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Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)
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Author:  Aemora [ Wed May 30, 2007 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Square-Enix wrote:

In the soon-to-be released version update, we plan to introduce "Group 2" abilities for the blue mage, corsair, and puppetmaster jobs. We will also be increasing the maximum limit for point allocation in the "Combat Skills" and "Magic Skills" merit point categories for all jobs.

New Merit Point Category for Blue Mage, Corsair, and Puppetmaster
In the upcoming version update, we will be adding the "Group 2" merit point category for blue mages, corsairs, and puppetmasters.
Each of these jobs will gain access to four new job abilities and traits that should prove invaluable in a variety of situations. See the tables below for a description of each ability.


*Convergence will also increase the power of blue magic spells that are originally single target effects.

Maximum Point Allocation for Combat Skills and Magic Skills
- The maximum limit for point allocation in the "Combat Skills" and "Magic Skills" merit point categories will be increased for all jobs.

"Combat Skills" maximum total ability increases:
- 12 > 20

"Magic Skills" maximum total ability increases:
- 8 > 16

*The maximum limit for each of the abilities within these categories will remain unchanged.

Further adjustments will be announced on the day of the version update.

Author:  Lolmy [ Wed May 30, 2007 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Holy Crap... 20 combat merits now, ton of shit to merit again joyyyyyyyyyyy

8GK/8Axe/4sword ggogoogogogogogoggogogogogogogogogogoggogogggogo, LOL@Eudon removing a katana merit a few days ago

....and 8enfeebling now too? TO NYZUL

Author:  M fkn G [ Wed May 30, 2007 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

unless they raise the cap on individual combat skills D: this will do nothing for me ; ;

Author:  Aemora [ Wed May 30, 2007 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

M fkn G wrote:
unless they raise the cap on individual combat skills D: this will do nothing for me ; ;

The maximum limit for each of the abilities within these categories will remain unchanged.


Author:  M fkn G [ Wed May 30, 2007 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

yes I know...

I am expressing my displeasure.

Author:  Aemora [ Wed May 30, 2007 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Want me to touch ur penis to make u feel betta?

Author:  Praetor [ Wed May 30, 2007 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

M fkn G wrote:
yes I know...

I am expressing my displeasure.

Shaddup MG.

Author:  Safersephx [ Wed May 30, 2007 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

i like the names of the new cor merits *._.

Aemora, let us discuss corsair merits here, for i have no one else to discuss with~

if extending phantom roll duration is worth it, then it might make the catagory 1 merit sorta redundant with lowering the recast on phantom roll... ideally both would be excellent, but might open up new oppurtinities to merit something else in cat. 1
maybe maxing QD acc and recast... 300 damage every 50s isnt bad at all

i'll definately get snake eye, but hope it is no longer than 5min recast...

the random deal merit is sorta sucky, kinda lame enhancing a 20min ability

so looks like 3xwinning streak 3xsnake eye seems good ;> (maybe 2xsnake eye 1xfold also, cause there have been times i wish i could just reroll)

Author:  Aemora [ Wed May 30, 2007 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Well, I find that meriting Phantom Roll to a lesser cast time in the Tier1 merits kind of redundant. The rolls last 5 minutes each, and you can only really roll 4. 5 is too much. So getting out 4 rolls in 5 minutes with the 1 minute recast isn't a problem at all, if you are on top of your shit.

So when I do eventually merit Corsair, I will be pumping Merits into Quick Draw Accuracy and Quick Draw Recast. Accuracy is for Sleep and Dispel mostly, but those extra pwn shots against HNMs would be kinda nice. Wonder if 5 Merits in Accuracy and the Tricorne would get you to sleep Cerberus or something...

