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Resistance 2. wowowow! Official pictures (not scanned).
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Author:  Ploid [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Resistance 2. wowowow! Official pictures (not scanned).


Resistance 2

Release: Fall 2008
Platform: PlayStation 3

-One campaign focusing on Nathan Hale across USA, 1 player
-One separate story based campaign supporting 2 players offline, 8 players Online
-Online Multiplayer (dedicated servers) supporting 60 people
-Classes for online: Heavy, Special Ops, Medic
-New vehicles including Chameleon (Stalker with cloak)
-Partial randomized geometry in level spots
-Insane stat tracking coupled with MyResistance.net

Steve wrote:

I just got my latest GameInformer and its cover feature is Resistance 2!!!!!!

Checking it out now... will update. (didn't see this on first two pages so assumed it hasn't been posted)

EDIT 1: HUGE cooperative game... EIGHT-PLAYER story-driven campaign along side single-player campaign. SIXTY-PLAYER Competitive modes... HUGE United States Landscapes as backdrops.

EDIT 2: "It is, in short, a tour de force for the untapped might of the PlayStation 3"

EDIT 3: Narrative stays with Hale the whole time... not Rachel. Hale shot down in Iceland, escapes to US and becomes part of program called Sentinels...

EDIT 4: Chameleon.. Stalker with total cloaking ability

EDIT 5: Overcoming stigma that boss encounters don't work in FPS games..

EDIT 6: Eight player coop over PSN, two player local

EDIT 7: CLASSES! Unique character with one of three basic templates... tank with heavy weaponry, special ops for distance (bullseye modified with zoom), medic



I cant make my own thread, stupid gaf mods., someone make a thread!

EDIT 8: Online matching... standard difficulty discarded for scaled challenges for team skill..

EDIT 9: Partially randomized geometry... levels are different with each playthrough

EDIT 10: again... 60 players online. want sense of epic b attle.. dont want fast-furious gameplay to be focus, more focused on squad v squad.

EDIT 11: will log into smaller four-to-eight man lobbies for each squad... encouraging communication and camaraderie, squad will be tasked witha particular objective. careful level design aims to deliver intense combat zones or small team conflicts that flow within arena of larger battle.

EDIT 12: Dedicated gaming community with stat servers for faster matchmaching than any console game of 2007. full-featured profile pages through myresistance.net will incorporate social networking concepts. open clan and party system to encourage community...no player invites needed.

EDIT 13: Aiming to deliver mobile-phone-quality sound.

EDIT 14: Futher tapped power of PS3... more enemies onscreen, better AI, better lighting and shaders (SCREENSHOTS LOOK AMAZING!!!). More comples normal mapping and detail mapping combine to deliver textures that look amazing from afar and at extremely close distances.

EDIT 15: AI getting a lot more attention.. will scaled on-the-fly to players perspective and viewpoint... aka enemies cloesr to the player will actually have more spohisicated AI routines than those further away. assailants in your direct field of view received heightened intelligence. easily more cunning than before

sorry for typos... typing fast

EDIT 16: listened to complaints... working on solution to long checkpoints and health system. not positive what final solution will be.

EDIT 17: "Our time playing was a blast"... each character class contributes in a unique way and "we loved the strategy-laden medic"... unique sense of teamwork

EDIT 18: Mysterious "Cloven"

EDIT 19: "Resistance 2 will be too epic to dismiss as anything but one of the biggest, boldest, and most high-reaching titles of 2008. It's a game that won't be ignored." [END ARTICLE]


My goodness, Vedder we must practice more. This is going to be insane. You will be medic, I'll be spec ops, we'll get hoga as Heavy. What what, omg classes this is what I like!!! OMG :bowdown:

Edit: Hunting down scans. Darn print magazines holding the power of the internet back.

Author:  Ploid [ Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

Scans and the cover.

The infection is heading to the USA! San Fransisco what what. I guess since they had resistance in europe they went from china and spread over to the US' west coast. Oh snaps. Time to defend America and let Canada turn into yet another body harvest zone for them.

