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Which console should I get?
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 Post subject: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:27 pm 
Brutal Sheep
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Can't decide..



 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 5:37 pm 
Hexabox Aspirant
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A decision has been made.


 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:18 pm 
Cock atrice
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Lutia wrote:
A decision has been made.

The thought of having to choose between a Ps3 of a wii is laughable, both are lamesauce. 360 hands down is what you should invest in :P but if you already have one I'd say save your money until you see a bundle that sparks your interest.


 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 6:32 pm 
Brutal Sheep
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ew seriously? I got rid of my xbox 360 because it kept red-ringing, and the only game I played on it was ffxi.

After sending it in 3 different times to the repair center, I gave it to one of my friends who wanted a 360.

I really would like to have a home console just to mess around with, idk.



 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:55 pm 
Cock atrice
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Maimed wrote:
ew seriously? I got rid of my xbox 360 because it kept red-ringing, and the only game I played on it was ffxi.

sometimes I forget what forum I'm on... Using a 360 exclusively for ffxi is fail =p it has so many games mannn... but I do agree that the hardware is a pain in the ass to deal with, i'm on #4 myself, but whether its a good thing or a bad thing, Microsoft has gotten really efficient at dealing with it. When my 360 red-ringed in August, I sent it to them Friday (shipping costs taken care of by them) and received it on Thursday... so it took less than a week to service. So overall i'm satisfied with the system.

But yeah venture out of Vanadiel and take a look at the 360's library of games ;D


 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:33 pm 
Random Man
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Atari isn't an option so this thread fails.

 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:43 pm 
Bitter Canadian

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I'm no techo nerd or anything but isn't ps3 supposed to have better hardware? I had a ps3 but it it sucked and had no games I wanted to play so I sold it.
I'd say don't buy either and blow it on yayo and beers.


 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:50 pm 
Brutal Sheep
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Any games that make either of the three consoles really stick out?



 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 10:34 pm 
Cock atrice
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there's too many to count for each system; plus it all depends on what kind of games you like, just take a look at and take a look at reviews for games that spark your interest. I would say take a look at ploid's gaming thread but ploid is ps3-biased :nonono: and ps3 = :spin: =pp


 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 11:56 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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Ps3, Blu-ray player yo.


 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:07 am 
Random Man
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dionious wrote:
there's too many to count for each system; plus it all depends on what kind of games you like, just take a look at and take a look at reviews for games that spark your interest. I would say take a look at ploid's gaming thread but ploid is ps3-biased :nonono: and ps3 = :spin: =pp

Hey I already explained. I only pay attention to games I can play, I'm not the type to own every console because I can't play every game on one system as it is. I skipped a lot of games just this year, and I have a lot of games for my current console that I haven't finished (not as in 100% complete, but to the ending). The only thing is that I can change the title of the thread, and the first post. You guys should post about games you're interested in as well, I usually feel like I'm the only person that play games, just like in rl which is why I'm here in the first place. You guys are weird like me too.

Edit: Sef I'm actually buying a new tv and looking for a blu ray player. I was told about all these $100 players but the cheap ones don't have BD live 2.0 and some of the customer reviews complain that some of the disks don't work on it. I'm almost thinking about just getting another ps3 (the good blu ray players are like $200s and such) but if you don't mind not having a updatable BR player you can find them as for as cheap as $150. I'm just going to move a PS3 around and wait for more price drops on Blu players $100 and good or bust.

Just got batman tdk for $18. I remember these things used to cost like $30+.

Edit: Also I don't have a psp and I think playing handheld games will make me look stupid. Well when I'm not at home, actually playing them at home is stupid.

 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 12:46 am 
Brutal Sheep
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I like RPGs, first person shooters, action/adventure, platformers, and long walks on the beach.

I don't have a DVD player nor a Blue Ray player atm so either xbox or ps3 would be nice for that added perk, however i rarely watch movies at my apartment so it's not a big ordeal.

Playing with/against friends is another big perk, but I'm perfectly content with single player games on console. I already had an xbox 360 and got so frustrated with the shitty hardware issues that I finally just gave it away so I'm very reluctant to spend anymore money on a faulty lolMicrosoft product.

