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 Post subject: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:16 pm 
Black Thumb
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There comes a time for those unacquainted with the way the laws of our society operate to be made lucid of the fact that not everything is black and white. Occasionally, one might question these laws. There is substantial difference between the way things are; and the way things SHOULD be. Yesterday afternoon, the justice system took a turn toward its citizens, which is what the system should hinge itself upon to begin with. What else remains to be told but the story of how one (1) person took on the local police department....AND WON. Truthfully, I have never been so emotionally charged and involved with something in my entire life. Those who find that people are under the thumb of governmental my story. There has been a change around here that will likely last the duration of my life. I shall forever remember what transpired in the last week, and my story has to be told:

On May 4th, 2008, my friend called the police to his apartment to have his ex-girlfriend removed from his premesis and arrested, as she had burglarized his house (in this case, unlawfully entering someone else's residence). Upon the arrival of the police, they (the police) questioned the suspect involved. However, this was not a normal type of questioning. The officers in question had gone to high school with the woman who ADMITTEDLY had entered my friend's house without permission, and they interviewed her first. They inexplicably ordered my friend to return into his house, as they would 'be with him in a moment.' As they sat there, presumably talking to [her] about what had happened, there came a point in which she said that some of her belongings were in the apartment that SHE HAD JUST FUCKING BURGLARIZED. What was the next step to be taken?

Well, you might think that she would be arrested. However, you would think wrong. The officers (4) in question forcibly tried to enter the home of my friend without his permission. At this time, they were informed by my friend "fuck you, you guys aren't coming into my house." However, these officers were determined to help their friend (her). As they tried to push past my friend to enter his house (illegally, mind you) he impeded the officers from entering his house by pushing one of the officers away from his front door, who subsequently stumbled and fell over a wrought-iron railing.

Now, you might think (especially non-Americans) "Well why did he do this? That sounds illegal." Incorrect. In America, you have every right to protect your own property from unlawful entry (again, the police entering his house without permission is burglary in itself, as they were attempting to search without cause). Hearing that it is illegal, you might think that nothing transpired as a result of what happened. However, you again would be wrong.

The police, after seeing their comrade go over the aforementioned railing, charged at my friend. The next part of the story is so sickening that I have a hard time typing it without getting choked up. They began to savagely beat my friend with their fist, feet, batons, and flashlights. Adding insult to injury, after beating him up they said that he had not only assaulted an officer, but had resisted arrest. This is why it pays to get a good lawyer.

My friend's lawyer is a fucking animal in the courtroom. Never before had I seen a lawyer work the way he did, and with good reason he is the best lawyer I've ever seen and worth every cent that my friend paid. To make a jury of white women believe that the police had acted unlawfully? Proposterous. However, my friend got on the stand and told the police exactly what happened...the truth. Now you see, when you tell the truth, there's no way there can be any differentiation if your story. If you tell the truth consistently throughout, there is no way that anyone can see it in your favor. But still, one suspected felon taking on four police in a court which heavily favors law enforcement?

What happened next is something that, again, will stick with me forever. I watched these four officers lie on the stand. Perjury, right before my eyes. Their grand jury testimony differed greatly from the testimony they gave in court during the trial, and furthermore greatly differed from the reports that the officers had filled out the very night in question. How can you have two different stories under oath? Obviously one of them is not the truth. The jury saw this as well, and found my friend not guilty on all charges.

So a quick recap of what happened from the prosecution's side: My friend called the police to his house to report a burglary and he ended up having the shit beat out of him by the same police he called for help, as they knew the woman who was the supposed 'victim' in a domestic dispute. If anyone cares to hear exact details about the story, I have no problem posting them. Keep in mind, however, that will be QUITE the read As of right now, my friend is a free man. However, out of spite, my friends and I have every intention of ruining the careers of the officers that beat the fuck out of an innocent person. I hope they lose their fucking shields as a result of this, lose their pensions, lose their jobs, suffer irreparabale damage to their reputations, and ultimately; go to jail for both assault and perjury for lying under oath about beating the shit out of my friend.

Not everything in the world is fair. This is one of the few times that justice was delivered, and I (we) have every intention of ruining the lives of those who tried to put an innocent person in jail for seven years FOR GETTING THE SHIT BEATEN OUT OF HIM. It was said once, though the source escapes me at this time, that the only thing required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Those jurors are good people. Not only did they deliver a not guilty verdict; they had a special message to deliver my friend (Kevin) through another friend of ours who was sitting in the courtroom.