Author:  Yorke [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow


there shall be many an epic battle, though atm I'm a little cracked out on CoD. Can't put it down. For a game in which your survival depends on the radar more than any other, all this sneaking around with a silencer capping people is just way too fun atm. At least I have till the latter part of the year!

Author:  Ploid [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

Darn COD4, it cant be that good can it? It's like the only game you play and you keep your ps3 running with it in forever [/spy].

I tried to get better in resistance. I entered a server where you spawn with every weapon and the people kept saying not to kill anyone. I guess they were doing a test, but they should have made it invite only. I remember trying to do tests in my socom clan and we would get random people at times that wouldn't know what's going on and screw up our plans if we didn't password protect the room.

Author:  Asta [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

As pretty as that looks, it incorporates two trends in FPS that really irritate me.

#1 Aliens, that from the neck down, look identical to humans
#2 Heavy armor covering the entire body, with the notable exception of the most vulnerable part of the body... the head.

It's just amazing to me how people can spend so much time making somthing pretty, without being creative.

Author:  Ploid [ Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

Ah that's the thing, they are bug looking creatures. It's not known if they are aliens or what, but the monster looking beings you see in the screen shots are humans harvested by this chimera (unknown how they got here or where they came from. I need to collect more information on my second play through and this second game will explain more i'm sure). But anyway, there are some advanced creatures that have weird looking hovering octopus looking things to harvest the dead bodies of soldiers or something, then they send them to a ... this is hard to explain to someone that haven't played the game. They send the bodies, and the live people they capture to a place where they can transform/infect them which changes them into different types of monsters as you see in the picture. These are only one type, but there are also tall looking ones, and wall crawling ones. These you see look the most human. Must be infected americans. The more territory they obtain, the stronger their army grow.

"the Chimera production facility"
These are merely harvesters. Like worker ants, but I doubt the main chimera look like this. Also it's not known if the chimera are aliens or what. They could have originated in the bottom of the sea for all we know. Might even learn at 10x the speed as we do being able to develop all this advanced tech so fast. Also they produce a lot of heat and thrive in cold temperatures. America will be rough for them, well the southern states at least.

Conversion: Fates worse than death. They prepare the bodies to be transformed in some sort of cacoon. They are then outfitted with a cooling system (those things sticking out of their backs), then moved on an assembly line outward. You can kinda see it at the start of this level if you look at the background and the tubbing.

Edit instead look at the youtube below for a better example. Url removed.

Resistance: invasion trailer. This kinda explain how everything started and what's going on.

Edit: Snap that trailer show the thing I was trying to explain. Edited

Oh and resistance, you don't only fight against the humanoid converted aliens* (not really aliens but more undiscovered species perhaps?), there's a lot of weird stuff as you get deeper. The Angels, the huge tunnel making worm thing (these creatures act as if they're ants it seem), widows, and such.

The guy in my sig, he's known as a type of Cloven. He was somehow immune yet obtained some of the traits of a chimera. He'd also obey a angel (Angels are like a queen ant).

Author:  Yorke [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

Ploid wrote:
Darn COD4, it cant be that good can it? It's like the only game you play and you keep your ps3 running with it in forever [/spy].

I tried to get better in resistance. I entered a server where you spawn with every weapon and the people kept saying not to kill anyone. I guess they were doing a test, but they should have made it invite only. I remember trying to do tests in my socom clan and we would get random people at times that wouldn't know what's going on and screw up our plans if we didn't password protect the room.

It is by far the most realistic FPS I've ever played, most others just fall short (see Counterstrike...you all thought it was better than it was, tsk tsk). The best part of this is the Co-op stuff. 99% of CoD I play is Team Deathmatch, usually 6v6. Epic fighting, gawd I love the silenced 3 shot burst weapon.

Author:  Ploid [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

Found some stuff. Well maybe two things.

Real life resistance. Russia trying to fight the invasion. This looks well done, nice effect. So widow makers and those swarm things as their front line like armies use tanks and infiltry. With a mix of aquired Chimiran converted humans. In the game since they pretty much owned asia I guess they could give their widows, a bit of a break.