As for the Tier2 Merits, yeah, they are totally awesome names Very Happy Snake Eyes I will put 3 Merits into to get the recast as low as possible, and it better be a 5 minute JA with Additional Merits lowering the cast time by 30 seconds. Winning Streak might be worth it, because that will allow you to roll less often, so you could concentrate on funner things like Meleeing and Shooting and whatnot. Fold would be interesting, but only dependant on how often you bust, really. Personally, if I roll something and don't get the numbers I want, or miss the people that need the buffs, I will purposely Bust the roll (Run away and Bust it on myself so the others don't get the negative effect). That way, in 30 seconds when Phantom Roll is active again, you can run up to them and try again. This in turn allows you to roll any roll you like consecutively, (Say you went Bust > War Roll > Smn Roll, you could go War Roll again if you missed someone or for a better number because Bust will still be in effect). So Fold might be worth looking into. Loaded Deck... Kinda useless... If they made it so that it has the opportunity to reset up to 3 random Timers (Magic, JAs, whatever), then that would be awesome.


Tier 1 = Quick Draw Accuracy x5, Quick Draw Recast x5
Tier 2 = Snake Eye x3, not sure on the last 3... Perhaps Winning Streak x2 and Fold x1.

Author:  Safersephx [ Wed May 30, 2007 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

ya i bust on purpose sometimes cause of crappy rolls... but snake eye might fix that, cause it can turn any bad roll into a better one..... so i think if the recast on snake eye is long, then fold would be good to get, if the recast on snake eye is short (like <5min since how often u gonna bust anyways) then fold prolly will also be redundant

thinking about it like that now, they prolly have them on 10min+ timers... so you'd want to get both merits and you could stagger using snake eye one time, and bust on purpose + fold the next time

Author:  Aemora [ Wed May 30, 2007 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Safersephx wrote:
thinking about it like that now, they prolly have them on 10min+ timers... so you'd want to get both merits and you could stagger using snake eye one time, and bust on purpose + fold the next time

Good point.

The +1 JA will be orgasmic. And if they are both 10 Minute recasts, then perhaps they are worth ploughing 3 Merits into each.

Btw... I've decided that my next Lv75 job is going to be Brd. Not Blu, yet. I am extremely lax in my Merits and I require a lot of them. Also, would be good for Salvage, and allow Mef to go a different Job and whatnot with his Ridill.

I am not, however, leveling Brd for LS purposes. I dun wanna be a token Brd and be demanded to come to everything as Brd. I shall do what Mira did... I like my Blm and Smn too much :<

Author:  Scorsese [ Wed May 30, 2007 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Needs more Minuet/Madrigal merits. :<

Author:  Mertron [ Wed May 30, 2007 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

3 in Assimilation

3 in Enchainment

and dun

wondering what they meant by tp bonus, if its the same as the martial weapons so I only need 200 tp for max pwn? If thats the case do I need 3 merits? Or is it flat out damage up?

Author:  Safersephx [ Wed May 30, 2007 7:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

im guessing its like the smn cat. 2 merits... each merit gave an extra 20 TP when using that BP

Author:  Ploid [ Wed May 30, 2007 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Omg more combat skill merits. Gawd now I gotta gain the 10+ merits I got rid of to level other crap. 3 sam gkt, 2 evasion, 1 dagger when it was at level3.

Author:  Scorsese [ Wed May 30, 2007 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Combat is useless to me, I don't melee. the extent of damage i do is with black magic or avatars. :<

Tho more MP merits would be nice. Surprised

Author:  Gilean [ Wed May 30, 2007 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

woot Sword 8 Axe 8 here I come!

Author:  Ladchamber [ Wed May 30, 2007 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

That combat skill adjustment is pretty sweet! Now i can use that 1 more merit to cap GKT... but what do i do wit the other 7 >.>? katana, great axe or axe....

Author:  Machdaddy [ Wed May 30, 2007 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

Staff, duh

Author:  Scorsese [ Wed May 30, 2007 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Merit Point Adjustments (30/05/2007)

I'll lv your staff skills, Mach. -.^

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