I think you should stick with the core game on MGO for now. The expansion is just a few more maps, and the chance to play as meryl, or johnny with their special abilities. I haven't place since before they added team sneak mode. That mode is pretty awesome it seems. Everytime I think about playing it I do something else.
I don't think you need a mic for it though. Well if you get good with the codec commands. You do something like press select up(for strategy) then up again to say let's go. Instead of pressing up press back and you'll get something like stay back, or stop. It's hard to explain.
Just don't mess with my pron traps!
I'll try to be on tomorrow. I probably can't play with you though because you'd be a junior, well if I go in a unranked game maybe. Be careful how you play. You get branded for life according to how you start off. Other people in my clan have eagles, and ocelots as their emblem by their name. Me? I have a picture of a sloth. It's because I move slow and allow people to get a lot of head shots on me
. It's hard getting out of my sloth status, but I shall use that to my advantage. Make people think I sux at this game and own them with my pron traps!
Edit: I'll add you tomorrow. Movie rentals night.