A look of some of the less human aliens. Well just one type, the swarm buggers.

Author:  Ploid [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

Oh snap new info:

Basch wrote:

What a surprise. I walked into Walmart expecting to pick up WarHawk and Sunshine, and, low and behold, passed by the magazine section and.. BAM! Resistance. So I grabbed it and made my way to the check out. Just got back home, and haven't even read it yet. But from my initial impressions... Awesome! Wow, does that game look sexy or what. It is very well done from my a graphical standpoint. Excellent textures that leap to life off the pages. And throughout the cover story, they had great variety. Lots of color, but still keeps the same design the art in Resistance is know for. The images are all very bright. Nothing like the few released over the Internet. Clear; scans don't do this game justice. I LOVE the artwork. It is simply stunning. Damn, they sure did nail that department. I cannot express enough how amazing the art is. Well done Insomniac. Phase 1 complete. You drew me in. Now, let's see what else you have in store.

First off, how many people saw the full scans? Text, art, screenshots; the whole lot? Because I don't remember seeing all of this. I must make a few quick notes from flipping through the pages.

- Resistance 2 has a new logo. Very similar to that of the first, but changes the appearance many remember it for. Instead of showing a bunch of buildings and famous landmarks of England, we get a nice spread of what seems to be be... San Francisco? Most rooftops are flat. So there's your difference. Oh yeah, no big clock tower. No subtitle present. Title of the article is "United We Fall."

- The backdrop on the first two pages of the cover story has a very noise-ish apperance. Hale appears on the left hand side with the American flag flapping behind him. Above that, tanks come rolling in; the main guns raised, racing to help out the soldiers on the ground, who have come under attack from a mega monstrosity: a Goliath. These things are huge. I think Insomniac is trying to go for scale in their designs as well. I don't remember them being this tall. The beast was even beant over. As we all know, no face, but somehow they made the damn things glare at the futily resisting army. Threatening is an understatement. This is death incarnate. In a beautiful artistic display, the only light in the artwork is from gunfire and blaze. On top of that, the Goliath's lenses are lit up by the very same color. A very nice subtle touch. In the shadow of all the fire, off in the distance as an inescapable evil, another Goliath lurks. It sounds like they will play a big part in this invasion. Over in the shaows, a chimera watches on. Patiently biding his time. If there is one thing this artwork elicts, it is the promise of chaos and turmoil to come.

- Now I won't comment on everything, because there is just too much, I would be here forever. For all you graphics whores, the game looks stunning. Rich colors. Unbridled lighting. Dynamic contrast: seems to be different depending the view. Godly shadowing effects: right up there with Uncharted, I would even go as far as to say it ones up it. An infinite variety in textures. The stills that seemed to have caught motion suggest a plethora of outstanding animatics. The sheer scope of the environments is something to behold. You can see for miles and miles. You can make out rivers and watchtowers. Powerlines and... islands? Smoke trails from plans and mountains in the distance. This game is quite simply a benchmark in graphics technology. I can't wait to see how the final product looks. Now, the breakdown. Is it better than Killzone 2's engine? Ready for the truth? Too hard to tell. The efforts by both studios are so superb they are making my eyes squint just to tell differences. That alone is one of the best comments you can achieve. Maybe at a later time we can determine the final victor, but it is not now. It is just simply too hard. Gorgeous. Gorgeous. Gorgeous.

- A few other things I should note. The Goliaths are now an enemy type. Meaning you will have to fight them. A lot. Dread every encounter. They are trying to make these enemies fierce. One huge difference about the Goliaths compared to the first game is, if screens could tell, they seem to be capable of moving faster. Just what you wanted, right? Also, whenever you see them, it seems Insomniac wants you to view them from the ground up. Unlike the last games where they didn't seem so tall because of the overhead or side views. The Goliaths have been stated to be 150 feet over the player. Want to take one down, now? :lol

- I swear to God I saw a floating face in what of the screenshots. A wide face. With tubes or tendrils that hung near its mouth. It would be easier if I could just show everyone, but thats not possible now, is it? So we'll just have to wait and see what it is all about. The article did confirm we would be facing aerial combatants. The Stalker is back. Along with a new mobile weapon. No, it doesn't even seem like someone could fit inside it. Its like a pod with twin three-barrel turrets to either side. Very Chimeranish. Expect to shoot these things down before they do so to you.

