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MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!
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Author:  Ploid [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/e ... ft-players

... cites a recruiter working in the online media industry as saying that employers think WOW players are too sleep-deprived and distracted to be effective in the workplace.

"Employers specifically instruct him not to send them World of Warcraft players," said the poster. "He said there is a belief that WOW players cannot give 100 per cent because their focus is elsewhere, their sleeping patterns are often not great, et cetera."

There is a counter-theory that playing WOW - specifically, leading an active guild, which can involve some tricky management of people and time - makes for great employment experience, but the recruiter was having none of it.

"I mentioned that some people have written about MMOG leadership experience as a career positive or a way to learn project management skills, and he shook his head. He has been specifically asked to avoid WOW players," the posted said.

tl;dnr version (for sleepy sub 100% Sef)

People who play MMORPGs are dead weight in the work place, also in the sack (I added that part. I think it's a nice joke).

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

"Do you play a MMO?"
"Next question."

Author:  Safersephx [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!


the part about keeping focus is right...
i usually check forums a few times during the day... well unless im super busy and need something sent out immediately....

but now with this gay ass web filter, i pretty much only have access to eden ~_~

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

You miss your chance to brag about your leadership skills, your ability to work under pressure (flail recovery 101), or your skills in following orders.

Author:  sera [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

lol at dis

Author:  Ploid [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

Some people look at it like they're hiring a junkie.

Normally if I saw an article like this, I'd be up in arms on how it's discrimination - and that WoW is not nearly as bad as a criminal or drug addict etc... up until the last 6-7 months.

Seriously, I have hired close to 15 people over the last 6-7 months (I work in retail, so the turnover is pretty high - meaning regular hiring). Four of the people I hired played WoW. Out of those four, I have had to let go of each and every one of them. I'd find it difficult to make a broad generalization as to the effects of WoW on a person's work ethic and performance - but without a doubt, in my experience, WoW is like a drug.

All of them had shitty performance, social skills and little to no aspirations or goals. Worse yet, most of them had a severely flawed work ethic - often half assing 90% of their work load, arriving late without excuses, no self respect in terms of grooming and dress standards and they would turn up extremely tired at least half the time.

Of course, there were those who were better/worse at balancing their WoW/Family/Work time. One was doing quite well at University and had a steady girlfriend, and despite his WoW addiction - managed to turn up for each and every rostered day, never pulled sickie's or made excuses for poor performance. Another however, besides abandoning his grooming/dress standards a few days after being hired, would constantly bring every conversation back to WoW or gaming in general. Worst of all, a few weeks into his employment he revealed that he was a high school drop-out, who was working to save enough money to fly over to, and attend, BlizzCon. Things got laughably bad when he revealed that his goal in life (high school drop, over 25 years old, no tertiary education, and this was his first semi-serious job) was to make his own MMO that would be, and I quote, "Pawn WoW".

Now... I can admit to being a nerd at work. I can actively talk about gaming to those who are interested. However, revealing something like that in a store that employs 50+ people is fucking suicide. The bloke had to leave because there was literally no-one in the store who would talk to him, and those who did, solely did it to get a laugh (often talking shit about WoW, or doing impressions etc). By the end of it all, I truly felt sorry for him (he had some serious family issues, had to sleep in his car some nights etc)... and though very little of the above would be directly related to the negative effects of WoW - it has to make you think whether WoW is any different to a drug?


A colleague at my previous job started playing WoW a year ago, he now never leaves the house (except for work) and when he is at work talks about WoW all day and is looking up info on it. It's quite sad.

This used to be me with FFXI. Those are bittersweet memories. On the one hand I was enjoying the hell out of myself. On the other, I was a total flake at work, and antisocial during my off-time. My fiance would come over and we'd take care of business, and as soon as she was asleep, I'd be up and at the game again.

I'm glad I quit (almost two years ago) and moved past that stage of my life. That said, I just recently started WoW. I'm only playing a few hours at a time now, and so far I've kept myself from staying up too late on it. I think I can keep myself from getting too into it now, as I'm actually married (not living alone with my addiction), and into other games and hobbies as much as I am WoW.

But yeah, I was a miserable worker during my FFXI time....

Come now, we all must have played ffxi hardcore at one point (Must get job x to level 60 for the new shiny asap, kings all popping at the same time!). Well from my prospective I skimped on work in favor of ffxi often lol. I even tried doing work while exping rdm. I remember having a harsh deadline and I was still trying to do them both and I had to force myself to stop by quitting the party (static). Crack? Seems like it, I can't remember the amount of times I'd play ffxi without eating. Food was secondary. If I didn't have to be out of the house or didn't have plans with groups I'd be on the game, even if it was to afk chatting with the ls.

Thank gawd for these forums aye? I can do everything in a restaurant if I want.

How many of us made jokes about the FFXI warning at the start of the game? We neglect them anyway.

However there are more people out there that know how to take things in moderation. Mef, and Asta for example (a lot more but I'm not naming everyone). Actually I can't name anyone that's hardcore other than Eudon at one time. The dude was everywhere, leading every stinkin thing.

Author:  M fkn G [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

:D I was never addicted... less so now. 4.0 in school and going out to get my penis fondled by lovely ladies every now and again... yay!

Author:  Ploid [ Fri Dec 19, 2008 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

I was addicted and that was a problem. I think if I never leveled bst (the beauty of pick up and play) and never had to quit for a few weeks to get my school work done I would have still been at it. And having a girl that don't like ffxi, and me playing a game I can't pause helps.

Author:  Lolmy [ Sat Dec 20, 2008 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

that story mentions that the kid is a good university student, but never got a high school diploma, wut :dunno:

Author:  Ploid [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

You don't need a diploma to go to college. Also maybe he was so smart that he didn't need high school. That or he got into a fight and got expelled from HS and got a GED. I remember someone doing that. The fight left blood everywhere. Pay per view type of stuff.

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

Maybe he's Chuck Norris and the school doesn't teach him, he teaches the school.

Author:  Lolmy [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

maybe that guy is a fucking liar


Author:  Ploid [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

Australia bans MMO games from being sold.

In a shocking move this morning, the Sydney Morning Herald has reported that Australian retailers will no longer be allowed to sell any online game that has not been classified by the Australian Classification Board.

This move directly affects games such as World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, Age of Conan and Pirates of the Burning Seas – titles that don't contain a single-player experience, and therefore did not apply for classification.


Glad I don't live in Australia. Not because of the MMO thing, but because they also banned 18+ games.

Author:  Mrdude [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

wow, lewl
thats actually kinda funny they'd ban mmo's and such from selling.

Author:  Yorke [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

owned, mate

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

Dingo ate your Chocobo?

Author:  Mrdude [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

doesn't cham live there?

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!

As long as you already have the game you're fine.

Author:  Kobesama [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!


Author:  ItsSeflol [ Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: MMORPGs are threatened. You play one? Job App rejected!


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