom PS3 game is a PSN game (PS3 downloadable game). Should be good still, if they have all the classic maps, and updated physics and such. This game is being made by another dev team, not Zipper. Zipper, socom's original developers, are making another Socom PS3 game. Something to do with MMO stuff, no idea what it will be like.

Had to use another post to edit. I can only use like 500 letters or something each box. Downside of hating PC.

Edit: Found something and had to come to PC.

"Hey SOCOM fans: You might want to sit down for this one. You know how you've been disappointed by how the series has drifted further and further from its roots? You know how the addition of vehicles, enormous maps, and Battlefield-style play modes have seemed to dilute the pure, tense tactical experience of the original game? You know how you've complained to Sony and Zipper about the perils of trying to make the series too accessible, too mainstream?

They were listening.

When franchise head Seth Luisi took the stage at a Sony press event earlier this week to show SOCOM Confrontation, he made it clear that this SOCOM is for you -- the fans of the original SOCOM experience. "The gameplay in SOCOM Confrontation," says Luisi, "is what we like to call 'intimate 32-player team-based combat.'" You may deduce from this statement that Confrontation will be online multiplayer only. You would be correct -- and what's more, the game will initially be available as a download from the PlayStation Store (with a retail release hitting as well, potentially in a collectors-style package or Bluetooth headset bundle similar to what we're expecting from Warhawk).

But the key word in Luisi's statement is "intimate." Gone are the vast levels that made hunting down enemies so difficult and made draws so common. Instead, Luisi promises "more dense, highly detailed environments that also have a lot of interactive elements." In a brief video, he showed a seriously revamped version of fan favorite map Crossroads. The market area appeared much more detailed, with what seemed to be some destructible elements. It seemed to indicate the possibility of destructible -- or at least degradable -- cover, an addition that should strike fear into the hearts of anyone familiar with the already sky-high tension levels in a good SOCOM match.

But perhaps the most welcome feature of Confrontation isn't an addition at all, but rather a subtraction: "For the initial release, vehicles are out," says Luisi, to the nearly audible cheers of old-school SOCOM fans everywhere. "We are looking at possibly bringing them back later on in a downloadable update to the game. But initially, we want to focus on the combat, and making that as visceral as possible." Without the need to plan for vehicles, the designers are free to recreate the close-quarters, claustrophobic feel of the best of SOCOM's original multiplayer maps, with the kind of detail this generation of hardware can bring. This is a very good thing.


This increased level of detail extends to your own character: You'll be able to customize your appearance more than in any previous SOCOM. It's not just for vanity's sake, though -- it's also for identity. "We allow clans to set up different uniforms," said Luisi. "The clan leader can design a look for their clan, change some of the camo patterns, some of the equipment options, and then users can still go in and customize their look individually, so they don't all look exactly the same."

The community support will extend throughout the life of the game. "We plan on having a lot of online events," Luisi says, "such as regularly scheduled team tournaments, clan ladders, and clan challenges and battles. But the game doesn't really end with the initial release. We'll be releasing regularly scheduled theme packs through the PlayStation Store. You'll be able to download content packs, which will have a combination of new game modes, new special forces, character cutomization options, weapons, and more." You can also plan on new maps coming down that fat pipe -- counting the expanded, 32-player version of Crossroads, the initial release will ship with just five maps, all based in North Africa (future updates will offer new maps in new areas of operation).

While original designer Zipper has handed development of the game off to Vancouver studio Slant Six, from the tiny bit we've seen, it looks like the newcomers are up to the task. We can't wait to see more. "

Image Image

Call the clan, tell them it's time for a reunion Mr. Green

Author:  Tyriac [ Thu May 17, 2007 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)


I NEED this NOW!!!

Author:  Ploid [ Thu May 17, 2007 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Can you spot all of those seals in that next to last picture? There has to be like 1.. gah I'm down. "Terrorist language *##(#(@#*%* They're hiding in the stinking shadows". I like how this map have a lot more thick shadows to hide in now mwahahaha.

Author:  Tyriac [ Thu May 17, 2007 10:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

If this is anything like it promises im gonna be so hooked on socom again, S3 was incredibly broken, this promises to be EVERYTHING any old S2 fan dreamed of and more WOOHOO!!!!