- By the way, it seems the screens that have been circulating around the Web wasn't all of them. There are some models, and background images, plus two that I have no idea why they have not been seen yet. Besides that, you have to check out the awesome artwork. One artwork depicts Hale at the foot of a body of water in a cold factory building with a Matrix sentinel looking Chimera with tentacles as long as you could imagine. Could probably wrap one around a building. One of my favorite pieces of artwork ever. :D Also, it looks like he has a big gun. This artwork came with a caption that said...

I love you Insomniac. :D

I'll read the rest of the article later. Let you guys know if I find anything else.

Author:  Ploid [ Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

United We Fall The near complete cover story on this game.










Video interview with insomniac about R2.
Video1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0_XYdky1Qw
Video2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCV8GmCj8jo
Video3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDx5FvSJ0Kg

Oh man the goliaths are huge and menacing. I'll be crapping my pants a lot I see :fear:


On the 8player co op and classes:

"The cooperative challenges will be objective-based, delivering enough plot and characer interaction to keep gamers excited but encouraging squad tactics and fast-paced action above long cut scenes or narrations. As planned, this second full compaign will be at least as long or even longer than the single-plaer story, and more than that, it will be different each time it is played.

You'll tackle this mode with your own unique character, chosen from one of three basic templates. A tank-style soldier wields a heavy chaingun to mow down enemy forces. His kills help to fuel a racharging mobile energy shield that can be deployed in front of him and his squad mates. A Special Ops class provides a distance damage dealer, as these soldiers wield a modified Bullseye rifle (a weapon that allow you to tag a target and fire homing bullets that zero in on the target no matter where you shoot unless a obstacle is in the path) with zoom features and extreme stopping power. Finally, the intriguing medic class seems like it would be at home in a MMO raid encounter. The medic's "Medicator" gun fires damaging red bolts of energy at enemy targets that charge a special meter, but slip your reticle ver a friend and the gun instantly pours out a healing blue shot fueled by that same meter. Any combination of the three classes can make up your team, encouraging unique approaches to each level. "

Read the rest in this scan http://www.othersi.com/gallery/albums/u ... 8164_4.jpg

This is like a mmorpg type thing almost. The tank can cast a phalanx type shield on the whole group, the spec-ops (damage dealer) can seriously own enemies with that modified bullseye, and the medic will be gaining points on that meter (medding) with a gun so it can heal the allies. Awesome!! :boing:

Author:  Douglas [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

Is there a lot of huge scale battles outdoors like there was in Half Life 2 Episode: Two?

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

HL2 feels more open. Even if it has load screen after load screen you are always going from point a to b. In resistance the character travel without your assistance. I'm not quite clear on what you mean by how open though. HL2 is like a huge adventure that with random wide open spaces (like the driving parts) and some of the things you see in the distance is where you might end up going as you are never hardly teleported to another city, or something (Somerset, Manchester, Chedder George of resistance 1 traveling). In resistance there are wide open battle fields, and a lot of crap is usually going on that you can't take all at once. I haven't seen videos of resistance 2 so I dont know how they're going to do that but from the info on the goliaths it seems like theyre going to throw even more stuff out at us. HL2 allow you to pick up some of everything, and toss even more. You won't be crossing broken up bridges in resistance1, a lot of things are controlled areas.

Video examples, well I couldn't find much

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

-since the guy doing walkthroughs on superhuman has very crappy hard to see compression. Here's a tech demo of a actual fight in the game that's kinda open with a lot of crap going on, and a review that show different areas and stuff. It's no adventure like halflife2 ep2.

Large fight

Review with lot of areas shown

Ok found a fan made video with quick clips near the end of some of the big wide scale battles. start@ 1:44 time stamp.

