Tooth paste. Tissue Wad Tissue. Put a small amount on a tissue(very small amount... touch the end of the tissue to the toothpaste a couple of times) Rub the toothpaste into the CD like a polish. Rub from the middle of the CD to the outside edge, not in circles. Rub it over the scratches, or the entire disk, it doesn't matter. After you have the disk with a thin film of toothpaste over it, begin to lightly rub it off, like you would waxing a car, but without the circles. Avoid going in a circular motion. Rub off the toothpaste, it wont look completely right, it might look like it has more scratches on it, or smudges, but every time i've done it to my disks, it has repaired them, and in the latest case (Champions:Return to Arms) even made the game run significantly faster.
Smooth, clear toothpaste works better in my experiences, the crystals dont seem to do anything, use your own discretion.