"Please tell Kevin that there was not a second that we did not believe him. There was not one second that we found the officers' story plausible, and we are horrified that they could so easily beat up someone who had called them for help. I'm horribly sorry that this happened to you at all." I cried when I heard that, not kidding. Absolution of guilt was obviously the intention, but for the entire jury to go out of their way to apologize to my friend after being literally put on trial for four days? That, my friends, is fucking justice. So now these four officers face perjury and assault charges, and the city is certainly going to be on the receiving end of a substantial lawsuit.

The lesson? Authority isn't always right. It isn't always just. Sometimes, it's the exact opposite. Don't let yourselves fall victim to anything. For my sake, and the sake of my friend, question everything that you hear. If this isn't reason enough to not doubt yourself, then your own convictions (not in court, I realize that might be seen as a pun) should be enough to realize that if you tell the truth there's no way that you can possibly be found guilty.

One day wiser, and experienced in the art of doubting, I pen to you all our story. The truth shall set you free.

Eternally yours, and with kindest personal (though net-delivered) regards;

Erik "Vedder" Ginty

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.

 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 4:00 pm 

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i gave up on the police many moons ago when my friend and my husband were attacked at her house by her neighbours (all happened infront of one of my girls who thought daddy and auntie susan were gonna get killed. His glasses were smashed her front door was smashed and both ended up with marks from attack, but because there was more of the attackers and only him and her to say otherwise police said they couldnt do anything unless my daughter was to take a stand in a trial and speak up against them (you're talking an 11 year old girl who was scared stiff at what she witnessed) another witness that non of us knew about called the police and made a statement the following day which resulted in the police back at our home to say the best they could do was now a warning as i wasnt having my kid up in court to testify against these people. What really smacked was when the 2 officers sitting in my home said we should have just dealt with it the local way (dark alley good hiding etc) so glad i know where our taxes are going.

My eldest daughter has decided that she now wants to join the police, my words of wisdom was "prove to me they aint all assholes and my taxes are going to good use". She's seen how shit some coppers are and wants to make some kind of difference. My hope is she sees the light and goes back to wanting to do midwifery, failing that she does indeed join the police force and does make a difference.


 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:11 pm 
Better than Kooyo
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cliff notes plz /


 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:18 pm 
Better than Kooyo
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jk i read it D:

gj vd , and gl to u and ur friends



 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:47 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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Going on record as saying not all po-leece are bad people. :(
But dude that's friggin' chronic, I'm really happy those shitheads got what was coming to them. Although I really doubt they're going to actually get what they deserve, police stations have massive funds for this cinda stuff. Not trying to be Captain Bringdown here, jus' sayin'.
Really happy for you and your homie Kevin yo, that's ballin'.


 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:57 pm 
Black Thumb
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Yes, I know not all police are bad people. These four, however, lied under oath to try to convict my friend of something that he didn't do. Thanks for the good tidings you guys. I've been pretty much sick about this for 11 months now, and this is just a complete overhaul in relation to the shit that has been happening to him. My friend turned down several plea deals because he KNEW that he was right. Last time they even offered him a misdemeanor with no jailtime, but he said no.

I recommend that the officers take whatever plea bargain is offered to them though^^

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.

 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:58 pm 
Bitter Canadian

Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 4:42 pm
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A+ story indeed

glad your friend got sorted and I hope those shitty cops get what they deserve
Sef's right though, they will probably get a slap on the wrist and kick the shit out of some other guy down the road D;


 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:16 pm 
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Once upon a time I was driving home from a poker game (in which no alcohol was consumed). There was a party across the street from said poker game. After getting onto the closest highway, I was immediately pulled over by a local cop, who proceeded to demand I get out of the vehicle with my hands where I could see them, demanding to know where the drugs and or alochol were. After berating me and keeping me at the back of my car with my hands on the vehilce while they searched my car, they eventually decided I wasnt whoever they were looking for. After letting me get back into my car, the officer was kind enough to let me know "by the way, your car is a peice of shit." Of course, I got his shield number before he drove off.

The next day I went to the police station to complain about the officers attitude, giving details about the incident, and saying if there were any discrepancies they could always check the dashboard video to verify (ya they had them back then).

I never heard about what happened with the report.

Two weeks later I'm driving home from the same poker game, only difference was this time I had been drinking (not much, but still). Of course, I get pulled over again. So I'm sitting there nervous as shit when the same exact officer happens to come to my window.

"License and regis....hey didnt I pull you over two weeks ago"


"...I was only doing my job, have a nice day asshole."

Sooooo ya im prty sure he got shit after I complained.


 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:37 pm 
Lost Gaiters
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Seriously though, I can't believe that I read VD's entire wall just to read that I'm not the only one that has problems with authority figures for good reason.


 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:56 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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Sad thing is, other than the guys piss-poor attitude what the cop did is completely legal. I wouldn't have been a dick about it, hell, I would have just said you can sit on or in my cruiser if you want while I look for shit.