Also if you mean widescale fights like the multi strider fight in ep2 I think resistance have more because that's what it's all about usually. HL2 is more of a mix genre game. Adventure/puzzle/battle/survival/kitchenSink

Author:  Ploid [ Fri Jan 18, 2008 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow


This is what I hope they do. No random drops, or at least make it so it's 100% on either tank, medic, or spec ops armor/items. After COD4 had rpg like elements they can't afford not to follow suit.

Author:  Yorke [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

but wry do you want them around your buttcheek proid?

Author:  Ploid [ Sun Jan 20, 2008 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

It was a transformers movie reference. Tyrice during scorpanox when they needed to call the us army. The guy asked him where his credit card was. "My back pocket" -which pocket "LEFT CHEEK! LEFT CHEEK!". I think this battle would be more epic that that one in transformers though. Yea I'm pretty sure it is anyway.

Author:  Yorke [ Mon Jan 21, 2008 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

I was quite drunk when I watched that. Forgive me for missing your reference :<

But yeah, that chick is soooooo hot omg

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Jan 24, 2008 4:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

Someone typed the whole article with highlights. Posting here to add to this thread.

Resistance 2... United We Fall

The chaingun is heavy, and you're tired -- especially after that swarm of leapers hit the squad a little while back.

But the medics on your team have patched you up. The snipers are in position. You know running down this hill is suicie, but somebody has to take out that node. And you've got the squad at your back that can do it. You've fought beside some of these men dozens of times, and others are replacements, sent in after that last sorry excuse for a fight. but as the nearby wall explodes and dozens of Hybrids begin to pour out from the smoke, the seven men beside you don't care about being outgunned or overmatched, even as that colossal Titan roars its way out onto the field. You don't care either. It's your country this time, and you'll be damned if those overheated, body-stealing, six-eyed freaks are going to take it away.

Resistance 2 is a big game. That simpel adjective describes so much about Insomniac's latest endeavour. The scope of the game world is massive -- the cities and landscapes of the entire United States serve as the backdrop.

The player count is unprecedented -- an independant eight-player, story-driven cooperative game is being built right alongside the single-player campaign. Finish that, and you shouldn't have any trouble joining the various 60-player competitive modes. The scale of the conflict is overwhelming, allowing for positively gigantic battles against dozens of enemies, along with overwhelming boss encounters against creatures and machines hundreds of feet tall. It is, in short, a tour de force for the untapped might of the PlayStation 3.

Insomniac is a difficult studio to marshal complaints and concerns against. This is its third full retail game for Sony's latest platform. Its first two releases (Resistance and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction) are often cited as the biggest selling points for the console during a first year that otherwise wasn't everything Sony had hoped it would be. Insomniac's experience is apparent when we visit their Burbank studio, most particularly as they sit us down to play an hour of that insane eight-player online cooperative mode. Keep in mind this is a game that doesn't come out until this Fall. For neophytes out there, having something like that up and running at this point in the process is fairly remarkable.

Ted Price splits his attention between running the studio and serving as creative director on this latest project. As soon as he sits down to speak with us, it's clear that integrating all the elements of the game into a unified whole serves as a central goal for the project. "Most first-person shooters today have a very seperated single-playerand multiplayer experience," Price says. "We want to change that around."

The starting point for that endeavour is a gripping story, and the team is upping the ante to draw players into both an engaging, character-driven plot and a more sweeping, dramatic setting.

Resistance 2 abandons the third-person narrated account of the saavy British Intelligence girl from the first resistance, putting the emphasis squarely on hero Nathan Hale. "We realized we have to keep the focus on the main character. With Resistance 1, we spent a lot of time in narration. Rachel Parker was really the main figure as she told this story about Hale. This time we're going to stay with Hale the whole time."

The opening scene of the new game is the same as the closing epilogue after the credits of Fall of Man. Hale is cornered by some mysterious masked troops in a helicopter, and he hesitantly surrenders and is flown away to Iceland. "In Iceland, they are shot down because the base there has come under attack," says Price. "Hale barely makes it out alive, gets back to the mainland United States, and becomes part of a special program called the Sentinels." These soldiers have also developed a resistance to the Chimeran virus. They train at his side in the coming months as the military's secret weapon against the enemy, and will serve with him throughout the story to come.

