A lot of people are losing their beta privileges due to breaking NDAs. It seems fun from the videos I saw on the internet though
8 player co op is like a MMORPG raid. There are bosses, and such scattered around the level. Think dynamis with a mega boss at the end that you don't just stick blms on but fight like a hnm.
Soldier - Tank like class. He has a shield that can protect the squad to a degree. In the middle of that shield is a minigun. The shield is powered by the enemies the tank kill. Tanks have a huge amount of HP
Medic - a medic is like team fortress' medic. You can stream cure to the tank, or a spec op. You can also break electrical enemies or such with the healing gun. Medics have offense also. Medics HP regen I think.
Spec Ops - Spec Ops are like rangers. They supply the squad with ammo, and have a zoom ability. They are scouts with a gun that can zoom, tag and shoot enemies in that order. The tag allow you to shoot straight up in the air and the bullets will follow whatever the target is on. Spec Ops have very little HP so they have to be careful and play sneaky.
Btw I'm not in the beta yet, just dreaming with this sig. My chance to get in will be late due to the tiers of the beta. Private beta is currently going on. Open beta is when people that preordered the game, and subscribed to Qore will get in.