dionious wrote:
there's too many to count for each system; plus it all depends on what kind of games you like, just take a look at
http://www.ign.com and take a look at reviews for games that spark your interest. I would say take a look at ploid's gaming thread but ploid is ps3-biased

ps3 =

Hey I already explained. I only pay attention to games I can play, I'm not the type to own every console because I can't play every game on one system as it is. I skipped a lot of games just this year, and I have a lot of games for my current console that I haven't finished (not as in 100% complete, but to the ending). The only thing is that I can change the title of the thread, and the first post. You guys should post about games you're interested in as well, I usually feel like I'm the only person that play games, just like in rl which is why I'm here in the first place. You guys are weird like me too.
Edit: Sef I'm actually buying a new tv and looking for a blu ray player. I was told about all these $100 players but the cheap ones don't have BD live 2.0 and some of the customer reviews complain that some of the disks don't work on it. I'm almost thinking about just getting another ps3 (the good blu ray players are like $200s and such) but if you don't mind not having a updatable BR player you can find them as for as cheap as $150. I'm just going to move a PS3 around and wait for more price drops on Blu players $100 and good or bust.
Just got batman tdk for $18. I remember these things used to cost like $30+.
Edit: Also I don't have a psp and I think playing handheld games will make me look stupid. Well when I'm not at home, actually playing them at home is stupid.