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Brother's writing class
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Author:  Psoleus [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Brother's writing class

since my brother can't write and he's taking a writing class i've ended up writing all his papers for him

i'm working on a fairy tale right now and will post it when i'm done for the lewls.

Author:  Psoleus [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

I think Metron will enjoy it.

Author:  Tyriac [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

Psoleus wrote:
Im writing a fantasy about Mertron under the pseudonym of my brothers name

Psoleus wrote:
ILU Mertron.


Author:  ItsSeflol [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

Where's the part about me? :plain:
stfu amy

Author:  Psoleus [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

k, part one is done part 2 isn't due for a while

i'll add you in part 2 sefadin :D

Author:  Psoleus [ Fri Mar 13, 2009 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

Once upon a time there was a Wendy’s. Inside of this Wendy’s was a leaking sink faucet, so the store manager called a plumber, this plumber’s name was Mertron. When Mertron arrived at Wendy’s to fix the leaking faucet he was wearing what appeared to be a black suit of armor and carrying a giant scythe for no apparent reason. The manager asked him what his problem was, Mertron replied with slicing him in half. After the manager was taught his lesson Mertron decided to take a look under the sink, he still had to be paid after all.
When Mertron looked under the sink he saw a pipe that was leaking glowing, green liquid into a box of potatoes that had no business being underneath a sink at all. Mertron looked behind him and saw an employee whose name tag said “Kariana”. Mertron asked her what the box was doing underneath the sink. She responded only with tears of fear because of what had just happened to his manager. Mertron did not take this well at all; he expected answer when he asked questions, so he cast a magic spell on the employee that drained her of all life. After Kariana’s lifeless body hit the floor Mertron returned to his work plumbing. After he plumbed the sink until it could be plumbed no more, he took the box of potatoes and hurled them through the ceiling into the sky, launching it into a low orbit.
Several weeks have passed since the hurling of the potato box into the sky. The glowing liquid of the leaky faucet combined with the Sun’s rays started having an effect on the potatoes within. All of a sudden there was nothing out of the ordinary! The next all of a sudden one potato inside the box ate all the others, grew a face, arms, legs, a spud utility belt, and a cape. Upon his cape was written the word Spudman.
Spudman’s Wendy’s sense started tingling and he had the urge to bathe in sour cream and chives, but since there was none to be found he decided to seek out Mertron to avenge his late manager and Kariana.
Spudman flew to the Wendy’s where he used to live and saw the footprints of a giant ostrich leading away from Wendy’s. He knew for sure this must be Mertron since nobody else would be able to ride a giant ostrich from which these tracks came. He followed the tracks until he came to a house made out of blue pearls that were linked together. Spudman walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. Mertron immediately opened the door and said, “Sup guy.” Spudman did not like his attitude and threw a spuderang at him. Mertron ate the spuderang and said, “Hey thanks.” Spudman knew now there was no way that he could ever beat this powerful being known as Mertron, so he decided to join with him and rule the world together! “Hi there,” Spudman said, “I would like to join you and rule the world together side by side.” Mertron said, “Oh, ok. Come in and if my dog Psoleus doesn’t eat you then you can join me.”
Spudman entered the house of blue pearls and saw Psoleus staring at him, licking his lips. Spudman nervously said, “Good doggie.” The dog then ate Spudman. It was looking grim for our hero, until suddenly nothing happened! Just then, something did happen, but it wasn’t anything worth mentioning. Then, a miracle happened, Spudman teleported out of Psoleus’ stomach into the realm of the non-eaten once more! “Cool,” Mertron said, “let’s go kill stuff.”
So Mertron, Psoleus, and Spudman adventured together for quite some time taking over the world. Some days Mertron and Psoleus were very bored and had to wait for 3 hours to fight a dragon, but other days were very exciting like the day when Mertron was stabbed in the throat and Spudman looked at him for a minute before realizing he could use his Spudcure to heal him. After two years of adventuring together Spudman looked at Mertron and said, “Sup bro?” Then Mertron said, “Not much,” and on they went, happy as could be. Little did they know their adventures would soon be coming to an abrupt end….
One day during the exciting life of taking over the world, slicing people in half, and frolicking, Mertron, Spudman, and Psoleus met somebody very odd indeed. This person was extremely short, had a nose like a dog, and dark brown hair. His neck was very hairy, and he liked to wear a red helmet. “Why hello there Mertron and Spudman, my name is Dye. How is you guys today?” Shocked that this odd midget knew their names, Mertron and Spudman decided to kill this odd short man. “DIE!” Mertron yelled. “Yes, how may I help you?” Dye replied. Mertron was dumbfounded, as Mertron easily gets, so he pulled his scythe out and killed Dye. “Ho ho ho,” Mertron chuckled aloud, “Nobody messes with the great Mertron and doesn’t get sliced in half like so.” Spudman smiled and applauded, “Ho ho ho, you are so good.”
Then all of a sudden, a cloud blocked the sun! After the cloud passed the epic duo, and pet Psoleus, continued dominating the world. On their way they saw a weird red headed figure in the distance. They decided to make a quick pit stop, kill the red headed figure, and continue on, but when they caught up to this red headed figure they were stunned and couldn’t move, just like two yellow rings that don’t move. “Sup guys, my name is Mirabella. My hair is red and cute, and I can play a flute and shoot you with a bow,” this red head said. “Oh,” said Spudman, “wanna join us and kill stuff?” Mirabella was not impressed with them and said, “No thanks, but I can kill you instead!” Egads! Spudman thought to himself, why did I just think about Egads, I haven’t eaten those for ages? How am I ever gonna get out of this one?
Well if you want to find out, stay tuned for next time! SPUDMAAAAAAN

Author:  Psoleus [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

keep in mind it's for a class, so i can't be too awesome in it

Author:  Boba [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

that was pretty gay, but pretty awesome at the same time

Author:  Tyriac [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class


Author:  ItsSeflol [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

Something tells me your brothers papers were all aced.

Author:  Kariana [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

I better be resurrected into something cool .... no fair that mira gets to be all cool, bad-ass and redhaired! :hostile: :hostile: :nonono:

Author:  Mrdude [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

kewl story

Author:  Mirabella [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

Lol, great story pso. I can't wait to see what happens in part 2. Remember though, if you do end up killing me off, Mert cant do it. I've already killed him once (its in my sig!!) and he's never killed me :lol: So you'll have to think of something else :popcorn:

Author:  Psoleus [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

indeed he has aced all his papers

and don't worry mira, you shall enjoy part 2, and mert shall enjoy part 2 less than part 1 :>

Author:  Psoleus [ Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

and lol@kari dying first

Author:  sera [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

lol@ the use of "Egads!"

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

sera wrote:
lol@ the use of "Egads!"


Author:  Mrdude [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

what are we going to do tonight, Sef?

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

Same thing we do every night Mrd'y.

Author:  Lolmy [ Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Brother's writing class

drink alone while masturbating to your own tears?

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