It would have gone like this:
"Hey man, where you coming from."
"*location near party*"
"Alright listen dude, it's protocol I need to check your vehicle for alcohol and drugs because you came from in or around a local party. Could you please give me a few minutes to just check out your car, unless there's anything you want to tell me you may do so, but I don't care if you do, if I find open alcohol I am going to need to confiscate it, if I find drugs I am going to need to confiscate them and you may be charged depending on the amount (remember this is Canada, we're lenient), if the alcohol is closed you can keep it but you must put it in the back of your car. In the mean time, feel free to sit on my cruiser, sit in it if you want or watch me as I look through your vehicle."

Attitude goes a long way sometimes. :|


 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 11:15 pm 
Isabella's Mommy
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I think we all have instances where we know people who have been negatively affected by the police. I personally know family members who were beaten by the police after being pulled over for no reason, even though he cooperated, and is a pretty fairly minded guy. Of course he as african american and the cops were white and well it is Virginia. Sad to say that, racism still runs pretty strong in parts of my home state. Of course they tried to pull the same routine - taking him to court saying he resisted arrest and assaulted officers. Like your friend he was found innocent and afterwards he took it one step further and sued the city. Now I dont know the full details but Im fairly certain the city settled with him to avoid a civil suit - but this is probably the route your friend should take. And most likely if the city has to pay something - those officers will not be working long. Good luck to your friend, I hope he finds the justice he deserves...

And mertypoo, that cop really had no busines searching your car the first time around. I know it seems stupid and probably like asking for more trouble but there is a correct way in dealing with the police (most of the time) and you can avoid getting the crap beat out of you - providing the police officers you are dealing with are not absolute trash to begin with. I highly reccommend the info on this website: if only to educate yourselves about the rights you do have when the police take advantage of the power they think they have.

thanks fuji <3

 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 5:58 pm 
Black Thumb
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Kariana wrote:
Like your friend he was found innocent and afterwards he took it one step further and sued the city. Now I dont know the full details but Im fairly certain the city settled with him to avoid a civil suit - but this is probably the route your friend should take. And most likely if the city has to pay something - those officers will not be working long. Good luck to your friend, I hope he finds the justice he deserves...

He most certainly will. He's already retaining the same firm that did his defense case for the civil lawsuit. My friend lost his job over this, lost his reputation, lost a LOT. Stuff that he will be unable to get back. His family court even fucked him over with custody rights to his daughter because of his involvement in multiple felony charges.

4 officers, 1 each
The city of Lockport
The city of Lockport Police Department

All in all, it sounds like 6 lawsuits to me! Usually the only people who get paid for losing fights are WBA boxers.

My favorite part about the whole thing is that the cops are going to be charged with gang assault. LOL. They were wearing their gang colors and everything that night! Their gang colors are actually dark blue with a shiny silver badge, for the record. 3 male officers, 1 female officer. I hope those 3 male officers end up in federal pound-me-in-the-ass prison and that the female officer becomes a sushi connoisseur in a dyke-laden female prison.

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.

 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:29 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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Yorke wrote:
and that the female officer becomes a sushi connoisseur in a dyke-laden female prison.

Worse: Darien Lake.


 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:29 am 
Black Thumb
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I liek that place ;/ Haven't been there in years. The Superman coaster is some elite shit. I've never been to Canada's Wonderland, I've heard great things.

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.

 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:08 pm 
Black Thumb
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My brother was just pulled over in Lockport (where this happened) for not wearing a seatbelt. Funny thing is, he was on his way to the police station to collect his bail. Apparently the conversation went something like this...

"Why are you going to the police station?"
"Picking up my bail from my friend's case and then heading to file paperwork against the city."
"'re the basketball coach's son right? (true btw, my father was the local HS basketball coach till this year)"
"o, 1 sec plz"
*goes to his car*
"k, you're good. cu"

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.

 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:09 pm 
Black Thumb
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My brother (who was a witness in the case) was just pulled over in Lockport (where this happened) for not wearing a seatbelt. Funny thing is, he was on his way to the police station to collect his bail. Apparently the conversation went something like this...

"Why are you going to the police station?"
"Picking up my bail from my friend's case and then heading to file paperwork against the city."
"'re the basketball coach's son right? (true btw, my father was the local HS basketball coach till this year)"
"o, 1 sec plz"
*goes to his car*
"k, you're good. cu"

Edit: sry about double post, forgot an important detail

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams-
Lies are a funny thing,
they slip through your fingertips because
they never happened to you.

 Post subject: Re: Police brutality
PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:32 pm 
Purposely trained wrong as a joke.
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Quick, get all the drugs you can from the police while you're high-strung.


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