Author:  Darkwarrior [ Thu May 17, 2007 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Battlefield 2142 looks better D= come play that wiff me instead >.>

You cannot make another post so soon after your last. x6

Author:  Tyriac [ Thu May 17, 2007 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

i dunt like BF2142 Socom > all

Author:  Ploid [ Thu May 17, 2007 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

What's special about socom is that you can actually hide in foliage and shadows. + the weapons and the way that the environments are set up. You have different game objectives in socom multiplayer also:

Demolition (blow up the other team's base. This is like Counter strike, but both teams have a base to blow up, gotta disarm the bombs is someone set one).

Extraction (Rescue hostages from the terrorists).

Deathmatch but with one team vs the other team.

Each map was made for like one of those game modes.

This (Warhawk) is PS3's battlefield type of game. It's faster though, and warhawks (the airplains) are common place, as well as tanks/jeeps, and people that would rather stay on foot. It's balanced for each type. Theres a lot of customization for the warhawks skins/types, and your character looks.

Warhawk video on foot gameplay. All the videos in this thread are new as of this morning.
http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game

Foot to Jeep
http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php? ... ov&pl=game


Author:  Ploid [ Thu May 17, 2007 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Some of my old socom clan comics. I was the only black dude Sad


Our leader, Ace, had a cousin that would enter clan matches all the time and call him by his real name and talk about person stuff while not really thinking about it. Oh and ace kept getting dc problems at one time.

I had a lot more but got lost in the internets and my old web photoalbum.

Author:  Tyriac [ Thu May 17, 2007 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Top comic strip map....

I used to FKN H8 the noobs that would just camp on roof and wait, but i was better than most of em and would use RPG to clear those hiding behind stair bunks and then lob a 'nade thro roof windows to get those lying in wait at the sides with their lolclaymores that id just blew up with RPG Mwahahahahaha. Must set up my olde ps2 for a blast of S2 sometime soon...

Good Times, Good times Very Happy

Author:  Ploid [ Thu May 17, 2007 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

lol, my first few times on that map I was so scared, too many good spots for terrorists to hide before goin in. I had a good run one time when I was geared for sniping, and went down the ladder to get on the roof beems in the middle of the building above the submarine. I killed so many people doing that until they found out what I was doing. Really like sniping while my crew flush them out into the open.

Author:  Ploid [ Mon May 21, 2007 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Quote = Doel The last 2 pictures with a real explanation of where they are taken.

To start off, this quote*(ploid edit) is SPECIFICALLY about analyzing the trailers and pics, to learn more about the game while we are waiting for more information from E3 in July. And it will be constantly updated with more information as its found.

Just to start, I broke down the trailer and took some screenshots. Feel free to add your own comments and anything else you find:

Trailer analyzed
Since Crossroads is very symmetrical in many ways, it's a bit hard to follow what parts of the map we are actually seeing until we pause it and try to analyze what is on screen. Here I've analyzed the trailer and tried to make sense of what part of the map we are actually seeing, and to look out for any thing that's different/new.

Appears to be a new doorway in the map that leads to the very under-used, Terrorist balcony, just in front of the garage. Before, the only way to get up there was from walking across the bridge from the restaurant (if it wasn't already blown).

This is the balcony here. You can tell which balcony it is by seeing the Bell Tower on the left side of the screen. This is definitely the Terrorist-side balcony situated in front of the garage.

In this image we are looking at the Terrorist balcony from the outside. It no longer appears to wrap around the building like it used to. It's now just situated out front.

Now here we are again from the other angle. We are looking out at the Seal's side. Notice the stair case on the back left side of the screen. Those stairs lead to the wall that you climb over to get to the Seal's spawn.

We are now looking at the balcony to the left of the Bell Tower (which is out of the picture). Notice how the balcony looks shorter, so there is no longer a way to jump from the balcony to the platform where the Bell Tower is sitting on top of as the jump is too far. The whole building looks longer as well. As you may be able to tell the streets have been widened the area with the gazebo is larger. This is to accommodate 32 players without compromising the map's layout.

Blood is back! Notice is dripping on the ground.

This was the bomb base near the Seal's spawn. There no longer seems to be a fence in front of it and some palm trees have been put in.

Crossroads at night! So a night & day option seems like it's confirmed. Check out the beautiful lighting as well. Right now the player on screen is situated in front of the Bell Tower.

It's the garage where the Seal's plant the bomb, near the Terrorist base.

Honestly not quite sure where this is taken from. It may be on the lower level in-between the garage and the wall.

Inside the garage. Notice the windows that are not there in the original version. Whole area also looks slightly larger and I believe those pillars are new.