Two years after arriving Stateside, the Chimerans launch a full-scale aerial assault. "Hundreds of giant ships invade the US from both coasts," Price continues. "They drive America's soldiers and citizenry into the middle of the country." Beginning in San Francisco, and eventually expanding to battlefields across the country, Hale fights back even as he continues the internal struggle hinted at in the first game; his viral resistance is a far cry from total immunity. "Throughout the game, the player is faced with completely overwhelming odds. It is a losing battle. We're creating a sense of despair and bleakness with the story," Price concludes.

The development team is insistent about the widespread locales in which the remianing and unrevealed plot points will take place. Hesistant to spoil the details, they only hint that anyone who has done a little stateside traveling knows full well the breadth of environments that a game set across the entire United States could yield.

"We have a style that is about the contrast between the sophisticated Chimeran alien technology and the more grounded human technology, which should be era appropriate for the '50s, but with a twist," art director Chad Dezern tells us. it's not hard to imagine massive cityscapes juxtaposed against the mile-wide aerial battleships of the Chimeran fleet, or full-scale infantry engagements across desert flatlands and craggy mountains. The game is set in the 1950s, but it's a place not much like the post-war boom of our history. In the world of Resistance, World War II never happened, as the Chimeran threat rolled over Europe. The darker America that results never really pulled out of the Great Depression. the developers at Insomniac are fascinated withthe idea of mxing this bleak new vision of 1950s America against the broiling might of the hulking Chimeran war machine.

A new backdrop isn't the only thing spicing up the campaign. Along with their mighty floating battle fortresses, we'll see any number of new monstrous threats that Hale must confront. price tells us about one: the Chameleon. This frightening stalker has a total claoking ability, and it attacks in close-quarters melee with its devestating blades. Your first encounter with it is when it gorily shreds some of the soldiers you're traveling with. if it's not openly assaulting you or your team, its virtual invisibility will have to be tracked with careful skill, like watching for its passing footsteps in a nearby puddle. Likewise, familiar foes like the Hybrid have been completely overhauled with dramatically improved AI routines and a new suite of detachable armor pieces that players will need to overcome.

Beyond a broadened array of standard enemies, Insomniac is also committed to overcoming the stigma that boss enocunters can't work in a first-person shooter. As expected, the studio is silent on the content of those major conflicts, but one need look no further than some of the surrounding images to get some good ideas. "Bosses are generally not the domain of first-person shooters, which generally focus on run and gun gameplay," Price opines. "We want to break things up and include these monstrous bosses -- things that are much larger than anything you saw in Resistance 1."

All of the above is enough to get us pretty excited about the single-player campaign. And, in another game, we'd be equally as excited to hear about tackling that story a second time with seven of our friends. However, that's not how Resistance 2 works. An independant story and campaign is being prepared for two-player offline co-op, or up to 8 players over PlayStation Network. "Traditionally, you have to make compromises," associate creative director Colin Munson says. "If you go crazy with single player, you have to compromise the co-op -- and vice versa. It's frustrating. We don't want to do it like that. We want to take it in a different direction."

Using the backdrop of some huge multiplayer battlegrounds, the cooperative mode reveals a story that runs parallel to Hale's, but focuses on other soldiers involved in the fight for America's survival. Initially conceived as a sort of bridge between single-player and competitive multiplayer, the co-op game hopes to reel in the huge numbers of players who buy a game like this and never bother to take it online due to the stiff competition. The cooperative challenges will be objective-based, delivering enoughplot and character interactionto keep gamers excited but encouraging squad tactics and fast-paced action above long cutscenes or narrations. As planned, this second full campaign will be at least as long or even longer than the single-player story, and more than that, it will be different each time it is played.

