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September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)
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Author:  Safersephx [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)


September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)
Adventurers of all stripes can look forward to enhancements galore in the upcoming September version update, designed to make questing in Vana'diel more gratifying than ever!
If the first preview wasn't enough to whet your appetite, today we have the latest scoop on increased experience and the Myriad Arms of Balrahn quest sequence that will at long last allow players to forge these mysterious and highly anticipated mythic weapons.

Experience Boost

Loyal readers already know that the new Level Sync system and automatic scaling-down of equipment will add a heretofore unheard-of level of freedom to party-based adventuring, but that isn't the least of it! With the new version update, there will be more experience to be had as well!

Previously, enemies classified as "easy prey" or "a decent challenge" would provide a relatively paltry amount of experience points, leaving career-minded adventurers understandably dismayed. No more, however! Vanquishing these monsters will now lead to substantially larger helpings of EXP, to better reward players for braving the challenges these still-formidable foes present.

Information on the Level Sync system and equipment scaling can be found here.

"Nyzul Isle Investigation" Gets an Overhaul

The mythic weapon and new weapon skill quests have previously (07/29/2008) been introduced in this space. Today, we'd like to bring you the latest details on these quests that have the potential to transform you into one of the most lethal adventurers in the realm.

The conditions for embarking upon the new weapon skill quests will be twofold: you must be enlisted as a mercenary in Salaheem's Sentinels, and you must be in possession of the job-specific weapon from the "Nyzul Isle Investigation" Assault mission.
The requirements for completing these quests will vary depending on how far you have progressed in Nyzul Isle, so it will behoove adventurers to be thorough in their reconnaissance of that murky labyrinth.

At the same time, an assortment of tweaks will be made to ensure that the mission goes smoothly:

[#1] Greatly increased chance of receiving your job-specific weapon!
Previously, only the nastiest adversaries in the darkest, dankest reaches of Nyzul Isle (Level 100) would part with the job-specific weapons adventurers seek. Now, there is a possibility that foes on other floors will drop these weapons as well, while defeating the denizens of Level 100 will guarantee you two job-specific weapons: one randomly selected, and one matching the job of the player who operated the Rune of Transfer (the latter regardless of whether or not that player also possesses the Runic Key.)

[#2] Progress saved to Runic Disc to be retained!
Previously, your recorded data would be reset upon completing Level 100 of the mission, reducing your Runic Disc to a rather expensive paperweight until such time as you begin the mission anew. No longer, however, as your progress data will now remain intact even after cleansing the Isle of its most deadly inhabitants, allowing you to return to the most challenging levels for another chance at the weapon you seek!

[#3] Players who have already cleared Level 100 need not fear!
Brave adventurers who have already explored every nook and cranny of Nyzul Isle, do not fear—your achievements will not go for naught! Even if your progress data has already been cleared, the Runic Key itself will now serve as an express ticket to any level of the Isle (in increments of five) up to Level 96, giving you free rein to traverse the area as you see fit!

[#4] Progress data to be stored for all party members!
With the new version update, floor data will be recorded and updated for all players, not only those who directly operate the Rune of Transfer.
For their progress data to be updated, players must begin the mission on a floor equal to or lesser than the maximum level currently recorded on their disc. Provided this condition is met, progress data will automatically be updated each time a previously uncharted level is completed.

That sums up the major changes planned for the Nyzul Isle Investigation in the upcoming version update.

Players who have already embarked upon the quest sequence for their mythic weapon may tackle the new weapon skill quests concurrently. Those players who have already received their Nyzul weapon and entrusted it to Abquhbah, however, are encouraged to travel back to the Isle and acquire the weapon once more.

Abquhbah will return your weapon if asked politely, but please note that this will result in all mythic weapon quest data from "Duties, Tasks, and Deeds" onward being cleared from your record.

For previously released details on mythic weapons and the new weapon skills, please refer here.


i wanna play =/

Author:  Mrdude [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

Players who have already embarked upon the quest sequence for their mythic weapon may tackle the new weapon skill quests concurrently. Those players who have already received their Nyzul weapon and entrusted it to Abquhbah, however, are encouraged to travel back to the Isle and acquire the weapon once more.


Author:  Yorke [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)



Author:  Seiriem [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

womg some nyzul ppl lemme get a Great Katana D;

Author:  Ploid [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

The only thing that interested me is the exp boost, but screw exping in this game all the time. It's all people ever do. Broken record.

lol relic v.2.0 gl getting those.

Author:  Asta [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

EP were hard?

Author:  Lolmy [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

boring :zzz:

Author:  Iticus [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

Why shoto no lyke amy?

Author:  Kooyo [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

Hi safer i got dalmy :mrgreen:

Author:  Mertron [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

Asta wrote:
EP were hard?


why dont they just increase the exp for t-vt mobs


also yay I can finally get my fucking nyzul swords, can we kill toa kings plz.

Author:  Darkwarrior [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

Mertron wrote:
Asta wrote:
EP were hard?


why dont they just increase the exp for t-vt mobs


also yay I can finally get my fucking nyzul swords, can we kill toa kings plz.

what he said.

seriously, we should just take a weekend and go kill all 3 in a row.

Author:  Tyriac [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

id love to kill toau kings please, start early enough tho so i can stay for all :>

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

It's like they actually want people to like their company.

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

SE is feeling pressure to attract people. Everyone is quitting ffxi. By everyone I mean cool people. By cool people I mean people I know. When it effects their bottom line they will stop being stubborn and make cool loot even. Just wait for a weapon that murders Ridill and not as stupid to obtain. It will also have -50 earth, fire, wind, water, ice, thunder, light, dark, CHR, hp, and mp though.

Author:  ItsSeflol [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

aka stuff no one cares about

Author:  Ploid [ Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: September Version Update Preview: Part Two (09/03/2008)

But PLDs do, amirite?

And if a monster sneeze on you you'll lose 200 hp no mater what element it is :(

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