This is looking out from the Terrorists spawn down the left side street. Notice the barrel in front of him which is about to!

Explode! Exploding barrels are back.

32? But HOW?
To fit 32 players on Crossroads, instead of ruining a good map Slant Six Games seems to have widened the streets so the layout remains unaltered.

Basically they are keeping the same layout but widening the streets so there is more room to move and less chance of you being hit by a grenade in the first 20sec. But the layout is unaffected.

^Terrorist's spawn, looking outwards. Notice the stair case on the back far right, thats the stairs to the bell tower. Streets are slightly wider, and the run to the end looks slightly farther.

^Middle of the map. More room to move but the layout is unaffected.

New Crossroads
Just some more highlights from the pics released.

^Behind him is the terrorists spawn point.

^Appears to be the corner of the map, down the left street from the Seal's spawn. So right now that Seal is looking at the terrorists spawn which is in the distance.

EDIT: In contradiction to what I initially said, me and someone else on the Playstation.com boards helped discover that these two pictures (above and below) are taken from the same area, and that they are taken where the 2nd set of stairs near the Bell Tower (the ones leading into the small alleyway) used to be, and were replaced by an arch way and ally. So there is no longer a 2nd set of stairs there.

When you pause the trailer (thats on GameTrailers) at about 37sec, you will see an arch way on the right side of the screen where it wasn't there before. We think thats the arch way in this picture. I think this is because they now have a set of stairs leading into the balcony on both sides of the map, and with a bridge that most likely can't blow up anymore, so that does the job of replacing the need for those extra set of stairs.

^Not entirely sure. Possibly the arch way from when you walk down the stairs into the hallway, coming from the bell tower.

EDIT: Read the caption under the 2nd picture up.

Feel free to add to it with stuff you find.[/QUOTE]

Author:  Tyriac [ Mon May 21, 2007 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

It lacks in shadows but its only what 3-4month in development so hoping its a feature yet to be added.
I'm just hoping they revise the original s1/s2 maps into next gen Skins, and having both day and nighttime modes is perfect!
always preferred s1 daytime rats nest to nighttime s2, Fishhook, Frostfire, Crossroads all small map favourites. Gimme the old maps on Confrontation and im 150% sold as will the rest of my socom clan be!
We are after all one of THE oldest Socom Clans still going!

Author:  Ladchamber [ Mon May 21, 2007 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Best socom map ever was Abandoned from socom 1. The night map was retarded since everyones game plan was hide in a bush with nightvision and a SD. Desert Glory is a close second.

Author:  Ploid [ Mon May 21, 2007 8:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Yea abandoned on Socom2 was a pain to find people, and I never knew where I was lol.

Author:  Ladchamber [ Mon May 21, 2007 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

lol especially playing in first person! I'm a big fan of sniping- so I like maps with wide views and corners to lay in. Blizzard was my favorite map for sniping- I've killed all 8 people in clan matches a few times there. Blood Lake was the shit too in socom 1.

Author:  Tyriac [ Mon May 21, 2007 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

I loved Abandoned S1 but my god what a pain it was in the dark. I cant play with night vision as I get motion sickness so had to perfect playing without! Desert Glory i actually preferred as a seal as most of the time terrors would just sit in camp and and wait it out, were I cant camp it out I have to hunt the opposition down. The same was with Night Stalker, regardless of terrors using lolGrenade launchers my clan could still win as seals Mr. Green
Blizzard OMG <3 that map!!!! A for Bloodlake my clan were infamous for that as Seals.
My star player was the person who got me into FFXI some of you guys may know him as Altore. My god he absolutely owned the field with a damn handgun regardless of map!
Bringing back some happy Socom times I just hope some of my AlphaBravo boys can find their feet on PS3. Were still about as a clan and have a weekend get together every year and do crazy stuff like the airsoft and sky diving (see pics forum!) and theme parks etc.

Author:  Ploid [ Mon May 21, 2007 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

I kinda hate Socom2 for having the HDD support. Getting me into FFXI to become addicted. I bet most PS2 FFXI players had some kind of tie in with Socom. Like the guy I met (taru BLM) Socomtwo. I met him right before he joined PD, or maybe it was FU at the time.

Author:  Aemora [ Mon May 21, 2007 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

Is there anyway I can like, not view any topics started by Ploid because htey all sux. :<

Sorry Sir :< :< :<

Author:  Ploid [ Mon May 21, 2007 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Oh snap Tyriac. Socom Confrontation PS3 (other PS3 vids)

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