You'll tackle this mode with your own unique character, chosen from one of three basic templates. A tank-style soldier wields a heavy chaingun to mow down enemy forces. His kills help to fuel a recharging mobile energy shield that can be deployed in front of him and his squadmates. A Special Ops class provides a distance damage dealer, as these soldiers wield a modified Bullseye rifle with zoom features and extreme stopping power. Finally, the intriguing medic class seems like it would be at home in an MMo raid encounter. The medic's "Medicator" gun fires damaging red bolts of energy at enemy targets that charge a special meter, but slip your reticule over a friend and the gun instantly pours out a healing blue shot fueled by that same meter. Any combination of the three classes can make up your team, encouraging unique approaches to each level.

Standard dfficulty settings have been discarded in favour of a challenge scaled to the skill of you and your teammates, since you'll be ranking up your character as you play. Even without a full squad of friends beside you, the game will be capable of auto-matching you with fellow players online who are also looking for co-op play, and will find other gamers at the same place in the story as you.

Finally, the levels themselves will morph on subsequent playthroughs. While the team isn't ready to promise truly randomized level design, the geometry of these stages can and will be altered each time you play.

If working together with seven players isn't enough for you, perhaps blasting away at 59 of them will be. The competitive modes of Resistance 2 will reveal yet another component of the wider tale, but here the story takes a total backseat to intense, large-scale conflicts. At the same time, the team is keenly aware that an unchecked 60-person battle could get unwieldy pretty fast. "With 60 players, we want to give that sense of epic battle," lead multiplayer programmer Eric Ellis explains. "But at the same time, we don't want that to be the gameplay. We actually think more focused squad-versus-squad gameplay is going to be best."

When prepping for a night of competitive multiplayer, you'll log into a lobby with smaller four-toeightperson squads, encouraging genuine communication and camaraderie pre-game before you join the battle as part of a larger contingent of troops. Your squad will usually be tasked with a particular objective -- each squad might have a different goal on the field. Likewise, your opponents will have rival objectives, and if all goes well, the skill level of the opposite team should match up with your own. Careful level design aims to deliver intense combat zones of small team conflicts that flow together within the arena of the larger battle. It's an elaborate approach to online competition bolstered by an equally ambitious handling of the wider community features.

With online play more important with each passing software generation, Insomniac has had team members focused in on community from the get go. "It's been built into the game from the initial design," Price explains. "Most community features are just add-ons for the big first-person shooters. this is something we're passionate about."

Eschewing peer-to-peer networking, Resistance 2 will have dedicated gaming, community and stats servers that should allow for faster machmaking than the console games of 2007. Full-featured profile pages through http://www.myresistance.net will incorporate social networking concepts. meanwhile, in-game, insomniac is enacting a totally open clan and party system to encourage everyone to join up and get to know other players -- no invites will be needed (Ed note- booooo on this front). Improved voice chat aims to deliver mobile phone-quality sound. beyond the details, there is a larger vision to make community building a central component of the game, rather than a tacked-on feature set constructed after the game is already on store shelves.

Given Insomniac's close relationship with Sony, it's unsurprising to hear praise for the flexibility and power of the PlayStation 3. Nonetheless, as the studio's third game on the system, Resistance 2 is taking advantage of more than just the sophisticated networking features of the console. "We've learned a lot about how to work on the PlayStation 3. Resistance 2 will see a lot of those benefits," Price tells us.

"Our technology is home grown. We develop everything here. We're not reliant on outside vendors." Proprietary game systems are now being heavily farmed out to the PS3's SPUs, keeping the central PPU as a sort of traffic cop that organizes what gets attention at any given moment. In simple terms, the game is taking much better advantage of the untapped potential of the console. In regard to visuals, the expanded use of the SPUs means more enemies on screen, signifigantly more complex AI from all of those foes, and dramatically expanded options for special effects. Lighting and shader advances show off the broadened color palette of the game, which moves away from the cool grays and blues that filled the first game in the series towards a more vibrant, painted tone.

More complex normal mapping and detail mapping combine to deliver textures that look amazing both from afar and at extremely close distances, a complaint that some critics leveled against the first installment.