I've heard Ps3 is slowly coming into its own with a healthy game library but it's still well behind Wii and xbox so idk.

I hear the Wii is fun but you can only play Mario, Metroid, and Zelda so many times before it gets old.

I'll do some research on and see what games grab my attention. Problem is, my own research led me to buying an xbox to begin with, so I don't really trust my own judgement lol.



 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:08 am 
Random Man
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I've heard Ps3 is slowly coming into its own with a healthy game library but it's still well behind Wii and xbox so idk.

I hear the Wii is fun but you can only play Mario, Metroid, and Zelda so many times before it gets old.

If this is all true, there's only one answer. The math don't lie.

 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:24 am 
Ice is strong against fire!!

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the reason 360 red rings is when you play it too much and it over heats the soddering in the xbox melts.

if you have/know someone with a soddering iron just get them to sodder it for you and it'll be np, friend did it and hasn't had trouble with it since.

I've had my xbox for 2 years and its never red ringed :D guess I don't play it enough...

Sefsig pwns

 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:36 pm 

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Had xbox traded in for ps3 (best thing I ever did)
Playing 2 chars on ffxi one on xbox other pc and xbox always ran slower, zoning / running / simple actions always slower via xbox. Xbox was always noisy, so that was another welcome bonus after we parted company - the peace.
Blu Ray is an added bonus with ps3... movies are now sooooo much sweeter.
Also got Wii, mainly for the kids although we do compete to see who can do better on Wii fit etc.

Besides PS3 looks a lot nicer :boing:


 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:06 pm 
Cock atrice
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dionious wrote:

Using a 360 exclusively for ffxi is fail =p it has so many games mannn...


Playing ffxi on 360 was the same as playing ffxi on ps2, just with better graphics; but stop evaluating the 360 by how well it plays this 6yr old MMO! lol Try a few RPGs/Action games like Eternal Sonata, Lost Oddisey, or Gears of War and if you think 360-exclusive games like those suck, then you can have some valid claims against it

dionious wrote:
But yeah venture out of Vanadiel and take a look at the 360's library of games ;D



 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 7:58 am 
Random Man
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I'm getting a wii soon. Need to have one by Thanksgiving, Wii + 42in 1080p tv should look jaggariffic. If I can pick my friend code it will be 555-5555-5555. Add mez.

(Getting it so my nephew has something to play when he's over. Currently clicks on my pc while playing popcap games like the wack-a-mole game. Almost bought a game from amazon, and kept downloading popcap demos. Need to get him off of the pc.

 Post subject: Re: Ps3 or Wii?
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:40 pm 
Black Thumb
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I used to be a notorious Nintendo fanboy to be quite honest. I remember falling out of love with that company after they decided not to make an adequate sequel for Super Mario 64 (still one of the best video games ever made, imo).

I have to say, that despite the fact that I don't play it a ton anymore (new CoD is prolly gonna change that) I've had exactly 1 (one) problem with my PS3 ever. I've had it since the day the 80g came out and have never had to replace it once. The only problem I had was when I thought that I had fried the power thing to the console, but I called the Sony PS customer service line and all I had to do was hold down the reset button while turning the power on. I find it kinda funny (not laughing at you) that Dion expresses such strong opinions for XBox even after going through four of them. That seems like such a gigantic pain in the ass to me, and if I get into a game I KNOW that a week's worth of not playing is enough to seriously piss me off when I'm waiting for my 'new' console to arrive in the mail.

PS3 has a SHITLOAD of options you can use it for. The one bad thing is that the newer consoles don't have backward compatibility. It's great for movies and whatnot; the controllers are still classic (R and L triggers seem much more reponsive than even on the PS2), and it acts more like a computer (in the good ways) than a console (in the bad ways).

Does Xbox live still cost $10/month? I remember that was a major deterrent for me buying the first-gen to begin with. Honestly, it's prolly best that if you're going to be playing FPS on it that you don't get it for PS3. I play on PS3 and am not afraid to completely ruin anyone's shit who steps in my way^^

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