On the gameplay side, artificial intelligence is getting a lot of attention. The AI will scale on the fly to the player's perspective and viewpoint. What does that mean? Enemies closer to the player will have more sophisticated AI routines than those further away. Likewise, assailants in your direct field of view also recieve heightened intelligence. The result is an observable cunning from the adversaries you're directly dealing with, while the more distant or out-of-sight enemies remain dangerous without being overwhelming or frustrating.

While the game strives to take some wild leaps forward, it's also clear that the team is reexamining where they came from with the first game. Some players found fault with the long checkpoints and health system management introduced in that installment. Refreshingly, Price and the rest of his team seem open acknowledging people's dilemmas, and honest enough not to promise a solution they haven't yet found. Rather, they are clear in expressing that those issues and any number of other concerns are being addressed, but that such balance and level flow issues are hard to talk about this far away from release. Instead the team has focused on early prototyping of the entire game, building early versions of everything from the levels to the enemies, then placing them into a functional game that can be tested and refined throughout the many months ahead.

"Viscerality is an internal word that we've been using, and it's kind of a silly word -- we made it up. But when you say it enough, it starts to get a real meaning. It starts to feel like it belongs in our venacular," Price explains. "Viscerality, for us, is the sense or state a player feels when the obviously unreal feels real -- when you're playing the game and nothing else seems to exist. We've been focused on that when we're setting up our levels, when we're implementing the gameplay, and honing in on what makes the game feel right." It's a common goal for developers these days that are increasingly eager to draw players into their unique fiction. However, at Insomniac, it has been an overriding focus across every gameplay component. the intense visuals, shocking and surprising sound work, taut storytelling, and even the rumble in the controller all aim to serve the wider goal of viscerality.

As evidenced by our chance to sit and play a full cooperative mission with seven members of the game's multiplayer team, Resistance 2 has a more than solid start. Our time playing was a blast -- each of the character classes contributes to the fight in a unique way, and we particularly loved the strategy-laden play style of the medic, as he juggles damage dealing and healing. there is a unique sense of teamwork involved in confronting the hordes of enemy fighters that the game throws at you. the opening of this article was no conjured fantasy, but a dramatized description of the exact events in the game level we played.

hybrids were shattering barriers and charging en masse as we descended into a valley. huge Titans would dominate a fight as our forces scattered around it, furiously pouring fire at it while our medics kept us barely alive. one fight would finish and we would immediately find our rear support troops had been ambushed from behind. Even in its unpolished state, the excitement of these large-scale cooperative battles makes good on a promise many gamers have waited a long time for. We can only hope that the final version that releases later this year maintains that promise in its finished form.

While concious of its legacy, Resistance 2 is a game eager to move into the future. throughout our time at Insomniac, we read between the lines aboutg the bigger picture of moving the franchise forward. We ask about the mysterious Cloven hinted at in the first game, and are met with only cryptic and elusive answers, implying that even those questions might not be fully cleared up by this sequel. Nathan Hale's continuing struggle against the virus within him remains an equally well-guarded secret. Even the origin of the monstrous Chimera remians foggy -- but this is one secret we expect some solid info on by the time the credits roll on Resistance 2. Insomniac crafted what many regard as the premier launch title for Sony's PlayStation 3 in Resistance: Fall of Man. At the same time, its appearance so early on in that console's life cycle made it a remarkable game that some enthusiasts might have missed.

In contrast, however the final product turns out, Resistance 2 will be too epic to dismiss as anything but one of the biggest, boldest, and most high-reaching titles of 2008. It's a game that will not be ignored.

I would clean things up and make order of all this crap but I'm too lazy to do such a feat. In fact I copied and pasted this text you're reading now. Yes this very sentence even is a copy and paste. Why would I steal this? I'm that lazy and... ok I'm tired of doing manual typing I'm out.

Author:  Ploid [ Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. 60man MP, 8man online Co-op, etc holy cow

No scan official pictures. OMG it looks so perty :ow:









Author:  Yorke [ Sun Jan 27, 2008 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Resistance 2. wowowow! Official pictures (not scanned).

holy shit those pics look amazing. I wish they had actual gameplay ss's though :<

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